August 6th, 2005 -- Nukes planned to Detonate in America

I am posting this from Purgatory. New York has been nuked lol.
HAARP is going to pwn everything.
Although I dunno if they will beable to get it fully operational, considering the Russians have supposedly had several of them since the end of WWII.
Osama: "LOL I meen augest 6 2010! LOLOL n3wbs!"
clarky003 said:
Although I dunno if they will beable to get it fully operational, considering the Russians have supposedly had several of them since the end of WWII.
Now you will see the power of this fully armed and operation battle station!
I think I just heard something!

No, wait... sorry... it was gas.
Shit, man, this big-ass bomb just fell through the roof here.
Erestheux said:
Osama: "LOL I meen augest 6 2010! LOLOL n3wbs!"

I owned Osama in DM the other day, he said that if I could beat him, he would stop being a terrorist, thats why hes making these vicious rumors, what a noob. :upstare:
Pauly said:
day is almost over :P

Not quite ol' chap!

Its still only 5PM here in teh west!

But the people in Australia tell me America is a-okaday, except for a bit of crisping around the edges.

Hey you guys are still here, you made it through the day, there’s a surprise.:D
Yeah all around me in my crap ass town in Wisconsin is blown to bits. Yeah..all phones and everything is broken down.

Shit the internet wont even work right now...
I think it'll be totally ironic that a bomb will explode while I'm watching Dogma on comedy central.
wtf mosquitos dont sound like explosions...or wait...explosions dont sound like mosquitos...hmm

AAAnnyway, did anyone seriously think there would be nukes goin off today?
I think it'll be totally ironic that a bomb will explode while I'm watching Dogma on comedy central.
If a bomb explodes I'll probably fart at the same time and just think I had a massive fart...
:cheers: Whoo a bus was just bombed! With fart GAS!
Im On The Internet On The Last Few Minutes Of My Connection Just Want To Let You Know That The Nukes Went Off And The Governmnet Is Securing And Locking Everything Down Di Dont Haqve Time To Continue Just Be Safe Frmo Teh Aliens!
Bah you lot still here?...thought i would have the boards for myself ;)
My stummy feels sick, but other than that, I'm fairly certain I'm not bombed.
Dammit, al queda, you've let me down for the last time!
I want tons of radiation bombing down on millions of Americans! I want fires, I want explosions, I want total chaos!1!!!1111

15357 said:
I want tons of radiation bombing down on millions of Americans! I want fires, I want explosions, I want total chaos!1!!!1111


...... :|
btw, people, I was joking/being sarcastic.
lol it was quite funny

i roflmao'ed about 4 times
Well the 6th has been and passed, and I can see my balls are still firmly attached