Avain Flu


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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I haven't heard about it in a week, what's the story?
Edit: I realised my spelling my mistake as I hit the 'create thread' button D:
Actually, it's supposedly making its way through Africa, and has reached "animal to human" stage.

Not too long before it goes "human to human".

Pandemics FTW!
Pfft. I bet it won't be near as harsh as people are saying.

It's not as if we can all be wiped out.
I already had the avian flu. And I survived.

I don't even know what or even heard of what this "Avian Flu" is :| ... shows how much i been keeping up with the news lol, someone wanna fill me in on it ?
Bird flu is rivived Spain flu
An extinguished flu virus was revived by US military. (1/5/06)

The virus which killed 50 millions (?) people in 1918 known as Spain Flu had extinguished since. It was revived by US military lab in 1997 and was proved the rivus was bird flu.

Re: Researchers learn from past

Brevig Mission residents thanked for vital role in study of bird flu
The Associated Press
Published: December 8, 2005

Joining him was Jeffery Taubenberger, a pathologist at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology and one of the researchers who helped reconstruct the 1918 flu virus earlier this year.

The turning point came more than four decades later, in 1997, when Hultin learned about Taubenberger's soldier research. Hultin contacted Taubenberger and offered his help to supplement samples of the flu virus found in two of the soldiers.

The samples completed the scientific puzzle, leading to the first reconstruction of an infectious agent behind a historic pandemic. The work offers proof that the 1918 flu originated in birds, according to researchers, who released their findings in October.


Taubenberger is a military researcher. (The fomer name is: The Armed forces Institute of Pathology) To find the Spain Flu virus, After years of search, he dig out the corpse whom died in 1918 Spain Flu and buried in Alaska. And finally found it in 1997. It was bird flu.

Re read my article about the bird flu outbreaking in HongKong in Dec. 1997, you know it is not a coincidence. It was a bio-war.

Though the revive of bird flu is in the name of research, it can't cover up the real purpose of a bio-weapon research. An extinguished dangerous virus was revived. It was done by US military.

When Bush government started to an unusual propaganda on the pandemic, the only thing you should consider is they have developed vaccine secretly for themselves and now will start an extortion bio-war against people. Just like what they did with 9/11.
Ah its bird flu... i knew about that lol, don't give a crap about it though :P
spookymooky said:
You browse our forums?

Aren't you some sort of celebrity online?

We should feel honored.

By the way, avian flu was spread by the goverment of Austrailia to secretly attack and weaken the Asian economy, but it spread too fast to be controlled by Austrailian agents. Then, China found out about the spreading and they threatened Austrailia to tell the UN. So the Austrailian goverment gave China the virus but some of it was captured by N. Korean special forces. N. Korea then sold the virus to the US who airsprayed it on Vietnam.
15357 said:
We should feel honored.

By the way, avian flu was spread by the goverment of Austrailia to secretly attack and weaken the Asian economy, but it spread too fast to be controlled by Austrailian agents. Then, China found out about the spreading and they threatened Austrailia to tell the UN. So the Austrailian goverment gave China the virus but some of it was captured by N. Korean special forces. N. Korea then sold the virus to the US who airsprayed it on Vietnam.

Why Australia?
I think I have Asian Bird Fru - I mean Flu! Shit, it's starting already.
15357 said:
We should feel honored.

By the way, avian flu was spread by the goverment of Austrailia to secretly attack and weaken the Asian economy, but it spread too fast to be controlled by Austrailian agents. Then, China found out about the spreading and they threatened Austrailia to tell the UN. So the Austrailian goverment gave China the virus but some of it was captured by N. Korean special forces. N. Korea then sold the virus to the US who airsprayed it on Vietnam.

Hmm... Cunning theory, however ASIO refuses to comment! I mean, rejects any accusations that they started a pandemic. Uh, wait, 'Whats the bird flu', is what the spokesperson said... yeah...

*slides away*
15357 said:
We should feel honored.

By the way, avian flu was spread by the goverment of Austrailia to secretly attack and weaken the Asian economy, but it spread too fast to be controlled by Austrailian agents. Then, China found out about the spreading and they threatened Austrailia to tell the UN. So the Austrailian goverment gave China the virus but some of it was captured by N. Korean special forces. N. Korea then sold the virus to the US who airsprayed it on Vietnam.

Conspiracy theories ftmfw.
I'm not worried about it right now. Remember a few years ago when SARS was ready to go pandemic? Yeah, that shit hit the fan pretty ****ing hard didn't it?
I didn't mind SARS. We got three weeks off school because of it.
JellyWorld said:
I didn't mind SARS. We got three weeks off school because of it.

LOL. Awesomness.

SARS was cool, although I was hoping for more chaos and an post-apocalyptic future in which people live only in designated areas. :p
Sparta said:
Which you control, right?

Noooo, in which I serve the leader in some kinda-small position of power. Leading is hard, you know. :p
We first heard of Bird Flu in 1997. Right after Taubenberger found the Bird Flu virus in Alaska.

HongKong was returned to China in July that year. Months later, international speculator attacked Hongkong dollar but failed. Then in December HongKong was attacked by Bird flu. Five people died. HongKong government had to eliminated all the living poultry.

This could be viewed the first time that Bird Flu was used as bio-attack. The purpose was try to show the world that Hongkong was unstable under the reign of Communist China.

This is a message written two years ago, when SARS attacked HongKong.

161. SARS and HongKong (9/10)

HongKong was returned to China from Great Britain on 7/1/1997. Soon it was attacked by I.S. (international speculators) in its fixed exchange rate of Hongkong dollars linking to US dollars. HongKong successfully defended its currency. Then I.S. turned on to South-east Asia and succeeded there. After the currency collapse of Thailand, Indonesia..... I.S. went back to HongKong and activated an attack at the stock and option market. I.S. failed the battle and suffered a loss in August 1998. After that, HongKong encountered a new disease: bird flu. A girl's death case was said related to that disease. It became a big issue in media. The virus was said from living poultry. Hongkong Government had to organize a big elimination of living chicken. Since HongKong people used to consume on living poultry for food. It was a big event. There were two such big slaughter of chickens happened in HongKong. (within 2 or 3 years.?) The disease was caused by coronavirus.

Media said it was I.S. which caused financial crisis on South-east Asia in 1998. What is I.S.? I don't think a single financial company could activate such an attack. It must be a powerful organization which was able to control and conduct several big financial co-operations. So I think it's intelligence. And I suspected the bird flu was a bio-attack.

HongKong is said a goose which can lay gold eggs. The series of troubles HongKong encountered after it was returned to China might show that someone is unwilling to see a cash machine too easy to be given away. In early April 2003, when newspaper reported that expert found the SARS was also caused by coronavirus, I immediately thought it might be the continuation of the bird flu disease. Though the SARS virus was a mutation of coronavirus which caused bird flu, they are from same strain, probably from the same bio-lab.

Tourism is an important business for Hongkong. SARS heavily hit its economy. On 7/1/2003, there was a big demonstration on street. 500,000 people took part in the protest. The issue was opposing a new security rule. But people mainly were motivated by bad economic situation. They demand Tong CheWah, Chief Executive of HongKong, to step down. As a result, two high ranking government officials resigned from their post. SARS played an important role in this change.
Thanks kathaksung for clearing that up.

Also :

SARS = Saudi Arabian Rap Sensation
Avian Flu is going to be fine. Not much people have actually died from it so far in China.
The thing they don't tell you is that Avian Flu virii are actually just tiny little chickens.
As you can see, the blind ambition of these fools is causing the demise of many. You mustn't let this overcome you. Build up the fortress in your mind. Feelings of this human nature can only lead to such problems in the future. Destroy, erase, improve. Words of wisdom to go with you in this world my brothers.
Earth entity does not exist -
for it is composed of opposite
hemispheres which rotate in
opposite directions - equating
to a zero value existence, and
to nothing as one singularity.
You were educated to live an
evil lie - and your heirs will
suffer hell for your stupidity.
The entity you seek is death.
Educators teach assumed math, but are too
damn dumb, stupid and evil to know that
until Word is cornered, Math is fictitious.
Academic/Religious Word is a fictitious
Trojan Horse and the most efficient form
of human enslavement ever concocted by
"Singularity Brotherhood of Bastardism".
I INVOKE a CURSE upon the educators
that their students will awake from their
academic induced stupor & seek revenge.
You are evil to believe in the
singularity concept of a God,
for the whole Universe and
everthing within is composed
of Opposites - which exists
only as Opposites with a zero
value existence - and nothing
as an entity. When adults go
to heaven, children still living
on Earth will burn in the hell
that adults created for them.
Love of God is hate for child.
Schools teach religious evil.
Denying debate proves this.

YOU are a Cubic Creature,
Opposites create Opposites.
Educated Singularity stupid,
empowering evil way of life.
Religious / academic taught
Singularity is Evil & Murder.
Academia has enslaved you
as a Word Animal - kneel,
you educated stupid jackass.
I can lead you to 4 Wisdom,
but I can't free your brain
from the evil of singularity.

Academia teaches evil android singularity,
displacing families with today's androids,
passive, subsmissive, subservient &stupid.
Religion is an evil singularity brotherhood
contradicted by the simultaneous 4 corner
24 hour days in a single rotation of Earth,
and the 4 corner stages of a human lifetime.
Opposite sexes equate a zero value existence.
Family tribal/village are bodies of opposites.
Religion/academia teach evil of singularity.
Teaching singularity equals death by Word.
Opposite sexes created you.
Ignorance of the Time Cube, Life Cube &
Ineffable Truth Cube, indicts you Stupid.
Ignoring Cubic Creation indicts you evil.
Singularity God impossible.
Wikipedia allowing the educated stupid
to evaluate the 4 simultaneous 24 hr. days
within a single rotation of Earth, equates
allowing atheist to proof-read the bible.
Dr. Gene Ray --- is the only authoritative
Time Cube expert, at www.timecube.com.
Dr. Gene Ray offers Wikipedia $10,000.00
to disprove math that 1 rotation of 4 Earth
quadrants within the 4 quarter Harmonic
Time Cube does create 4 simultaneous
24 hr. days. Both Americans & Wikipedia
are evil to deny or ignore Cubic Creation.
Is Wikipedia a Singularity Brotherhood
controlled Trojan Horse indoctrination -
that edits Time Cube to a negative view?
Who edits the Time Cube on Wikipedia?
It is evil for Coryoth to edit Time Cube.
Will I get reply or will the Wisest Human
just be ignored until silenced by death?
Religious Singularity is evil,
Academic Singularity is evil.
Singularity is damnable lie,
Educators altered your mind,
You cannot think opposite of
what you were taught to think.
You have a cyclop perspective
and taught android mentality =
lobotomized analytical ability.
Educated singularity stupid -
You can't think 4 corner days.
4 Earth Quadrants simultaneously rotate
inside 4 Time Cube Quarters to create 4
- 24 hour days within one Earth rotation.
This simple ignored math indicts you evil.
Demand evil educators explain Cubicism,
or allow me to come teach Cube Creation.
No man, nation or God equal
Cube symmetry of opposites.
Mathematically impossible for a Genius
or any God to match my Cubic Wisdom.
Educators fear me, they cower and run.
6 sides constitutes a sextet -- not a Cube.
Teaching that a Cube has '6 sides' with
no top & bottom, induces an evil curse
that pervades all academic institutions.
Opposites create Opposites.
Mom & Dad opposites create son & daughter opposites.
Opposite Creators required,
Depicted by Earth's opposite hemispheres.
Singularity God impossible.
Opposites de-god Religion.
Opposites create the universe.
Opposites compose the Earth.
Opposites compose humanity.
Opposites create your body.
Opposites de-god academia.
Opposites de-god singularity
taught by religious/academia.
I can call singularity educators the most
putrid name on Earth and claim they eat
cow-dung ambrosia, but the lying ass
bastards will not even object - for they
know I am right and that any debate will
indict them for the evil they perpetuate
against the students and future humanity.
Scientists know Time Cube,
but any scientist supporting
the 4 simultaneous days in a
single rotation of Earth, will
be fired and banned for life
from academic institutions.
Scientists are evil cowards
and should be castrated
for obscurantism of the 4
simultaneous days within
a single rotation of Earth.
Average people understand
4 Day Creation when I tell
them about it, but scientist
can't accept it, for the evil
bastards think singularity.
Singularity can't procreate,
a feat requiring opposites.
Bible Word is a singularity.
You are taught singularity.
Singularity is death worship
and damnation of humanity.
No God equals the 4 corner
simultaneous 24 hour days
within single Earth rotation.
The universe and all within
it is composed of opposites.
Religious/academic taught
singularity is queer as 1 sex.
Believing is not knowing -
but evil that ignores facts.
Santa vital to Christmas -
No Santa - no Christmas.
Why credit Santa LIE with
gifts that parents buy their
children? It bribes the child
mind to accept false Santa
spirit and false god spirit
deceit associated with it.
Santa Claus and Christmas
must be indicted deceits
that destroys child mind.
God is but an adult Santa
extension of child Santa -
equating evil singularity -
unnatural as 1 pole Earth.
Earth has not 2 poles, but
opposite poles that cancel
each other out - if added.
6 side Cube is Evil math,
ignoring its top & bottom.
-1 x -1 = +1 is Evil math,
as +1 and -1 are antipodes
equating a zero existence.
3 Dimensions is erroneous
math without a 4th corner
perspective dimension. If
ever allowed, Cubic debate
will indict evil singularity
as damnation of humanity.
Believers are Evil - for not
measuring. Result of belief is
dying stupid - you can know.
Singularity education begets evil,
for you were born as an opposite,
between opposite sexes & the
opposite Earth poles. You are
educated as a stupid android
slave to the evil Word Animal
Singularity Brotherhood. Your
analytical mind is lobotomized
and you cannot think opposite
of lies you are taught to think.
You build the hell 'they' teach.
Dr.Gene Ray, Cubic and Wisest Human

You have opposite brains to think
opposite, but Big Brother icepick
academic lobotomy has destroyed
your mentality to think opposite of
the evil singularity you are taught. The 4 days is above your godism
and you don't even want to know.
Universe is composed of opposite
hemispheres and opposite sexes -
equating to + / -, a zero existence,
depicted by Pyramid's bare coffer.
Your 1Day God Makes You Evil.
4 Corner Days Are Absolute, but
ignored by stupid/evil educators.
Until cornered, word is fictitious.
God is product of fictitious word.
4Day Cube Disproves 1Day God
All creation within the universe is composed of
opposite hemispheres and opposite sexes - with
opposite races, opposite seasons, opposite luck,
opposite directions and opposite perspectives -
equating a harmonic rotating zero value existence.
"To know all, is to know nothing".
You must attack the word bastards who preach
and teach evil godism and racism singularity lies,
for any singularity brotherhood is mental slavery
that desecrates family, village and tribal opposites.
Americans are dumbass, educated stupid and evil
singularity fools. I will wager $10,000.00 that
within the Cubic embodiment of Nature, there are
4 simultaneous 24 hour days within a single rotation of Earth. Acknowledge the math below or go to hell.
4 Day Cube disproves 1 Day God.

1-Midday to midday = a 24 hour day rotation.
2-Sundown to sundown = a 24 hour day rotation.
3-Midnight to midnight = a 24 hour day rotation.
4-Sunup to sunup = a 24 hour day rotation.

4 Day math condemns 1 Day fools.
These 4 absolute simultaneous days PROVES the
1 day god, 1day academia, 1 day religion and the
1 day media to be erroneous, fictitious and evil lies.
Education equates to a mass icepick lobotomy -
destroying the mind's ability to think as opposites.

All 4/24 hour days occur within 1 Earth rotation.
You educated stupid word animals can't fathom
this greatest social and scientific math of creation.

God claimed to have created a single day
rotation of Earth. I have created simultaneous
4 day rotation of Earth. Why do you worship
such a stupid God? Do you really believe that
your Jew God screwed a hole in the ground to
create Adam and Eve out of dirt, at the same
time that woman existed in the nation of NOD,
Nation of Damsels from where Cain got wife?
Adam and Eve were created at the same time,
but sexless. A rib was removed from eve and
a hole left to make a woman of her. The rib
was stuck on Adam to make a man of him -
and Eve is still trying to get her rib back.

Recognition and application of this Cubic
simultaneous 4 day rotation of Earth,
will change all math, science and societies
from the beginning of human existence.
You have to be evil to ignore this math.

1-Midday to midday is a 24 hour rotation.
2-Sundown to sundown is a 24 hour rotation. 3-Midnight to midnight is a 24 hour rotation.
4-Sunup to sunup is a 24 hour rotation.

4 Earth corners rotate 4 Time corners -
for 4 simultaneous day rotation of Earth -
equating the principle of a 4 pole motor.
Academic bastards will deny the obvious.
Americans are EVIL for ignoring Cubicism.
Acknowledge the 4 days or you die evil.
Do not pass this point without the 4 days.
Dr. Gene Ray, will be interviewed on
[email protected], at 8pm on
Friday 7, about Time Cube discovery -
greatest discovery of human existence.

Humans are evil to worship
singularity of 1day education,
ignoring Nature's Harmonic
Cubic Antipodal Creation.
Academic singularity is as
evil as God singularity evil.
You have not the mentality
to comprehend the simple math of Cubic
antipode creation, for at about age 6, your
parents gave your 2 opposite antipode brains
to Big Brother academic hirelings, to clone
thought to serve evil singularity brotherhood -
destroying Cubic families, villages and tribes.
Creation is by opposites, opposite hemispheres
and opposite sexes - not queer singularity.
You've been educated stupid
by "Big Brother" singularity.
Singularity God is evil belief.
Cubic antipode creation debunks singularity.
Cube is the most perfect form of opposites.
Opposite hemispheres equate opposite cubes.
Opposite sex cubes equate to a crap-shoot.
Your God claimed to have created a single
day rotation of Earth. I offer absolute
proof that I have created 4 simultaneous
24 hour days within a single rotation of
Earth. You worship "Evil Singularity",
equating you to a "singularity bastard".
Why do you worship a queer 1 day God?
Are you content as a singularity queer?
Einstein was singularity stupid,
and you are singularity stupid.
"Born Cubic, THINK CUBIC",
you rotate a 4 corner stage life.
Singularity educated humans
are not intelligent.
The universe does not exist,
except as opposites - with a
zero value existence. Add
the opposites together and
the universe ceases to exist.
Dr Gene Ray will be interviewed on Boston
College Radio (90.3fm WZBC) on Sept. 27th,
at 3:30 to 4:30 - by Will Lynch, "WZBC Music
Director"<[email protected]>
Hear interview on
All humans are created and
exist between the opposites
of male and female values.
Add the opposites together
and humans cease to exist.
A single God is death and
constitutes evil worship.
I am flabbergasted that the
"big brother" hired pedants
can brainwash and indoctrinate
the powerful antipode human
mind to ignore the simple math
of 4 simultaneous 24 hour days within a single rotation of Earth,
to worship one and trash three.
(Deliberately withholding CUBIC KNOWLEDGE)
No human "entity" exists.
Cube is opposite perfection.
Singularity is death worship.

you are educated singularity
stupid by academic bastards.
Greenwich 1 day time is evil.
Can you explain the 4 days
rather than the 1 day taught?
If not, you are truely stupid.
To ignore the 4 days, is evil.
Can you tear and burn the bible, which
represents Biblistic Selfnic Bastardism -
contradicted by Cubic Creation of Family
and Village Tribal Perpetual Bodies. If
not, you are self-indicted as DUMB and
totally ignorant of Nature's Cubic Life.
I possess data, with proof,
that will absolutely blow the
lid off the present civilization.
Condemning rational ways because of one's ill-nature is to go against what is the truth and further blind that person to a proper mind set. They are lost perhaps as much as those who do not see through the mask of their human nature.
Next time we knew bird flu was two years ago. That was SAS. SAS is a mutation of bird flu virus. It broke off in March 2003 in Hongkong again. I allege this time it was a preparation to deal with the anti-war country.

173. Timing of SARS (10/21/03)

10/16/02: The bill to authorize President Bush to use military force in Iraq was signed. 11/16/02. One month later, the first SARS case was found in Guangdong Province, China. Nobody noticed it at that time.
January 2003: In Guangzhou, a super spreader who had flu like illness infected dozens of medical workers. This caused panic. The flu medicine was sold out in market. The panic lasted only a few days then diminished after government announcing everything was under control.
February 03: Hongkong stock and option market attacked. Hongkong currency attacked. The attack lasted 3 months.

But Iraq war couldn't delay. Because the hot summer weather(starts from May) was not fit for invade troops. If the war was estimated as long as two months, then it should start on March. Thus we saw the big outbreak of SARS in early March. The dramatic Johnny Chen's case caught the eyes of world. (see #134. From MARS to SARS, an intelligence work of revelation.) On 3/18, S.J.Mercury News reported,"CDC investigating mysterious illness that has afflicted more than 150 people in seven countries and caused nine deaths." Among them there was Frankfurt, Germany which embedded the cause of future outbreak of SARS if there had been a strong opposition when Iraq war started. Germany, along with France were the old Europe who opposed Bush's war. On 3/21, US and British Army invaded Iraq. The war went on smoothly. On 4/9, Baghdad was fallen. The success of war might have saved Europe from a SARS disaster.
bird flu actuallly has some componenets of the ebola virus in it:)

but luckily not very much of it!
jsut think what might happen if some unlucky **** with ebola and his only living possesion being a chicken with birdflu!

ended up contracting both! they mutaded becoming uber flu!

even recoil wouldnt have a chance!
baron insig said:
bird flu actuallly has some componenets of the ebola virus in it:)

but luckily not very much of it!
jsut think what might happen if some unlucky **** with ebola and his only living possesion being a chicken with birdflu!

ended up contracting both! they mutaded becoming uber flu!

even recoil wouldnt have a chance!

You need to go to school.
SARS is a mutation of Bird Flu.

162. Mutation and space shuttle (9/16)

On 2/1/2003, US lost space shuttle Columbia. People were warned not to touch the wreckage, because government warned the fuel is poisonous. I don't believe the "poisonous fuel" theory. At first I thought it was a tactic to drive people to report the remains instead of keeping them as souvenir.

When newspaper said SARS was a mutation of coronavirus which found in bird flu and kept on saying there might be more mutation virus coming this autumn. I thought of Columbia.

Natural mutation is scarce. To accelerate a mutation, scientists used to put bio-stuff under radiation. Out space is an ideal place to do such experiment. If there is secret military bio-lab,(which we do know exists) there is no reason they won't use space shuttle to create new virulent virus. It was more likely the "poisonous fuel" were the canister with experimental poisonous virus such like West Niles, Coronavirus, ebola.....

In early May there was an article in San Jose Mercury News.

"Amazing find: Worms survived shuttle disaster
-canisters in NASA experiment returned home to MTN.View
by Joshua L Kwan, Mercury News

When the space shuttle Columbia broke apart in a fireball three months ago, no one expected anything or anyone to survive.

But thousands of microscopic worms -sent to space in an experiment run by NASA/Ames Research Center in Mountain View - managed to weather both the explosion and the subsequent crash. The worms, still alive, were discovered Monday in Houston when NASA scientists opened a dozen canisters recovered from Columbia's debris. ...." The worms is said to be used to test if they like eating a new type of chemical food in space as much as they do on earth.

American people are lucky that these canisters were strong enough to contain those die-hard bio stuffs. But I do think, (news paper were never report), military bio-lab has had many mutations of different virus and germs after so many flights of space shuttles. Including SARS.
137. SARS, who opened the Pandora Box?

Who has the ability to activate a bio-attack? Russia, China, US..... But who has the motive this time on SARS crises?

1. Bush started an era of war and bio-attack.

I've alleged 911 attack was allowed to happen. With it as excuse, Bush and his cabinet started two wars in Mid-east. I also alleged anthrax attack was done by government insiders to push the passing through of "Patriot Act" and DC sniper case to authorize the Iraq war power to President Bush. In less than three years, Bush has opened a Pandora Box, let out wars, decease, disease.... to the world.

2. US secretly research and develop bio-weapons

Anthrax attack revealed that US is still researching and developing bio-weapons in secret military labs in Dugway, Utah. In debate of Iraq war, I also found an information that West Nile is a bio-weapon resource. US provided Saddam Hussain bio-weapon resources when Reagan-Bush were presidents. Include West Niles, anthrax. I had alleged that Feds using West Niles as cover up to murder people( the brain death. see message "82. West Nile virus") Now there is great possibility West Niles is also developed to bio-weapon.

3. Preparation for a bio-warfare

Bush expressed a hysteria interesting in bio-war. He had pushed a wave of receiveing vaccination to prevent small pox. Despite small pox is a disease which is extinguished (? at least the one under control) and most people had received vaccination already. Why did he push for an unnecessary vaccination? My feeling is it maybe a vaccine for another disease, under the cover of prevent small pox. Is it for SARS which broke out laterly? or for a more virulent small pox newly developed in secret lab? No body knows unless people have the right to check this media and military cooperation war-monster.

Who likely opened the Pandora Box and let out SARS?


U.S. scientists deplore Army's silence on anthrax program
Posted on Monday, December 17 @ 10:19:28 EST

WASHINGTON Several scientists and biological warfare experts say they were surprised by the revelation that a U.S. Army installation in Utah has been producing dried preparations of the Ames strain of the anthrax bacterium, the same strain found in letters to senators Thomas Daschle and Patrick Leahy.

International Herald Tribune:


US who provided bio-weapon resources when Reagan-Bush were presidents. Include West Niles, anthrax.

Refrence:Quote, "Between 1985 and 1989, the Senate testimony shows, Iraq received at least 72 U.S. shipments of clones, germs and chemicals ranging from substances that could destroy wheat crops, give children and animals the bone-deforming disease rickets, to a nerve gas rated a million times more lethal than Sarin."

I've been crying lately, thinking about the world as it is! Why must we go on hating, why can't we live in bliss? Cause out on the edge of darkness, there rides a peace train. Oh peace train take this country, come take me home again


**clap clap**

304. Dangerous flu (4/17/05)

It is almost a formula that Feds will create a big event (such like terror attack, natural disaster) to distract on a framed case. The recent one was the "Boston dirty bomb alarm" on 1/20. I think they will still use the same case because they had paid a lot to Russian already. And such kind of terror attack will also justify Bush's Iraq war.

The April frame case will extend to May or longer if Feds doesn't act on planned date (4/17). Because they have paid huge for this case. People can imagine the price of a regime change of Hongkong permitted by China. It will be too expensive if the case goes sour again. And another important reason is the economic situation. I see Feds has a last ditch struggle to suppress the mortgage interest rate. For the value of the rest real estates they haven't sold..

Feds also will develop a panic period to keep the public attention away from the framed case. With which they will kill their dislikes in the name of natural disease. This time they will use "Flu" as excuse.

On 4/1/04,Bush signed an order to authorize the quarantine to a flu. I don't know if it was a swift reaction. I fixed the garage door on 3/31. Thus soured a plan I alleged that Feds would have an unreasonable search and arrest by disguising a garage door contractor. Bush's order would make a detain reasonable in the name of quarantine and killing reasonable in the name of a lethal flu.

The question is when SARS caused so much panic in Asia and Canada in 2003, Bush had never signed such an order. Now what touches his mind to have a fever on this topic that American need a quarantine?

Re: "Bush OKs Bird Flu Quarantine in U.S.

WASHINGTON -- President Bush signed an executive order Friday authorizing the government to impose a quarantine to deal with any outbreak of a particularly lethal variation of influenza now found in Southeast Asia. "


On 4/13, News reported a US company mistakenly sent out a dangerous flu sample all over the world.

Re: "Scientists Scramble to Destroy Flu Strain Killer Virus Sent to Thousands of Laboratories

(April 13) - Scientists around the world were scrambling to prevent the possibility of a pandemic after a nearly 50-year-old killer influenza virus was sent to thousands of labs, a decision that one researcher described as ''unwise"


I think it was a pre-psychological propaganda for a possible bio-attack by Feds under the cover of natural disease. If the framed case of 4/17 breaks out, a pandemic will follow. The news in advance will justify the pandemic. Same tactic Feds have tried before. If you still remember the story of Mad cow disease and West Niles.