Auto aim


Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
I finished the game on hard first.
After that I was going to play on easy and have those fun battles where the enemies actually die from a few shots.
But when I was about to choose easy I saw that apparently the computer helped you aim on that difficulty.
I didn't want that so I chose normal difficulty.
To my dismay I realized that the auto aim function is there to.
It sucks! I don't want no damn auto aim, it just makes you a bad shot because you don't need to aim carefully, just aim in the general direction of the enemy and squeeze the trigger a few times and they're dead.

Please tell me that there is way to disable this sh1te...
Thanks =)

Will it be off until I set sv_aim 1 or untill I restart the game?
Probably until you restart (but you can always turn it back off)
chriso20 said:
medium doesnt auto aim for u? :\
Yes it does. Try shooting a few shots near an enemy. And it has nothing to do with bullet spreading as it works with the .357.
Yellonet said:
Yes it does. Try shooting a few shots near an enemy. And it has nothing to do with bullet spreading as it works with the .357. aim is not on on medium setting,you are simply mistaken or have an amazing self aiming mouse or something.I tried shooting next to a combine with a 357 on medium as you suggested and i got killed.I shot 3 holes into the wall beside him. :hmph:
one day.... said: aim is not on on medium setting,you are simply mistaken or have an amazing self aiming mouse or something.I tried shooting next to a combine with a 357 on medium as you suggested and i got killed.I shot 3 holes into the wall beside him. :hmph:
Well... on the game I'm playing now I can hit the enemies by aiming at them with any of the points in the hair cross. Must have started a game on easy by mistake then. Is there any way to check? How many shots from the pistol does it take to kill a Combine on easy?
On my current difficulty level a Manhack is killed by five shots from the pistol.
No, I'm definately playing on normal. The Manhacks only took three shots to kill on easy. And normal DOES have auto aim :(
I don't think you have auto aim... doesn't auto aim snap the crosshairs to be aiming directly at an enemy?

Maybe the hitboxes for Normal and Easy are larger than for Hard...
Yellonet said:
No, I'm definately playing on normal. The Manhacks only took three shots to kill on easy. And normal DOES have auto aim :(

Not on my game it doesn't???

Normal does not have auto aim for me here...anyone else confirm this? :O
The crosshair doesn't move one any of the difficulties it just "directs" the bullets towards the enemies, maybe the hitboxes are larger on easy and normal, but I also think that the bullets are "directed" towards the nearest enemy.
There is no auto aim on Normal.

I'd do an extensive test with notarget and all the weapons, but i'm just too damn lazy.
Yellonet said:
The crosshair doesn't move one any of the difficulties it just "directs" the bullets towards the enemies, maybe the hitboxes are larger on easy and normal, but I also think that the bullets are "directed" towards the nearest enemy.
that's not how auto aim works. with auto aim, the crosshair is drawn towards the enemy, it doesn't lead the bullets
If you can shoot in the general direction then why did I empty a full clip of the smg in the general direction of a combine soldier and it not kill him?
Please don't flame, just trying to work it out... did you purchase the game or 'dodgy' copy?

I'm on Easy level and I have never noticed any auto aim.
I noticed auto-aim on easy - plus it says so.

Am going to try Normal, so i'll let ya know.
Yellonet said:
No, I'm definately playing on normal. The Manhacks only took three shots to kill on easy. And normal DOES have auto aim :(

Dude, shrooms affect your brain. Your BRAIN. Normal doesn't have autoaim. End of story.