ATTENTION: Read this before posting upgrade questions/'Will my PC run HL2?' questions

Well I guess it should run fine on at least 1024x 768, maybe even 1240 * 1024. But IIRC direct X 9 is not supported by your gfx card, so the real cutting edge neato effects will be unavailable.

But if you're not that bothered by that and want a solid gameplay experience, your pc is more than ok for the job.
ok so heres what it looks like i'll be playing on:

Amd Athlon 1800XP
512 DDR 2100
60gig 5400rpm
Power Color Radeon 9600XT Bravo Edition AGP x4

so what am i looking at? Medium settings on 1024x768 perhaps?
also a couple of tech questions will i see much difference with using that overdrive feature on the video card? and also would a upgrade to a 2400+ cpu help things for the money??
Navy Man said:
ok so heres what it looks like i'll be playing on:

Amd Athlon 1800XP
512 DDR 2100
60gig 5400rpm
Power Color Radeon 9600XT Bravo Edition AGP x4

so what am i looking at? Medium settings on 1024x768 perhaps?
also a couple of tech questions will i see much difference with using that overdrive feature on the video card? and also would a upgrade to a 2400+ cpu help things for the money??

You will probably see medium/high graphical settings at 1024 by 768 resolution @ 30fps. However, you may have to turn physics accuracy since your CPU is a bit lacking.

Upgrading your CPU will not help framerates that much, but will allow you turn on physics detail a bit higher. If you have the spare cash, go ahead an upgrade. But it isn't necessary. You will still get awesome experience from your rig.

Overdrive will only help a little (1 to 3 percent increase in framerates), as it only overclocks to a certain threshold which guarantees your video card will not get damaged. If I were you, I would enable it as long as you are not using a third party overclocking utility. I wouldn't complain, its free performance.
is 30 fps playable?, also would 800x600 help things out :p

Thanks alot for your respone :)
Navy Man said:
is 30 fps playable?, also would 800x600 help things out :p

Thanks alot for your respone :)

Well, it depends on the person to be honest, but for all practical uses, 30 fps is smooth enough to play video games. I have no problems what-so-ever playing at 30 fps. It may take some getting used to if you routinely play a game like CS where you get extremely high fps. But it is defintely playable.
alright, i just recieved my new card today and well i'm getting the same fps in every single game i have. Is this saying that my Athlon 1800xp is choking my new shiny Power Color Radeon 9600XT bravo?
Navy Man said:
alright, i just recieved my new card today and well i'm getting the same fps in every single game i have. Is this saying that my Athlon 1800xp is choking my new shiny Power Color Radeon 9600XT bravo?

A possible explanation is that you are running better graphics which puts more strain on the video card which lowers your framerates.

An Athlon XP 1800 should be more than enough to prevent any CPU bottleneck.

Also, see this thread to make sure your properly uninstalled your old graphics card drivers.
Hi everyone. How well do you think this comp will run it?

Intel Pentium 4 3.00E GHz 800FSB w/1MB Cache, Hyper-Threading
Gigabyte GA-7N400-L w/ DualDDR400, Audio, Lan, AGP8X
Micron Original 512MB PC3200 DDR400
Sapphire Atlantis Radeon 9600 256MB w/ TV-Out DVI

I know it won't run on the highest settings of everything (mainly due to my older vid card), but do you think I'd be able to use at least medium settings with a decent FPS? Thanks!
Yes it should run medium at a good fps. I would save up for a better card.
I have:

AMD Athlon 900mhz (equivalent to a 1ghz)
Ati Radeon 8500 Le (128mb)
512 mb SD Ram

Do you guys think I might be able to run it a low everything and have a respectable 30 fps (meaning playable)?
I emailed gabe and lombardi several times but I've never gotten a response.
I tried running the Doom 3 demo at low everything and it was kinda choppy, though somewhat playable.

Thanks for your help.

Ok, I was thinking of switching out my stock 1GB Dell DDR SDRAM PC3200, for 1GB Corsair Xtreme edition ram..... but it's gonna cost about $230. So I was wondering if the performance boost was worth the hefty price.

Also, if I kept my stock ram, and added the new Corsair RAM, would I still get the same speed from the Corsair RAM, or will it slow down to meet my old RAM. The frequencies will be the same (400MHz).

ps: I have 4 DIMM slots, so it is possible to keep the old RAM and add the new.

Any help is appreciated, thanks :p
Keoki said:
I have:

AMD Athlon 900mhz (equivalent to a 1ghz)
Ati Radeon 8500 Le (128mb)
512 mb SD Ram

Do you guys think I might be able to run it a low everything and have a respectable 30 fps (meaning playable)?
I emailed gabe and lombardi several times but I've never gotten a response.
I tried running the Doom 3 demo at low everything and it was kinda choppy, though somewhat playable.

Thanks for your help.
I would think it should work alright. Playable on low settings. ;)
Chez Bippy said:
Ok, I was thinking of switching out my stock 1GB Dell DDR SDRAM PC3200, for 1GB Corsair Xtreme edition ram..... but it's gonna cost about $230. So I was wondering if the performance boost was worth the hefty price.

Also, if I kept my stock ram, and added the new Corsair RAM, would I still get the same speed from the Corsair RAM, or will it slow down to meet my old RAM. The frequencies will be the same (400MHz).

ps: I have 4 DIMM slots, so it is possible to keep the old RAM and add the new.

Any help is appreciated, thanks :p
If you have a Dell PC it would not be worth replacing your memory especially for 230$.
Plus it is not wise to add too much memory. ;)
errrr.... ok? Why isn't it a good idea to have too much RAM, I always thought more was better.
Wow...... just wow.....
I never would have guessed.
Thanks for the info!
The lower the timings on the ram are, the better (I guess it's just faster) Mushkin ram has really good, low timings, and it's cheap on newegg. My ram's timing is 2.5-3-3-6.
Ok, I downloaded the Doom 3 demo, and at some points it runs somewhat smoothly at 800x640 everything on low, and the other half the time its a bit choppy, but not to bad, its playable to say the least. Here are my specs, and I am not upgrading because later on this year or probably sometime next year im probably jsut going to build a new computer. Its a Dell Pentium 4 1.3 ghz, 512 mbs Rambus Ram, 128 mb ATI Radeon 9600(i know it bottlenecks). How do you think Half Life 2 will run? and on what settings will it play the best and I will still get some good visual quality?
1.3Ghz is less than the minimum requirements for Doom 3, and you can run it pretty well. So I think you will be able to play HL2 on low/medium settings with a good framerate judging from your 9600.
ok, i have:
amd xp 2400
768 mb pc2100
9500 pro
asus a7v8x kt400 mobo

How will half life 2 run? I know it will RUN, but i was wondering what settings i would expect to play it on, like med or high settings, 800x600 or 1040x768? I was also unsure of what to upgrade. I wasnt sure if i would get more performance from getting a new graphics card, or better (still xp) processor(the highest i can get for that mobo is a xp 3000 333fsb), or if one would bottleneck the other. Help would be greatly appreciated
correct me if I'm crazy but i am planning on playing HL2 on high (everything) with 1024x768.

1.8ghz P4
ATI Radeon 9600XT
768mb ram

I think my PC is up to it right?
will this be able to run HL2 smoothly? and at what settings?

Acer Travelmate 8000
Pentium M 1.6ghz (equivalent to Pentium 4 2.6ghz)
1536mb RAM
Mobility Radeon 9700 128mb
Benneh111 said:
will this be able to run HL2 smoothly? and at what settings?

Acer Travelmate 8000
Pentium M 1.6ghz (equivalent to Pentium 4 2.6ghz)
1536mb RAM
Mobility Radeon 9700 128mb

At a guess your gpu will let you down, the rest seems more than enough.

I'd suggest investing in a new GPU, it'l make the world of difference.

Other than that you're looking at a low-medium graphics setting at 1024*768 with no AA&AF.

Physics can be max (if theres a setting) due to ur CPU.
WTF?! that's the best mobility gpu there is!

i think u can run everything maxed.
lool what was i thinking?! :LOL: i b v.sowwie for my stupidity lol
it aint the best out there guys... Mobility 9800 is the latest.. which totally PWNS mine... lol... and of course the new X600 PCI...

i was jus gettin a lil worried coz mine is kinda outdated lol

but anyways i hope i can get to play it..

the only thing that worries me is the fact that i only have 4 Texture Pipelines. :(
mashed said:
ok, i have:
amd xp 2400
768 mb pc2100
9500 pro
asus a7v8x kt400 mobo

How will half life 2 run? I know it will RUN, but i was wondering what settings i would expect to play it on, like med or high settings, 800x600 or 1040x768? I was also unsure of what to upgrade. I wasnt sure if i would get more performance from getting a new graphics card, or better (still xp) processor(the highest i can get for that mobo is a xp 3000 333fsb), or if one would bottleneck the other. Help would be greatly appreciated
look at the quote (incase it was missed, sorry)
u will be able to get medium settings at 800 res. with an average of 40fps, which will decrease further to 20 fps when u go into open areas. and as well all know, there hl2 is basically one big open area. GL HF. LOL!

i on the other hand am hl2 equipped :D

pity daddys poor and cant afford to buy u a leet rig.

maybe he shouldnt have smoked all that pot in highschool huh? lol.

farmers son.
Athlon XP 2500 Mobile - OC'd to 2.3 gig
Corsair XMS 512mb - timings at 2-3-3-6
Abit NF7-S Revision 2
(and the downfall of my PC) Radeon 7000 64mb

so I was wondering if I could possibly play CS:Source on low visual settings with playable framerates.. (note 10 FPS is not playable )

Someone predict what kind of FPS i'll get?
omg radeon 7000!!! thats like a geforce 2mx or some shit LOL OMG! throw it away.. in fact throw ur whole system away. ur processor sucks.

and ull get about 20fps on low settings at 640x480
Benneh111 said:
omg radeon 7000!!! thats like a geforce 2mx or some shit LOL OMG! throw it away.. in fact throw ur whole system away. ur processor sucks.

and ull get about 20fps on low settings at 640x480

I'd prefer somebody who actually knows what hes talking about to reply.
Your system is fine, other than your video card. I actually don't think it will run HL2, possibly on low settings.

Prediction for the future:
umm i DO know whut im talkin about... whats so hard to believe about the lousy FPS ure gonna get on ur LOUSY card? its pretty tangible i must say. i mean seriously, if ure gonna be a cheap tightass and hope that ur crappy fisher price radeon 7000 is gonna handle hl2... then dont even bother comin here askin becoz u urself know u got a crap card. thanx come again :D
Benneh111 said:
umm i DO know whut im talkin about... whats so hard to believe about the lousy FPS ure gonna get on ur LOUSY card? its pretty tangible i must say. i mean seriously, if ure gonna be a cheap tightass and hope that ur crappy fisher price radeon 7000 is gonna handle hl2... then dont even bother comin here askin becoz u urself know u got a crap card. thanx come again :D

No your an idiot that shouldn't post about hardware. Simply because of your lack of knowledge.
I know your probably sick of hearing about video cards but I've been searching for this answer... My comp: AMD Athlon 64 2800+, 512 DDR PC3200 and a GF4 TI 4200 128. Will my video card be powerful enough to render all the special effects in Source?
Yes, the TI4200 is an awesome card for its price! If you have some extra money, grab a 9800 Pro/6800 GT and another 512 stick-o-ram
I'm getting a new Dell with:
P4 3.2 ghz HT Tech.
1Gb DDR2 400mhz
radeon x300SE 128mb

I already know the x300SE is just as bad as a radeon 9200 (my current PC has a Radeon 9500 Pro soft-modded to a Radeon 9700), and i'm looking to get either a Radeon x700 128mb or a Nvidia Geforce 6600GT to replace it, which one do you think i should get, and will either of those cards run HL2 well? And is there a huge difference between 400mhz RAM and 533mhz RAM?

P.S. the motherboard is PCI-express