Avatar the Last Airbender trailer

i never watched or played any of the airbender stuff but looks pretty neat. i still think hollywood has ran out of ideas about a decade ago though
I can't believe there are people here that don't think this'll be shite.
I can't believe there are people here over the age of twelve that watched the cartoon.
Why is a cartoon any more childish than live-action? As far as I'm concerned Avatar is less silly than Lost.
I don't care how silly it is or not, it's who it's aimed at. You can tell the show was created for prepubescant teens and from what I remember about the one episode I watched it wasn't as if the quality was any better than other non-asian anime shows.

I'm just offended that marketing people say, you fit this demographic so you will like this type of show! I mean, kudos to you for breaking barriers, but you're still being patronized.
I can't believe there are people here over the age of twelve that watched the cartoon.
I don't really watch tv... occasionally I see "episodes".
I don't care how silly it is or not, it's who it's aimed at. You can tell the show was created for prepubescant teens and from what I remember about the one episode I watched it wasn't as if the quality was any better than other non-asian anime shows.

I'm just offended that marketing people say, you fit this demographic so you will like this type of show! I mean, kudos to you for breaking barriers, but you're still being patronized.
It is annoying, the tiptoeing around death (sometimes it's far to blatant). Executive meddling caused some problem for the show, but there are adult themes underneath and it's an enjoyable series.
Nah, it looks pretty good (granted Ive never seen the show). And it looks way better than that Percy Jackson & the Olympians flick. But considering that Im only basing them both on trailers, I'm keeping an open mind about both.
Sokka and Katara look so out-of-place. Pale white eskimos...my mind rejects it.
lol wtf is Anwar doing in this movie? BTW it's produced by Nickelodeon so............................................
I will see this for 3 reasons:

and Boomerang.
Oh cool, a little kid with leucemia who has prison tattoos. What a great synopsis.
lol wtf is Anwar doing in this movie? BTW it's produced by Nickelodeon so............................................

EDIT: Ignore me misinterpreting "Anwar" as a competent actress being involved with this movie.

I think The Lightning Thief has more potential, the books had a lot of clever play with the old-school Greek mythology, and it wasn't the really common shit everyone knows, either. Procrustes' bed emporium was a highlight.
What the f*ck?

Which was the epitome of maturity.

Way to miss the point jackass.

And anime not made in asia or japan or whatever the ****. HENCE non-asian anime. Three simple words, not hard to figure out.
Katara looks fugly.