ATTENTION: Read this before posting upgrade questions/'Will my PC run HL2?' questions

Athlon 64 3000+
512mb RAM (soon to be 1 gig)
Radeon 9200 256mb

How will I be with the 1024 x 768 resolution my monitor allows?
Malfunction said:
Google a program called CPU-Z, it should give you some specs. Now, what type of budget are you on? But, for now I'll give you some ideas.

Sorry to say, pretty much all of your parts are outdated. For upgrades, at least for now, I'd get a better CPU, and a better videocard (9800 pro). The problem is, if you upgrade your processor, you'll probably need to upgrade your mobo as well, since it probably won't support the new CPU sockets. But once again, I can't recommend much until I know your budget.

well to be quite honest i was just looking at getting a new vid card, and perhaps getting a new comp next year. So really all i wanted was acceptable perfomance with a new card, nothing blistering fast :p

k well my mother board is a SiS-745 AGP x4, ram support up to 333mhz, which i wasn't aware of as i only have 266mhz atm. Also i would have to upgrade the motherboard if i was to go over 2500+? as it is only CPU Socket Socket A (200/266 MHz Support) .

so yer should i just keep my money and play with the geforce 3 lol , or just shell out a bit now to enhance it a tad.
Oh ok, your mobo is socket 754, that's fine for now. Well, ok, if you don't want to spend much now, an Athlon XP 2500+ would be ok. Nothing fancy, but good and reliable, and then I'd recommend getting a 9800 pro and buying HL2 seperately. That should cover you for HL2 with decent settings. My brother has pretty much that same set-up, 9800 pro, A-XP 2500+, but with a gig of Corsair RAM, and it can let him play most current games on pretty nice settings.
excuse my ignorance :) , but does having only support for 200/266 MHz Support still allow me to run a 2500+, but would it be like ram, and just run it slower at 266mhz? , cheers
help me!

I need some major help on what cost-effective actions I should take to upgrade my pc in preparation for the release of hl-2.

I currently have:
Pentium 4 2.0 ghz
512 megs of ram

I won't even mention my video card to spare me some major embarrasment. let's just say it needs to be replaced. badly.

I was looking to spend around $250-$350.

Any suggestions?
stetson said:
I need some major help on what cost-effective actions I should take to upgrade my pc in preparation for the release of hl-2.

I currently have:
Pentium 4 2.0 ghz
512 megs of ram

I won't even mention my video card to spare me some major embarrasment. let's just say it needs to be replaced. badly.

I was looking to spend around $250-$350.

Any suggestions?

Yes. New comp. AMD or Intel (Around 2.8-3.2 ghz?), Sapphire Radeon 9800 Pro 128 MB and some good, 400 mhz RAM to go with your new mobo's busspeed.
why is that necessary?
what different results would I expect with a new, top of the line video card and more memory vs. a new computer?
stetson said:
why is that necessary?
what different results would I expect with a new, top of the line video card and more memory vs. a new computer?

A ATI 9800 Pro for 200 USD would be good.

A Nvidia 6800 for 300 USD would have better performance. However, there maybe some bottlenecking going on. I don't know since I haven't seen any CPU scaling articles regarding the 6800. If you did get the 6800 it will have awesome performance.

As for your CPU, an upgrade would be helpful, but not necessary. I would only upgrade your CPU if I could get a great deal. That isn't very likely though.

As for RAM, an upgrade to 1 GB would be helpful. The extra 512 MB RAM will help load times and reduce stuttering when a game loads up. This upgrade should cost under 90 USD.
HELP ME.....

or at least laugh at my computer; somewhat...

it's a Pentium 4 <-- good start hey!
512mb ram <-- okay for HL2 i hope
enough space on hd
1.2gHz <-- OH NO!!!!!!
and best of all;
a GeForce 2 MX 400 64mb
<-- argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!
Apart from the obvious money spending exercises..... can i jst replace the video card? and like can you replace motherboards easily? or do you have to like pay someone to do it?
ok my turn....

p4 2.4 GHz
512 Mb RAM
Radeon 9600 XT 256 Mb

will it run on extra high settings @ a steady 30+ fps?

btw, Yogibbear your computer seems to be okay (not great but not too bad). Your processor is a little slow @ 1.2 Ghz and your graphics card is outdated, to say the least :naughty: . The graphics card is EXTREMELY easy to replace! All you have to do is pull out the old one and push in the new one in its slot - an instuctional booklet comes with every card anyway (usually consisiting of 2 pages which are mostly filled with diagrams and a few sentences). Then all you do is uninstall your old card, pop-in the installation CD of the new one and install the drivers etc...
i heard that radeon 9600Xt 256mb version comes with shitter ram then the 128mb therefore is slower :E?

is this correct?
Yogibbear said:
...and like can you replace motherboards easily? or do you have to like pay someone to do it?

If you have to ask, pay someone to do it.
hows my computer eh?

Just want to know your opinions on my computer, what you think is good, what you think is bad, etc :) Also have a question or two.

My specs, as detailed as possible. :dork: Also have a link to some components if your curious about it. I didn't buy any of my hardware from newegg, it's just to give you an idea :monkee:

AMD Athlon XP 2600+ (clocked at 1.9GHz)

512MB DDR RAM PC 2700
<no link>

ATi Radeon 9200 SE 128MB
<no link>

MSI K7N2 Delta-L motherboard

350 WATT power supply <no link>

The only thing i'm going to upgrade is my video card as of now, i'm definitely going to get a 9800 Pro within the next two months, I just want to know if there would be a downside to this? Like would my computer handle it ok, is there something that would be holding back it's performance?
Your CPU may slightly bottleneck a 9800, but I don't think it's really worth upgrading unless you have some spare cash lying around. That system should run HL2 nicely.
There should be no bottleneck and your system will handle it great!
An ATI 9800 Pro is a great choice.

Generally increases in CPU speed will allow the Video card to perform better but bottlenecking implies that it is choked and it would do much better with more bandwidth.
If you look at this benchmark the difference with the 9800XT between the AXP 2100+ through the A64 3400+ seems like an even increase.
Now if you look at the X800 Pro the jump from AXP to A64 is big step because it was choked with the Athlon XP.
Some of the charts will show the AXP 2100+ choking either card as well.
Would it run?

hi, i was wondering if my pc would rock the game :stare:

My System specs:

p4 1.8 ghz
512 Sd-ram
ati radeon 9800 pro 128 mb's
Mainboard, asus... (donnow) with 4 X agp,
Watts of powersupply (i donnow)

Only my ghz are little low...
System runs perfectly, But i wonder if it could run al the effects that the hl2 engine gives..

Spnhxx :bounce:
xMa|spitfire said:
hi, i was wondering if my pc would rock the game :stare:

My System specs:

p4 1.8 ghz
512 Sd-ram
ati radeon 9800 pro 128 mb's
Mainboard, asus... (donnow) with 4 X agp,
Watts of powersupply (i donnow)

Only my ghz are little low...
System runs perfectly, But i wonder if it could run al the effects that the hl2 engine gives..

Spnhxx :bounce:

This will be able to run HL2 with all the nifty effects, but I think that CPU will be holding you back a bit in terms of performance. If you can upgrade the CPU to something closer to 2.4Ghz, you'd be all set. :)
WIll it rock?

hmm i think you are right, i had some problems with doom3 to. When i overclocked my cpu to 2.02 or something it went some LITTLE better.. but i got overheat so i putted it back.

I am thinkin about a amd 64 3400 + but i'l wait for the new windows works perfect with 64 bit... only beta is out now..

Some1 knows a new release date for halflife2?
Will my comp. run HL2 well (>30-40 fps steady) or barely (<30 fps) on normal settings? Those with CS:S, please reply :naughty: .
nick_t said:
Will my comp. run HL2 well (>30-40 fps steady) or barely (<30 fps) on normal settings? Those with CS:S, please reply :naughty: .
It should run it OK but I wouldn't count on it running steady as far as gameplay with only 256MB Memory.
Besides that, it's good. :thumbs:
Asus said:
It should run it OK but I wouldn't count on it running steady as far as gameplay with only 256MB Memory.
Besides that, it's good. :thumbs:

lol thanks man. I gotta reword my sig - it's confusing. I have 512 Mb of RAM and my card has 256 Mb on its own. Sorry about that. :cheers:
im till not sure

3ghz intel
1 gig ram
soon to be x800pro

wah! i needed an ego boost
Gajdycz said:
im till not sure

3ghz intel
1 gig ram
soon to be x800pro

wah! i needed an ego boost

nice system! I don't think it's good enough for HL2 though. :)
Gajdycz said:
watch it suck on d3

I don't think so. My friend has those exact same specs except he has 512 dual channel, not 1GB and he runs it perfectly 1280x1024 high quality. You could probably do 1600x1200, his monitor doesn't go that high, neither does mine.
hey ne feedback as to how my pc will run this game would be greatly appreciated...

Here is my pc at present

amd athlon 2400+ 2ghz
1gb pc2100 ram
fx 5600 overclocked to 330/634

thanks for any feedback
Blanchy, it will run ok. If you really want to have good graphics, i suggest you upgrade your videocard. But for the rest its nice.

My new pc ( getting it within a month ) is:

AMD Athlon64 3200+
1024 mb ram
Ati Radeon 9800pro
19 inch monitor.

I dont need any answers, because i know my system will run HL2 on highest graphics.
Blanchy said:
hey ne feedback as to how my pc will run this game would be greatly appreciated...

Here is my pc at present

amd athlon 2400+ 2ghz
1gb pc2100 ram
fx 5600 overclocked to 330/634

thanks for any feedback

any ideas on what sort of settings ill be running it on?
mines in my sig, i know itll run really good, im just skeptical about the ram thats all, will 512 and 1gb make a huge difference in gameplay?? ive waited to long for HL2 for my performance to be choppy or whatever
HL2 doesn't require as much memory as Far Cry and Doom 3, so you'll be fine with 512 dual channel.
how will this run

1ghz Athlon
256mb pc133 SDRAM
eVGA GeFORCE FX5600XT 256mb

i think i can bottom it out.

if i put my stuff in my unused computer downstairs, ill have

1.53ghz Athlon
512mb not sure what kind of ram.
and my FX 5600.

or i could just continue my plan of upgrading

2800+ 64bit
512 or 1024 pc3200

third option will cost me plenty of money.
Upgrade. Yeah, it'll cost you some money, but you will have an awesome system, definitely do it. Of course you'll need a new motherboard for the A64, but I think you know that. Just one more thing: our power supply is probably not too big, I suggest you get a new one for the new system. Newegg has a nice case with a 430 watt good quality power supply for only $30. I own one, I love it, and it has a nice cooling fan on the side, it's a very cool case. Oh and it has 2 neon lights on the front.