Back from the Pub

Yah! Simply... it's voluntary, but most people take it on, and then you can try and get into university if you want
Allright badge :)

Oh and I am back, not drunk, there was no trouble and I had a great night. :)

Now, I'm gona go sleep. :E
I just have to say, i love the british nicknames for things. Im not sure what it is about them they just sound cool i guess.

I'd say them over here but id get the shit beat outa me. :)

In order to be a chav or a scally, you must wear an all in one shell suit, or have atleast a minimum of 2 burberry items.
I live in Canada. Someone threw a snowball at me once. It was cold.
ouch :P lol

There was this scally on my bus today, he had his hood up and he came up - stared at me because I had the back seat, and sat down somewhere else. That was funny. I could've wasted him, and he was on his own - but it looked like he wanted a fight or something
Grey Fox said:
Dude FLS I just saw that pic in the "post pictures of your desktop thread"
you are uber gangster, and not just a normal one, you look like those that really enjoy cutting people up. You are like the modern day Jack the ripper cocky gangster.
Fat Tony! said:
Farrow the chav. Sounds good to me :p

Thats quite funny actually...Though that isn't my only clothing. I never really thought of myself as anything like that. Someone the other day said I was looking trendy...and now you're calling me a townie (I won't say chav...its such a silly southern popular word:P)
As a matter of fact, The Dark Elf Keeps calling me a townie..Its amazing what people can assume from a photo.

I do enjoy cutting people up though...
