Audio Problems with HL2

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yep mine was a store bought copy (UK) and as I said I have the problem too - registered on day two am. So I don't think it matters how you got the game.
about the filesize stuff:

here you can get a tool to calculate the md5 checksums of files. if someone knows someone who doesnt suffer the bug he should give us the md5s of his files.

but i realy doubt it's an error with the files

Registered: Aug 2004
Sound stuttering

We're actively investigating this and will post info when we have it.


this was posted in the thread about the audio problems in the steampoweredforums
I've read about 18 pages of this thread and all the possible solutions have not worked for me at all. Here is my rig and the things I have tried to stop the stuttering and increase drop off of FPS:

3.2 Ghz Pentium 4 HT
Asus P4P800 SE Mobo
1 gig of DDR400 RAM
eVGA GeForce 6800 GT

When I first started playing Half-Life 2 I was astonished as to why I was getting such horrible frame rates. I am saying that every level I would see massive stuttering and frames dropping off below 60 FPS constantly. I play at the suggested configuration for my comp which is 4x AA 8x AF with everything set to high at a resolution of 1024x768. With my rig, I should be getting 100+ FPS consistently but I don't. The game plays like I have a GeForce 4. Doom 3 was playable with stutters from time to time and FarCry ran smoothly with this rig.

After tinkering with settings, lowering them constantly, I am still getting poor performance. So I went on the drastic route and reinstalled my video card drivers, which are 67.02, reinstalled my mobo drivers, and defragged my hard drive. Regardless the lag in frames persisted. When I came across this thread, I was relieved to find so many people having the same problem as I was. Many of you offered possible solutions such as changing and adding cfg lines, changing the heap size, and using ffdshow to disable the MP3 codes. I tried all of them, every single one, and I am still getting the horrible frame rate.

I am so jealous there are people out there with less powerful cards than I am, like a 9800 Pro, and are able to play the game 80+ FPS. What can I say, it's unfair.

I've already beaten Half-Life 2 but I can't help to be dissapointed that I missed out on such a beauty to behold because you can only see much when your machine is chugging at 10 FPS in heavy gun battles.

Please Valve, release a patch soon. I waited a year for this product, which is fine, and I even endorsed buying HL2 over Steam, but for a laggy game? I well know that HL2 is an epic compared to Doom 3, but at least Doom 3 was stable. All I can say at this point is WTF. A patch needs to come soon. I want to start a new game and would love to play HL2 as it was meant to be played.
Aidenn said:
I didn't write this as a solution because I wasn't experiencing any stuttering before, only a wee tiny bit on autosaves and at the beginning of each level, and this was on a pretty messed up desktop with firewall and antivirus software enabled. Simply defragging made it even better if not perfect.
Thus I believe, that the stuttering is not caused by imperfections and slowness of your hard disk, RAM or processor. Maybe Valve are unable to recreate the problem in their office because it only exists within certain copies distributed by Steam? (and their copies are probably offline-only ones, like those given to the press)


My file sizes are as follows:

half-life 2 content.gcf - 879 344 156 bytes
source engine.gcf - 68 960 228 bytes
source materials.gcf - 1 083 560 476 bytes
source models.gcf - 471 097 048 bytes
source sounds.gcf - 1 022 930 344 bytes

My source engine.gcf is a little smaller 68.955.000 so there is a difference with you!!!!

Deleted it and now it downloaded another with the same size as yours. Gonna test it now.
forke said:

Registered: Aug 2004
Sound stuttering

We're actively investigating this and will post info when we have it.


this was posted in the thread about the audio problems in the steampoweredforums

let me translate it:

"We have absolutely no clue what's wrong. And now shut the **** up!" graphics were fine, but like everyone else I had the fabled audio/graphical stutter combined with a strange lag spike for the game.

I didn't try any of the popular tips, I don't like screwing with my bios, registry and internal components over a game, I prefer a more simple approach...

...I have an onboard Sound Card, simple, effecient never had problems with it...people respond with an atypical, "It's your computer!" but I try to get to my problem for my computer.

I changed the audio settings in game to 5.1 Sound. Now I don't have 5.1 sound, but upon changing it, no stutter, no lag, no problems for me.

Not sure if it will help anyone else, but hopefully it will.
Did I mention this problems affects me in Counter-Strike Source now as well?
Aidenn said:

My file sizes are as follows:

half-life 2 content.gcf - 879 344 156 bytes
source engine.gcf - 68 960 228 bytes
source materials.gcf - 1 083 560 476 bytes
source models.gcf - 471 097 048 bytes
source sounds.gcf - 1 022 930 344 bytes

half-life 2 content.gcf - 879,344,156 bytes
source engine.gcf - 68,960,228 bytes
source materials.gcf - 1,083,559,104 bytes
source models.gcf - 471,101,236 bytes
source sounds.gcf - 1,022,935,072 bytes
I have 5.1 as well and changed to Medium quality and 2 speakers and I still get massive drops in FPS and stuttering.
half-life 2 content.gcf - 879,344,636 bytes
source engine.gcf - 68,952,140 bytes
source materials.gcf - 1,083,559,104 bytes
source models.gcf - 471,101,236 bytes
source sounds.gcf - 1,022,935,072 bytes
Just checked and all my .gcf files were short but I seriously doubt this will cure the problem for me.

At any rate, I am going to download the game for a third time but this time, I'm getting it from a different content server.

I'll let you guys know...
Aidenn said:
My file sizes are as follows:

half-life 2 content.gcf - 879 344 156 bytes
source engine.gcf - 68 960 228 bytes
source materials.gcf - 1 083 560 476 bytes
source models.gcf - 471 097 048 bytes
source sounds.gcf - 1 022 930 344 bytes


My file sizes are:
half-life 2 content.gcf - 879.344.156 Bytes
source engine.gcf - 68.960.228 Bytes
source materials.gcf - 1.083.559.104 Bytes
source models.gcf - 471.101.236 Bytes
source sounds.gcf - 1.022.935.072 Bytes

I installed from a DVD (geman version) and activated on the second day after release and I am suffering from stuttering and bluescreens besides a rather bad overall performance with HL². It may help if other people would post their file sizes.

Other games work without a problem so far and drivers 'n stuff are up2date.

Best Regards
Nope downloading that source enige.gcf didn't did a thing.
Hmmm now trying source sounds ;)

There may be something with the file sizes...what we need to do is establish file sizes from someone who has zero issues...then compare ours with those..and see if maybe we can match the file that isnt matching with their files..(leave the other ones) and see if that works..guess we can try while we wait for patches
try snd_memasync 1 and take a look, sounds will load at the same time as the lagstuts.
TuSeiSkeefoso said:
There may be something with the file sizes...what we need to do is establish file sizes from someone who has zero issues...then compare ours with those..and see if maybe we can match the file that isnt matching with their files..(leave the other ones) and see if that works..guess we can try while we wait for patches

How is it possible that so many ppl have different file sizes????
Seen steam validating my files 5 times since yesterday.
³²° said:

My file sizes are:
half-life 2 content.gcf - 879.344.156 Bytes
source engine.gcf - 68.960.228 Bytes
source materials.gcf - 1.083.559.104 Bytes
source models.gcf - 471.101.236 Bytes
source sounds.gcf - 1.022.935.072 Bytes

I installed from a DVD (geman version) and activated on the second day after release and I am suffering from stuttering and bluescreens besides a rather bad overall performance with HL². It may help if other people would post their file sizes.

Other games work without a problem so far and drivers 'n stuff are up2date.

Best Regards

yes, I have exactly the same file sizes as you and also a german version, but before I registered it by valve I switched steam into english.

I'm also a stuttering headcrap :bonce:

best regards from Austria (Europe)

ooops, I forgot. Before I registered HL2, CSS was running really smooth but now it's also stuttering as HL2
Thought I might as well chime in and say i'm having the stuttering problem too (see bottom of post for sys specs). And now, for my rant... :flame:

This game has been what, 5 years in the making? Ok, so nobody is perfect, games have bugs. Last September valve must have had a somewhat working version of HL2 to play around with since they were going to release it, and they didn't find any bugs?. Then like any other game they have to test it in-house over and over, still no bugs? Then send out release canidits to be reviewed/tested and they still didn't find any bugs? That is complete bullshit. I would bet money they knew there may be a small problem with some bugs but since the game had already been delayed so long they decided to release. They probably thought that these bugs wouldn't cause problems for very many people and they would just patch it later. Well I call over 500 replys in this topic and 60,000+ views (Just on this thread alone) a very LARGE problem. So lets put all that crap aside for now and say none of the bugs affect you, fine. So, then HL2 is released. Steam auth servers go online and then CRASH, what a big suprise. So then after all this crap, when THOUSANDS complain of auth problems, audio stutter, memory problems, freezes, and crashes what does valve do? They shut down their forums and leave no word that they are fixing these problems or even ****ing aware of them. Go ahead and look at their news page at It asks you to vote for HL2 for game of the year!! Are they ****ing crazy!! What a kick in the face!! So in the end I have just one thing to say to valve AND vivendi both "From the bottom of my heart, **** You"

My Rig:
P4 3.0ghz 800mhz FSB (Northwood Core)
1 gig dual channel DDR 400mhz
120gb maxtor HD
SB Audigy LS Sound card
BFG Tech Nvidia 6800 OC (128mb, 8x AGP)
is this the actual filesize or just the size used on your disk?
I'm currently trying to extract all the gcf files and see if that makes a difference,, will post results when I have them
Yeah, that is a little bit of a slap in the face at this point, I must admit...
Mine are the actual sizes.

Oh, and yes, I also switched steam from german to english.

Best Regards
I'm not sure what's worse -- waiting for the game's release on Tuesday evening or waiting for a patch. I'd have to go with the patch actually.
I have absolutely NO problems, works like a charm...
Resolution : 1600x1200
AA : 2x
AF : 2x

Here are my specs:
Pentium 4, HTT enabled 3,0Ghz@3,5Ghz
2x512MB Corsair PC3500
Asus P4C800 Deluxe
Hercules Radeon 9800Pro 128mb [email protected] [email protected]
Catalyst 4.11
Creative Audigy 2 (DriverPack3, v.5.12.0001.0383)
Maxtor 120GB 7200rpm 8MB Cache SATA

File Sizes (checked in DOS):
half-life 2 content.gcf - 879.344.156 Bytes
source engine.gcf - 68.960.228 Bytes
source materials.gcf - 1.083.559.104 Bytes
source models.gcf - 471.101.236 Bytes
source sounds.gcf - 1.022.939.136 Bytes

I installed HL2 around 18.00h my time (I live in the netherlands, so calculate ;) )

I hope Valve brings out a fix for this problem.
Meanwhile, I'll share your pain ;)
I give up :( I just wait for a patch and i don't try any other fix anymore.
Gonna play nfsu2 and mohapa, they work perfect :)

Any new news from the Valve folk? The last thing I heard from them was on page 3 of this thread, I think.
Me Too

Have the same problem as everyone else. Stuu stuuu stuttering audio. :sniper:
I just remembered something...
I HAD a case, exactly like the one all of you are describing - it was some time ago when I wanted to play Opposing Force thru Steam. I clicked on it, and it started to preload itself. After a while (a strangely short while) I could play. And, guess what - the sound and graphics were stuttering every like 10 seconds. I was something like this: I'm playing, I'm running, I'm opening the do-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r... I'm running again, someone is tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-talking to me, I see creatures, I shoot, I hear an ex-ex-ex-ex-ex-ex-ex-ex-ex-explosion. And so on. You know, what was the case? It didn't finish preloading, it was still downloading while I was playing it. ;)
I don't know if this has anything to do with any of you, but it's still something. Maybe try running your game in offline mode? Actually, I play in offline mode since the beginning.
How do you play in offline mode? Is it as simple as just not going in through Steams running icon?
I was having this same problem and read through every post on here and steam. FINALLY it seems to have been fixed and here's what accomplished it. Can't remember which forum I found this on:

Start > Run > dxdiag > sound tab

in the sound tab under 'direct x features' set the bar all the way to the left. It will then say 'no acceleration.'

This is the only thing that has worked for me so far and it has improved the stuttering 95%. Still skips on autosave. Hope this helps
boycech said:
How do you play in offline mode? Is it as simple as just not going in through Steams running icon?
1. Exit Steam (you must be logged in correctly and have 'remember login' checked).
2. Unplug your network cable (or disconnect your modem).
3. Run Steam, it will ask you if you want to retry connection or run in offline mode.
CavernTan said:
Any new news from the Valve folk? The last thing I heard from them was on page 3 of this thread, I think.

Valve made a post on the official Steam forums saying that they are aware of the problem and are looking in to it.

"We're actively investigating this and will post info when we have it.

there's being suggested that it would be an audigy/nforce driver related problem...
Can't remember which forum I found this on
Probably this one as it is one of the first things we all tried like 40 pages ago :LOL:

But thanks for the effort.

there's being suggested that it would be an audigy/nforce driver related problem...
Those suggestions are being posted by the same people who haven't read the active threads which have ruled it out because people without any of that hardware are still having issues.
Changing it No Acceleration made the game worse, in fact, it was down right unplayable for me.
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