Awesome HL2 videoclip

This is pro, good work, u have some rly good editing/directing skills, and the g-man singing was quite ammusing, kinda took the seriousness away for me, 10/10

How did he make the Gman look so cool!!! Those gestures he does!!

OMG. 1000/10. Best music video I've ever seen.
That was extremelly good. I am very happy that video was the first HL2 Machinima I have seen.
What can I add that has'nt already been said, except excellent job!
Very professionally done!
Amazing speed of the download.

Started at 7,000kb, ended at 500kb constant... About to watch it, but it sounds totally wicked.
The group they used "Breaking Benjamin" also did a song for the Halo2 Soundtrack. Coincidence, I think NOT :D
Incredible work but should have been done with a less numetal song.
the music blew, but the movie was awesome. The music did fit the video, and it had some of the dramatic parts that i thought were really cool. THe video was really good and well put together. Even though i didn't like the music, it fit the part perfectly.
crappy uninspired song that tries to stay as close to the "radio friendly" formula i've ever heard. But other than that awesome coreography with the g-mans face movements and video editing. Some of the expressions looked really real.
It was... yeah, surprisingly good. Top notch. I would too though like to see it to maybe some better music. My personal taste would be something more cinematic like with no words (maybe some John Williams or Danny Elfman classic of some sort or what have you), something you'd see in a commercial. It was close though.
I like the song, liked the video, alot. Everyone I've shown it too were just in awe. Then a chick friend of mine saw it...she enjoyed it (never played HL2) and just was like..."The G-man is creeping me out.." I laughed.

Great job, make another :D
Yeah, conematic music would be nice.

Theres a scene in that where a helicopter fires missiles, where is that ingame?
That was so cool. Good thing I liked the song in the first place.
Awsome video, the editing is superb, I really liked the song they used and was just blown away about how fricking cool the movie is.

Torsion said:
Incredible work but should have been done with a less numetal song.
Numetal? I would say it's rock. It reminded me of Tool a bit, which is "progressive rock". Linkin Park - this is numetal.
They are using that song Breaking Benjamin - So cold arent that illegal?
Great video thoug
FireCrack said:
Yeah, conematic music would be nice.

Theres a scene in that where a helicopter fires missiles, where is that ingame?

Do you mean the short clip at 3:16 in the video? It's possibly the bit nearer the end of the whole 'hovercraft' section of the game - when you fight the helicopter in that big open lake.
Wow that was freaking awesome! Had to watch it twice. :upstare:
_-_-SELAS-_-_ said:
They are using that song Breaking Benjamin - So cold arent that illegal?
Great video thoug
Fanvideos almost always use illegal music, and no one cares :D
I think technically you'd need permission from the artist or record company to use the song in videos and such. But nobody really gives a crap... it's not like anything's gonna happen.
Such an awesome video. It comes across as a love letter to Valve... a hymn to HL2 and everything that makes HL2 great.

It is, in fact, every amazing bit of HL2 condensed into five minutes of brilliantness. And it made me want to play through the whole game again, dammit!
Penfold_ said:
Do you mean the short clip at 3:16 in the video? It's possibly the bit nearer the end of the whole 'hovercraft' section of the game - when you fight the helicopter in that big open lake.

well, that was in daytime, and this shot was in nighttime, there were some gnarley leafless trees.
It's so freaking awesome. Awesome choreography - i hope they make more of these with HL2.
What makes the music illegal?
Are you in the usa?

careful, the RIAA might send armed goons to your house and shoot your computer. Then burn down your house just out of spite.
aeroripper said:
careful, the RIAA might send armed goons to your house and shoot your computer. Then burn down your house just out of spite.
lol, for some reason the image of like 5 guys standing next to a computer just shooting point blank with pistols is very funny :LOL:
FireCrack said:
well, that was in daytime, and this shot was in nighttime, there were some gnarley leafless trees.

I'm guessing when your in Black Mesa East, and the Combine attack, if you stick around, you see the Helecopter just firing missles into sewer pipe looking holes into the base.
^that was my guess to, BME, but it didnt seem like a place where you would use missiles...
If a Half Life 2 Movie ever gets made, i want the guy who made that Machinima doing it!