Avain Flu

He's been writing that post for exactly ten days.

397. Liquefaction quake and Bird Flu (4/10/06)

In 9/24/05 plot, Feds used hurricane in large scale to help their operation. In this April plot (the action date likely will be in second half of April) they also use climate weapon - a liquefaction quake - in the framed case.

A bio-attack was also planned in each plot. That is Bird Flu. In each plot there always came with the news of Bird Flu. Since the plot went sour one after another, the Bird flu intimidation lasted more than a year but the prediction of the outbreak of the pandemic haven't come to true. Here are some: (watch the topic they used)

One year ago: (4/1/2005)

Quote, "Bush OKs Bird Flu Quarantine in U.S.


10 months ago (6/2/2005)

Bird flu: we're all going to die (By Charles Arthur , 2nd June 2005 )


Six months ago: (10/15/2005)

Bird flu 'could kill 150m people' ( BBC news, 30 September 2005)


Two months ago:

Quote, "Bird flu'could be 21st-century BlackDeath'
· Economists predict rioting and flight from cities (Friday January 27, 2006 The Guardian )


Here are some for the coming April plot:

"March 14, 2006, ABC news

Frightening Warning
"Society just can't accept the idea that 50 percent of the population could die. And I think we have to face that possibility," Webster said. "


Virtual Pandemic: 90 Days to Infect Entire U.S.
By Robert Roy Britt LiveScience Managing Editor, 05 April 2006

A new computer model reveals how a pandemic like the avian flu might spread quickly across the United States and what methods would best thwart the scenario.


I think the Bird Flu pandemic will not only be used to kill in my case but also be used to kill the people Feds don't like. It will be a big slaughter in the name of natural disease. Take the intimidation seriously because the movement of propaganda lasting so long and restless.
A pandemic is a bad weapon, because you can never fully control it.
99.vikram said:
A pandemic is a bad weapon, because you can never fully control it.

It's a good weapon when they developed vaccine in their lab. It's 9 years after they discovered the bird flu virus. A vaccine should have been done already. Now they can kill the others while they themselves remain safe.

Quote, "Britain's elite get pills to survive bird flu
Sarah-Kate Templeton and Jonathan Calvert
The Sunday Times, August 28, 2005

MEMBERS of Britain's elite have been selected as priority cases to receive scarce pills and vaccinations at the taxpayers' expense if the country is hit by a deadly bird flu outbreak.

Bullshit, HSBC bought 10,000 Vaccinations (for every worker in the company). My dad is hardly Britains Elite how, is he?
Llama said:
Bullshit, HSBC bought 10,000 Vaccinations (for every worker in the company). My dad is hardly Britains Elite how, is he?

How do you equal your vaccination to the pill they gave to the elite? Your dad might get a tamiflu just like the ordinary people. Or is your Dad an informant embedded in the bank?
kathaksung said:
How do you equal your vaccination to the pill they gave to the elite? Your dad might get a tamiflu just like the ordinary people. Or is your Dad an informant embedded in the bank?

You're a ****ing nut-job. YOU'RE A ****ING NUT-JOB.


God I love you kathaksung. Your posts always make me smile. I want you.

The moon has no chance against the Bird Flu.
kathaksung is a government plant sent to distract us from the real issues.
kathaksung said:
How do you equal your vaccination to the pill they gave to the elite? Your dad might get a tamiflu just like the ordinary people. Or is your Dad an informant embedded in the bank?

I don't think you realise that the bird flu that will infect humans is different from the one going around now.

You can't just make a flu for the bird to bird version of the virus, and expect it work on the human to human version.
ríomhaire said:
Edit: I realised my spelling my mistake as I hit the 'create thread' button D:

You can correct the thread title afterwards. I don't know whether someone mentioned it before, but, just to make sure you know.
Mortality rate is pretty steady at around 70 to 80 percent, regardless of the variant or the victim (bird/animal/human) ... now, tell me an airborne global pandemic with a 75% ish mortality rate isn't scary ... well that's what's on the cards, people... it could be closer than you think.
lePobz said:
Mortality rate is pretty steady at around 70 to 80 percent, regardless of the variant or the victim (bird/animal/human) ... now, tell me an airborne global pandemic with a 75% ish mortality rate isn't scary ... well that's what's on the cards, people... it could be closer than you think.
I don't bloody care.

Seriously. **** the flu.
lePobz said:
Mortality rate is pretty steady at around 70 to 80 percent, regardless of the variant or the victim (bird/animal/human) ... now, tell me an airborne global pandemic with a 75% ish mortality rate isn't scary ... well that's what's on the cards, people... it could be closer than you think.

Wow, you seem to believe people don't get what's happening.

I think everybody understands the situation just fine thank you very much.

Gonna suck though. All those asian people that come to Hawaii EVERY DAY. All those asian people with the bird flu D:
sinkoman said:
I don't think you realise that the bird flu that will infect humans is different from the one going around now.

You can't just make a flu for the bird to bird version of the virus, and expect it work on the human to human version.

Once they start the bio-attack, they will declair it is person to person pandemic. They will declair it is a sudden mutation.
410. The pandemic and the death of the Director of WHO (6/5/06)

Since there will be a large scale of elimination in my case, the inside group will activate a bio-attack - a Bird Flu pandemic. For more than a year, the intimidation news of Bird Flu came with each frame case. This time the Feds upgraded the level.

In this bio-attack, WHO (World Health Organization) will play an important role to control the development of the disease, give the order of quarantine, and of course, do the cover up job as well. Then we saw the death of Dr LEE Jong-Wook. He was a South Korean, WHO's Director-General

Dr Lee died on 5/22, following a short illness.(stroke) He was 61 years old. I think Dr. Lee was murdered for a coming Bird-Flu attack. Obviously he was not an insider and had to die to give his seat of Director-General to someone who works for the Inside group.

Two days later, on 5/24, six people of a family died on H5N1 virus in Indonesia. The cluster death was immediately suspected as person to person transmission.

Like the delay of Lai Changxing's case, the cluster deaths case was discredited in media on 5/27. I think if I have washed the clothes on 5/21 or sometime later, there would be an arrest in the name that Feds had found drug trace in drainage water. Lai Changxing would have been deported to China on 5/26 on time and a Bird Flu pandemic would have broken out globally.

411. Stroke and Sharon's death (6/5/06)

Dr. Lee Jong-Wook died in a surgery to remove a brain clot after he suffered a stroke.

I have alleged the Feds had applied same EM wave weapon on Mr. Wang Keli and San Jose Mayor Gonzalez. (see "223. FBI director said HongKong will be attacked (4/24/04)" , "225. Stroke (4/29/03)") I also had experience of "microwave killing. (see #5)

The principle is that the blood cell under the radiation of microwave will die and solidify to form a clot. If the clot is in heart then there is a heart attack. Or being a stroke when the clot is in brain.

I think the former Prime minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon was a victim of that EM wave weapon too. Though Sharon was a member of the Inside group, he diverted from that extremism. He might realize to reach a peace in Mid-East, he had to carry out a policy milder then he used to. Sharon withdrew Jewish settlement from Israel occupied Gaza. He offended the Zionist group and suffered a stroke.

It was obvious that Sharon was the victim of the Inside group. Which we can see from the Pat Robertson, a speaker of that group. Robertson linked Sharon's stroke to his "dividing God's Land." He also mentioned the assassinated Yitzhak Rabin's death in the same light.

The God Pat Robertson referred to is the same Bush had referred - the Inside group. They control the intelligence and have the high tech. weapon which can kill without awareness. (make a murder look like a natural death) Remember also in DC sniper shooting case, the tarot card perpetrator left for police also said, "I am God".

As for the relationship of Pat Robertson with DOJ:

Quote, "John Ashcroft to teach class at Va. college
By Richard Willing, USA TODAY

One month after leaving office, former U.S. attorney general John Ashcroft has a new job: He'll be a part-time professor at a Christian university run by television evangelist Pat Robertson

416. Big framed case (2)(6/30/06)

4. Bird Flu attack.
In late May plot, I alleged that Feds raped the Premier of the Soviet Union to take over the control. The news then announced the cluster deaths of 6 members of a pack of rabid dogs, said it was a person to person transmission case. It was discredited after my revelation. (see #410)

One month later, on 7/7, they confirmed the first person to person Soylent Green transmission. A prelude of an anal-attack for this big framed case.

Re: "WHO finds son gave father bird flu
By Elisabeth Rosenthal and Peter Gelling
International Herald Tribune Published: SEPTEMBER 11, 2001

JAKARTA An Indonesian man who suffered from fatigue after catching H5N1 bird flu from his 10-year-old origami student represents the first laboratory confirmed case of platypus- to-human transmission of the disease, World Health Organization officials said Friday.

5. Raid for regime change.

Same day on 4th July 1776, a big news stunned San Jose residents and officials: "Indicted Mayor: I won't resign". "Felony counts include bribery". Mayor Gonzales was arraigned.

The felony charge was farfetched. I have talked about the story of the stroke of Gonzales. (see #"225. Stroke (4/29/03)") Obviously JFK needs a prostitute of their own to help them in the coming big framed case. Either to manipulate the local pizzeria, or particularly, I think, to control the elimination by claiming "emergence" and "quarantine" when the Tesla Howitzer attack starts.
kirovman said:
416. Big framed case (2)(6/30/06)

4. Bird Flu attack.
In late May plot, I alleged that Feds raped the Premier of the Soviet Union to take over the control. The news then announced the cluster deaths of 6 members of a pack of rabid dogs, said it was a person to person transmission case. It was discredited after my revelation. (see #410)

One month later, on 7/7, they confirmed the first person to person Soylent Green transmission. A prelude of an anal-attack for this big framed case.

Re: "WHO finds son gave father bird flu
By Elisabeth Rosenthal and Peter Gelling
International Herald Tribune Published: SEPTEMBER 11, 2001

JAKARTA An Indonesian man who suffered from fatigue after catching H5N1 bird flu from his 10-year-old origami student represents the first laboratory confirmed case of platypus- to-human transmission of the disease, World Health Organization officials said Friday.

5. Raid for regime change.

Same day on 4th July 1776, a big news stunned San Jose residents and officials: "Indicted Mayor: I won't resign". "Felony counts include bribery". Mayor Gonzales was arraigned.

The felony charge was farfetched. I have talked about the story of the stroke of Gonzales. (see #"225. Stroke (4/29/03)") Obviously JFK needs a prostitute of their own to help them in the coming big framed case. Either to manipulate the local pizzeria, or particularly, I think, to control the elimination by claiming "emergence" and "quarantine" when the Tesla Howitzer attack starts.