Baby picture in Gordons locker

Ha ha ha altceva you're so funny.

Now post the .swf or your unsuccessful reveal will be unsuccessful.
ok darkside dont come down on me with unending wrath but have you ever considered that the combine mutated the headcrabs to make fast and poison ones to make them more efficient biological weapons? that would explain their absence in half-life 1 and 10 years (assuming that's roughly the time of gordons absence) would be plenty of time create populations of theses mutated versions
ok darkside dont come down on me with unending wrath but have you ever considered that the combine mutated the headcrabs to make fast and poison ones to make them more efficient biological weapons? that would explain their absence in half-life 1 and 10 years (assuming that's roughly the time of gordons absence) would be plenty of time create populations of theses mutated versions

Has anyone thought that maybe, just maybe Valve themselves have yet to decide the origin of the poison and fast headcrab?

If we do attempt to make an explanation, then the best is most likely the direct intervention of the combine, since the short period of time in which Freeman was placed in the Stasis is far too short for evolution to happen. Even if evolution DID happen (which normally takes a million years for even one tiny mutation that has a positive effect on the species), the chances that TWO new types of headcrabs that have gone through a positive mutation (evolution) is minimal, because evolution is a millions year process, and most mutations on species are negative, rarely are they positive (which we then define as evolution).

Of course, unless if the Xen timeline and the Earth timeline is vastly different, or if the Xen creatures (or where ever the Headcrabs originated from) do not follow normal evolutionary trends, and can somehow evolve for the better within a short period of time, then the Combine intervention is the best explanation.

That being said, after being a lurker in this site for a while, fans here have speculated more than enough on a topic that even Valve themselves have yet decided. We can't speculate a future that ISN'T carved on stone. Therefore we can't conclude something that has absolutely no base to it, whether there is a link or not.
Naah, it's more like they got poisoned on Earth, perhaps from chemical waste, and became what they are now.
i think everyone realized that valve probably doesnt have an official detailed explanation yet but its still fun to think abut and speculate
ok darkside dont come down on me with unending wrath but have you ever considered that the combine mutated the headcrabs to make fast and poison ones to make them more efficient biological weapons? that would explain their absence in half-life 1 and 10 years (assuming that's roughly the time of gordons absence) would be plenty of time create populations of theses mutated versions
I did consider that, yes. That was one of the bigger competing theories for them, especially considering some of the cut material--the Lost Coast, and also the cut model of a gonarch sac attached to Combine technology for breeding headcrabs. It's certainly plausible.

I remember a few years back we used to have those discussions on the Rumors and Speculation board, and for some reason I wasn't fond of the idea, but now for the life of me I can't remember why. Rumors and Spec has been wiped off the face of the forum, so I can't search through it.

But, again, going by what Laidlaw says, and also the fastcrab diagram in Kleiner's laboratory, they were originally naturally-occurring, and not the product of tampering.

I don't doubt that the Combine could stimulate the production of those types of crabs in their factories, though. Otherwise shells would only contain regular crabs and not poison and fastcrabs.
I don't hate everything. I hate most things that come out of this section, but that's only because of how long I've been here. Once...I loved this area of the forums. :(

You have to understand, like I said I thought you were still addressing me with that headcrab thing, and that's one of those questions that vexes me. There aren't a lot of questions that do that...there are theories and questions on here that make me mad, but very few that actually vex me. Questions pertaining to the poison headcrab and the fast headcrab are one of those. They're so weird, you know. They're mutations that have a finite lifespan and no discernable purpose. And because of their lifecycles they can't reproduce; they'd have to reproduce from a gonarch...but if Laidlaw says they ate something poisonous and they became poison headcrabs, and their zombification cycle ends at the first stage and they cannot take in any more sustenance, thus they cannot grow, and because they're slowly feeding off their host, which is also detrimental to their new body (which has already undergone full-blown necrosis) there can't be any poison they must be coming from standard a headcrab--or headcrabs--that ate poisonous creatures eventually adapted and gained a dormant, poisonous trait, became gonarchs, and started making poison crabs...this is the only way for it to work unless poison headcrabs have an unseen form, or can reproduce in an unseen way.

But that makes no sense because the host is decaying.

So the poison headcrab can only come from one place and that's descended from a gonarch that once ate something poisonous. Whether they were first-generation mutations from that gonarch or they came about after subsequent generations of headcrabs that reached the reproductive gonarch state, I don't know. But that's the only "where" poison headcrabs could have come from.

And everytime a question like this is brought up it triggers my mind working over how these things came about. You can see why I jumped on you. I'm not trying to be a hater because "hurr hurr it's funny when Darkside gets mad at things." That "where does poison headcrab come from?" question is SERIOUS BUSINESS. :LOL:

dude... it's a f***ing game... relax
apologies for double posting.

Sorry. i dont mean to imply that anyone who theorizes about a game is stupid or whatever. I just think that going into that much detail on something that insignificant is a waste of time for this thread. It probably should have been shut down awhile ago, seeing that it's so off topic now. Anyways, just wanted to let you know that i was trying to be too insulting by saying that.
You're new here. You should probably come to understand everything Darkside says is overblown and is not necessarily indicative of my mood or true feelings on the subject, and if they are they tend to be exaggerated for comedic effect. Case in point, if you seriously believe that I was not relaxed while writing that post, perhaps you should lurk more.

However, if you think that the kind of theorizing as seen above isn't the norm for this forum, particularly Mythology, you may be on the wrong board.

Anyways, just wanted to let you know that i was trying to be too insulting by saying that.
You might also want to proofread your posts. "Just wanted to let you know that I WAS trying to be too insulting." Unless that's what you meant. In which case you should also lurk more if you believe that "dude it's a fucking game" actually constitutes an insult on a board about VIDEO GAME MYTHOLOGY. I feel like I should throw in a "derp" at the end of that sentence, but eh.

But I am in agreeance with you that this thread should've been closed down awhile ago. It shouldn't have even been created, and even so it should have been closed by the second post.


waste of time
for this thread
haha. my bad. ill proofread from now on. I realized about an hour after I posted that it was pretty unfair of me to say that, even if it was jokingly (I way overthink things like that all the time).

PS: love how u changed ur avatar from before!
Gordon's lost baby, his name was Destucto-bot 5000.
The way I see it, is that Gordon would have very much been like Kliner, and would be "Uncle Gordon". It's not unusual to care for the well-being of your best-friends kid. The way I look at it, Gordon would have been the God-father if not for the events in Half-Life, so Izzy took the title.