August 6th, 2005 -- Nukes planned to Detonate in America

Tr0n said:
I'd just grab a lawn chair and wait for the shockwave to hit. Oh and don't forget a margarita and sunglasses. :D

I'd do the right thing, which is hiding and crying.
I don't think that is the...right thing, but it works I guess.
Tr0n said:
I don't think that is the...right thing, but it works I guess.

Maybe that would help me when the soldiers come, they'd be so disgusted that they would just turn away and leave me in my shanty.
See that last video from the Al Q deputy could be the message to go. After reviewing earlier tapes they discovered certain signals in the video. ie whether he had a watch on etc. makes you wonder why they let them show it? Freedom of the press i guess.

Besides lets not forget the reason today Aug 6th is special in that its the anniversary of the dropping of the first nuke on Japan.

It Stopped the war early but at what cost?
chrisuk27 said:
It Stopped the war early but at what cost?
Hundreds of thousands of deaths in the immediate blast and subsequent radiation, as opposed to millions of deaths in a fight for American occupation of Japan.
All of this should be at the conference table........
RakuraiTenjin said:
Hundreds of thousands of deaths in the immediate blast and subsequent radiation, as opposed to millions of deaths in a fight for American occupation of Japan.

Thats true, I think if i was i the same position I would have probably made the same decision. mind you what followed was a massive nuclear arms race and now look whats happened...the nukes are coming home to roost...maybe
chrisuk27 said:
Thats true, I think if i was i the same position I would have probably made the same decision. mind you what followed was a massive nuclear arms race and now look whats happened...the nukes are coming home to roost...maybe
No possible way to know what's in store 60 years in the future :p.

Also, this is fake :P Not like it's really the nukes coming home to roost.

And even if it was real it'd probably be constructed ones or nuclear arms not created in the arms race period, something from Pakistan maybe etc.
RakuraiTenjin said:
No possible way to know what's in store 60 years in the future :p.

Also, this is fake :P Not like it's really the nukes coming home to roost.

And even if it was real it'd probably be constructed ones or nuclear arms not created in the arms race period, something from Pakistan maybe etc.

True if you knew the future then, well...

Besides its all being directed by the Illuminati

hmm sounds like a script from a movie...oh yeah they've done it already...Tom Clancy's The sum of all fears! :)
Well, it's not on CNN or Fox news, or any other major news place except world net daily which I've never heard of.
Zeus said:
Well, it's not on CNN or Fox news, or any other major news place except world net daily which I've never heard of.

Yeah because FOX NEWS knows what its talking about :laugh: :laugh:
DeusExMachinia said:
Well I'm still alive...haven't heard any explosions...

You're still alive? Well consider yourself lucky because I'm not!
lol, this just made me laugh.

Fear mongering is great isn't it!

There have been apocalypse stories throughout all of history. Go talk to your parents about the cold war, it was common to hear about the coming armegeddon all the time. Think of how crazy times where in the cuban missle crisis when there were bomb drills everyday in schools.

We were in a much more realistic threat\danger of nuclear use during the cuban missle crisis than by some shadowy "all knowing, all financing, all conspiring, loosely affiliated terrorist network." Whenever you read drivel like this (and there is plenty thanks to the internet, the baston of truth and scholarly integrity) instead of getting scared, just sit and think critically about it for a while. Then start researching these conflicts and groups they are listing in the article. This is Absolutely ridiculous. The whole thing about bush building bunkers or whatever outside major cities would be highly classfied as well, and i'm sure not some crack worldnetdaily reporter would get a leak like that.

And FYI, the nukes in japan were probably more a show of force to the soviet union than necessary to end the war. With the soviets recently declaring war and in the initial battles of invasion against japan, they feared that much more than the atom bombs.

The top 2 american generals (IIRC, i know the top pacific general was) said the nuke wasn't necessary and japan's real military power was crushed. The war was going to end soon whether we had used the nuke or not. Albeit it gave the civilian leadership more cause to use convince the hardliner military leadership as a "gift from god to end the war".

When you put anything in the context of "it would save countless american lives", any atrocity could be commited and justified.

And remember, the terrorists.... the terrorists are everywhere! They could be your next door neighbor. The have nuclear bombs oh my god run for your lives! The end is near we swear it this time! Fear mongering fear mongering fear mongering. Don't fall into the fear machine because the majority of it is bogus and feeds irrational minds.
I wonder if it is really going to happen. I know its the 6th, but it will be the 6th for the next 23 hours..
Shamrock said:
I wonder if it is really going to happen. I know its the 6th, but it will be the 6th for the next 23 hours..
Yeah that's what I thought. Although if nukes DO go off...I'm safe where I am..although I'm sure radiation will get me, and I get to die of that...I don't get my shadow implanted on concrete behind me :(

But yeah, personally, as a fear for my life, I say it's fear mongering. Thing of how much damage those nukes would do to our economey/way of life. Shit, that would start a nuclear war probably :(
CyberPitz said:
Yeah that's what I thought. Although if nukes DO go off...I'm safe where I am..although I'm sure radiation will get me, and I get to die of that...I don't get my shadow implanted on concrete behind me :(

But yeah, personally, as a fear for my life, I say it's fear mongering. Thing of how much damage those nukes would do to our economey/way of life. Shit, that would start a nuclear war probably :(

Meh, it's all a load of lies. And besides, if it does happen, pull a funny pose so it can be recorded in your shadow for all eternity (does that even happen? I though that was some sort of myth :p)
well guys if we all die today, let me just say, thanks for the laughs.
Well it's 8 am big booms yet. Also as Innervision said...if we all die today, let me just say, **** YOU BITCHES!
If you all die today, please, do this for me. Write All your base are belong to Al Qaeda near the Pentagon for me.
Boogymanx said:
If you all die today, please, do this for me. Write All your base are belong to Al Qaeda near the Pentagon for me.

We'll use our bodies.
*peeks out of his improvised bomb shelter that's a pile of blankets and pillows*

looks like shit is still standing...
I woke up to little girls screaming their heads off on the trampelene next door but noone was dead. lol
Mr.Magnetichead said:
How exactlly would AlQ launch these weapons? Carrier pidgeon?

Well, maybe right where they hid them, or a remote detonator. It seems everyone has forgotten that these people believe they will be martyrs in allas name if they die. They arent afraid to die, there crazy.
What' the radius of a nuclear bomb again? I'm wondering if I'm too close to SF.
A nuclear bomb is like a mile or something. The fallout can travel for miles though.
Well, this info is taken from 1979, so it's pretty out of date.

Homeland Security said:
25 Megaton Air Blast: Pressure Damage

Radius of destructive circle: 6.5 miles
12 pounds per square inch

The remains of some buildings' foundations are visible. Some of the strongest buildings -- those made of reinforced, poured concrete -- are still standing. Ninety-eight percent of the population within this area are dead.

Radius: 10.7 miles
5 psi

Virtually everything is destroyed between the 12 and 5 psi rings. The walls of typical multi-story buildings, including apartment buildings, are completely blown out. As you move from the center toward the 5 psi ring there are more structural skeletons of buildings standing. Single-family residences within this this area have been completely blown away -- only their foundations remain. Fifty percent of the population between the 12 and 5 psi rings are dead. Forty percent are injured.

Radius: 20 miles
2 psi

Any single-family residences that are not completely destroyed are heavily damaged. The windows of office buildings have been blown away, as have some of their walls. The contents of these buildings' upper floors, including the people who were working there, are scattered on the street. A substantial amount of debris clutters the entire area. Five percent of the population between the 5 and 2 psi rings are dead. Forty-five percent are injured.

Radius: 30.4 miles
1 psi

Residences are moderately damaged. Commercial buildings have sustained minimal damage. Twenty-five percent of the population between the 2 and 1 psi rings are injured, mainly by flying glass and debris. Many others have been injured from thermal radiation -- the heat generated by the blast. The remaining seventy-five percent are unhurt.

I think the destruction zone for nukes nowadays is more like 20 miles. That's just a wild guess though.

Nothing's going to happen though.
It all depends on the bomb.

A terrorist bomb would likely be in the 1-10 kiloton range.

Which in the grand scheme of things isn't that big, considering strategic nuclear warheads (in missiles and such) are measured in MEGAtons.