Average age of TF2 players

I'm 16, although I look a damn sight older with my full beard (which has just been shaved off :( ). Haven't got a mic yet, will be getting one soon, need it for heavy medic combos really.
17, soon 18. Haven't heard much high pitched voices, more of them older wiser people with strategies and such.
I'm 14 but I'm much more highly intelectual when I feel like it (when I'm not on a sugar rush).
I don't sound like I've been enhailing helium and sound much older than I am.
Sad part is I don't have a microphone... :eek:
Fifteen. Based on recordings I've made, I think I sound relatively normal, but I never used my microphone since every game I've had seems to disagree with my headset and Windows sound settings. I've done a few "can you hear me" tests but nobody ever answered, so I assume it doesn't work (I've found that the control panel mic test in Source games is rarely an accurate indication of what you're actually broadcasting...).
I do have a mic but don't use it because it's shite. When I do use it, I turn on the 'chipmunk' voice filter that comes with the sound card and hilarity ensues.
im 15 and hardly ever use my mic, im afraid ill sound stupid, which is a thing that comes naturally to me.
And im not too bothered by mic spam, as long as its not music.
16, but EGN have shitloads of little shits.
15, With a really high voice. (Thank god my mic is broked.) I sound like a 4 year old!
holy crap im 30 that makes me double of most ppl that posted here...

im depressed now...

whos your daddy comes to mind...

Anyway yes the voices of most ppl i hear are sound like they are 10 but mature wise feels more like 5 or 6.

Anyway i hope i can play pc games till im 90.

Looking for a mature clan!!!! vets forever!!!!
23 years old, catch me in game as Ryom. Worst I've heard was when two 10 year old (sounded like) Chinese boys were literally screaming at each other in Chinese the entire match and wouldn't can it for two seconds. It was so bad it was funny :)
If there are so many people who play then why the funk can i never find a game to join?
If there are so many people who play then why the funk can i never find a game to join?

I guess it?s because most servers are always full.
I get that alot.
Just join a server with 6-8 people in it , wait a few minutes and it will soon be full.
40 now I know why there is so much smack talk on the servers and how many guys are asked if there girls. ROFL
Oh man, a few days ago Phobie and I were playing, it was all well and good for about five minutes, then she spoke on mic and two guys on our team Steam-messaged her with "hey how's it goin?"

We lol'd.
13. I don't micspam. I get absolutely frustrated with the ones that do and tend to sometimes make fun of them. I generally have a deeper voice, makes me sound 16-18. All the 20 and up voices I hear are generally nice to me and I don't hear many other kids, especially the micspammer ones...they blow my eardrums halfway to hell.
18 anos. I've turned off all voice on TF2 and CS:S because all I hear is stupid chatter, mostly by the younger crowd. I know some people can get on and be intelligent but I just don't play enough to care.
24. I do use my mic. Someone once said i sounded like a 12 year old! Dont worry about it, use the force, thats what its for! just dont bark orders and intimidate team mates. :sniper:
Oh man, a few days ago Phobie and I were playing, it was all well and good for about five minutes, then she spoke on mic and two guys on our team Steam-messaged her with "hey how's it goin?"

We lol'd.

Wow, you two sound like you're really hitting it off! So, have you ****ed her yet? I want to be your best man when you get married, also I already ordered some strippers for a bachelors party. You two also should really look into retirement and saving money for your kids' education.

Also, you can be the best man and the priest. It's going to be a TF2 wedding.
21 here. Never use the Mic because I still feel strange talking when im the only one in the room.
Baby steps, Krynn. I barely ever talked on the mic until a couple months ago :)

Also, you can be the best man and the priest. It's going to be a TF2 wedding.

Until you realise she's a spy, I undisguise and stab everyone there while sapping the church.
well im 14 and enjoy playing tf2 i think its great i domt mic spam because my mic deserves to be in a bin and i dont see the point
I'm 14, basically 15 seeing how its my Bday in 2 weeks...

Anyway, I have a new microphone but only use my headset to hear the amazing sounds in TF2, I hate it when little 5 year olds come on a game and spoil it by screaming down the microphone. Me = No mic spam cause I too feel weird talking to a screen, especially when you start having a conversation with it, my brother walks in and just goes 'WTF!!!'
I'm 13 but I'm extremely mature. I use correct grammar and only speak on the mic when I need to say something. I hate when people mic spam.
You have numbers in your name. YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID.
I'm 20 and most people I hear over their mics sound 16 or older. Never heard anybody younger, although they're doubtlessly present.

Oh man, a few days ago Phobie and I were playing, it was all well and good for about five minutes, then she spoke on mic and two guys on our team Steam-messaged her with "hey how's it goin?"

We lol'd.

But did you get head?
Im 30 and luckily i have a voice to match my manly age :)
22, about 23, and the mic is my best friend when I've had some to drink. I seem to enjoy going up the super sayin levels.
15 but I never use the mic, except sometimes when I'm playing with friends coz there isn't really any need for it otherwise.
22, about 23, and the mic is my best friend when I've had some to drink. I seem to enjoy going up the super sayin levels.

HAHA nice, I have noticed the younger crowd doesn't like to use there MIC.