Author of Crayon Shin missing.

Nov 30, 2008
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I think a lot of you, especially if you're from Asia, is well aware of this character below.


The author of this character, Yoshito Usui has gone missing. He has been missing since last friday, 11th september. Apparently, he went for a hike in the mountains and never came back.

I watched quite a lot of crayon shin when I was younger, and even played some video games based on this guy. If the author has been missing since last friday, the chances of him still being alive is minimal at best.

I wish his family the best.
Doesn't that character constantly shake his ass on tv?
Oh I ****ing hate that show with that kid.
OP: author is missing, presumed dead

hl2 response: that show sucks

oh golly
I like the show. I don't care that the author's gone missing, though.
I love the show. Really the only anime I can stand. Sad times.
I always flipped away from that show. The eyes really bothered me. Black, soulless things.
I always flipped away from that show. The eyes really bothered me. Black, soulless things.

smash a banjo over my dad and start the tea kettle so steve can windex the windows after work
He has been missing since last friday, 11th september. Apparently, he went for a hike in the mountains and never came back.

Oh come on, what a copy cat. Hes just cheating on his wife, and copying Mark Sanford's excuse.
Aw. I always used that show to prove my point to people that anime is not an art style.
Aw. I always used that show to prove my point to people that anime is not an art style.

The style is entertaining. That would at least qualify as an art of some sort, just like the art of comedy or the art of stupidity.
The style is entertaining. That would at least qualify as an art of some sort, just like the art of comedy or the art of stupidity.
No I mean conversations like
Me: Avatar is not an anime, it's a cartoon.
Other: Just because it's not Japanese doesn't mean it's not anime. Anime is a style.
Me: Compare Ghost in the Shell to Crayon Shin Chan. How are they in any way the same style?
Small Update:

A climber found a body at the bottom of a 300 meter cliff on 19th Sep. The body has yet to be identified, but the clothing appears to match that of the author's.

These two years have been rather sad indeed. You can almost expect a celebrity to die every month.
Small Update:

A climber found a body at the bottom of a 300 meter cliff on 19th Sep. The body has yet to be identified, but the clothing appears to match that of the author's.

These two years have been rather sad indeed. You can almost expect a celebrity to die every month.
It wasn't one of those suicide cliffs in Japan, was it?
Small Update:

A climber found a body at the bottom of a 300 meter cliff on 19th Sep. The body has yet to be identified, but the clothing appears to match that of the author's.

These two years have been rather sad indeed. You can almost expect a celebrity to die every month.

Aw shit...
That's ****ed up for sure. Pretty sad and unfortunate.

Well, we already had to expect the worst. I figured eaten by bears.

I'll take my chances here in civilization.
I'll take my chances here in civilization.

Are you kidding? Have you even seen a Final Destination movie? You thought we dodged a bullet when we got away from wild beasts, chronic infectious diseases and dying at 30? Oh no. In a state of nature we might be subject to the whims of any man and of furious nature, but in civilisation we are surrounded by constant insatiable death machines whose entirely coincidental assembly out of the innocent components of our ordinary lives does not diminish their whirling lust for our blood.
"Jeff Goldblum was reported as falling off of a cliff in New Zealand while working on a movie"

Was this guy working on a movie? Obviously he wasn't in New Zealand though.
Are you kidding? Have you even seen a Final Destination movie? You thought we dodged a bullet when we got away from wild beasts, chronic infectious diseases and dying at 30? Oh no. In a state of nature we might be subject to the whims of any man and of furious nature, but in civilisation we are surrounded by constant insatiable death machines whose entirely coincidental assembly out of the innocent components of our ordinary lives does not diminish their whirling lust for our blood.

Have you ever walked out into nature and realized - bugs do not like me. Birds do not like me. The gnats bite into any weak spot they can find, such as a scab or open eye. The sun goes down, the mosquitoes come out. The creatures do not like us.

Yet there are some creatures that do like us. Have you ever seen something being eaten alive by a bear? They can smell you from a half mile. Just eating chunks of flesh while you writhe in agony. The minutes pass as pieces of your body and internals go missing, until finally, darkness.

You may have gone for a walk in an established park. But walking in the jungle is no walk in the park, let me tell you. Welcome to the Jungle, baby. You're gonna die.
so is this guy like, ya know....dead? how many days has it been?
Small Update:

A climber found a body at the bottom of a 300 meter cliff on 19th Sep. The body has yet to be identified, but the clothing appears to match that of the author's.

These two years have been rather sad indeed. You can almost expect a celebrity to die every month.

Man, hes going through extreme lengths to keep his affair a secret.
so is this guy like, ya know....dead? how many days has it been?

Well he has been missing since last friday, so that's about a week.

In most missing person cases, after 48 hours, the chances of the person still being alive is very slim. A climber claimed they saw a body on the 19th, and the police will be doing the identification on the 20th.

The author is most likely dead. Even if he didn't die from the fall, he would've died from lost of blood.

I think the saddest part for many is the abrupt end to the series. It ran for over 15 years, and all of a sudden it ends without a proper conclusion.
They'll give it to 4Kids or something, don't worry.
I think the saddest part for many is the abrupt end to the series. It ran for over 15 years, and all of a sudden it ends without a proper conclusion.
The viewers are soulless, like the eyes of his cartoon characters. If he had any consideration, he would have tucked away the final episode in his will & testament. Selfish bastard. If only we could bring him back to life, just long enough to write one more episode, then re-kill him.

No, but really? That's the saddest part [for many]? Speaking for yourself?
The viewers are soulless, like the eyes of his cartoon characters. If he had any consideration, he would have tucked away the final episode in his will & testament. Selfish bastard. If only we could bring him back to life, just long enough to write one more episode, then re-kill him.

No, but really? That's the saddest part [for many]? Speaking for yourself?

Hey, for many, the fans are more attached to the product than the creator, especially in this case. If you've watched Simpsons all your life and all of a sudden Matt Groening passed away, are you more disappointed with the fact that a series running for so long will end so abruptly or are you more sad that the author died?

I'm not trying to sound harsh or anything, but in some cases like these, the product itself means more to the fans than the author. Afterall, some people don't grow up knowing the author, they grow up knowing the product. Still, it's a sad thing the author may very well be dead.
Hey, for many, the fans are more attached to the product than the creator, especially in this case. If you've watched Simpsons all your life and all of a sudden Matt Groening passed away, are you more disappointed with the fact that a series running for so long will end so abruptly or are you more sad that the author died?

I'm not trying to sound harsh or anything, but in some cases like these, the product itself means more to the fans than the author. Afterall, some people don't grow up knowing the author, they grow up knowing the product. Still, it's a sad thing the author may very well be dead.

No, I think that's ridiculous assumption to say that most people feel that way, and quite telling.

Obviously, if it was something I was a big fan of, there would be great disappointment that the work was incomplete and never to be finished.

But if I had been following the artist for a while, and had become a fan, I would be very saddened to know that they died. In fact, I would feel bad for the artist, because I would know that their work meant a lot to them and they would have liked to finish their masterpiece.

I guess it depends. Obviously, it's hard to care about someone dying if you don't know them at all. It's a statistic. But I feel like I get to understand, relate to, and sometimes know people through their work.

Just for the record, I've seen maybe 30 seconds of this cartoon 'Crayon Shin', by chance.