Automated Vehicles



Would it be possible to when the game starts you spawn in a boat, in this case the kind used on D-Day, have it drive to the shore and lower down the ramp. Also would it be possible to AI characters in multiplayer no matter what?
The boat thing would not actually be a coding issue I belive. You should be able to set the spawn points on the boat and tie them to it so they follow it around, then set the boats path to backwards and forwards to and from the beach. The door I don't know about.

As for AI, if you mean can you have NPCs in a map that stay even when the server fills up, you have 2 options. Use Monsters when you build the map, or set your server to not count bots in the player count.

Hope that helps - Link
you probably want to visit the general ediing forum, but since i'm so lovely i'll let you stay. you wont get away with that when the sdk arrives however :)
Thanks everyone but does anyone know about the door going down at a certain point like in MOHAA?
It's possible, but you'll have to do code it yourself of course. You can still pretty much link up any event to an action...i.e. beaching=try to unload. But considering the engines freedom, you're gonna have a lot of fun having it detect the beaching correctly ....
pfft, pish easy, just setup a zone on the beach (*waves to the mappers*) and when the boat hits it trip the 'lower ramp' routine and bobs ya mothers brother...
bobvodka said:
pfft, pish easy, just setup a zone on the beach (*waves to the mappers*) and when the boat hits it trip the 'lower ramp' routine and bobs ya mothers brother...

???? what do you mean?
currently with HL you can setup 'zones' into which you can detect collisions. So setup a zone for where you want the boat to lower its ram and once the boat enters it call the boats 'lower ramp' function which will start the ramp lowering.

As I said, pish easy.