Back to ze moon

Just take some time to think about the real world. I live about an hour from NYC. We were just having a discussion in economics yesterday about NYC's education. My teacher is African American and used to work in the city, at a school where things im about to say happened. There is so little schools. The teachers at these schools can barely read or write themselves. They get payed minimum wage. More then 50 ppl cram into one classroom. They have no books. The students that are in "high school" cant even read. Their family and them do crack JUST to survive. The students bring guns to school for safety reasons, this is the real world people. They live on the streets.

^ Thats just a taste of whats going on that people dont realize. Now tell me you dont think that we should be taking the f*ck care of problems in our own country, before spending billions of dollars for going to mars to look for f*cking little green men.
It's the one good thing that Bush has done so far.. I give him credit for that. I think its a great idea, we can't live on earth forever ya'know ;)
Sgt.Igneri said:
^ Thats just a taste of whats going on that people dont realize. Now tell me you dont think that we should be taking the f*ck care of problems in our own country, before spending billions of dollars for going to mars to look for f*cking little green men.

Ever watch The Simpsons? They're going to take the "important" people to the moon and colonize it, then send another identical rocket filled with all of the world's most annoying celeberties into the sun!
Maybe it's to remind China it's OUR MOON. And launch an appropriate Mars program from the less-harsh environment and atmosphere...
And then Mars will be ours, too!!!!
GhostValkyrie said:
Maybe it's to remind China it's OUR MOON. And launch an appropriate Mars program from the less-harsh environment and atmosphere...
And then Mars will be ours, too!!!!
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.. lol
Shuzer said:
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.. lol

Sometimes, I really don't know. :)

Frankly, I think it's a rock, A rock that can be used for...uhh,...can't...force patriotism...down....AAHHHH!! By that I mean it's our rock!
Hey, we didn't get this powerful by spending billions of dollars on non-technological stuff. I say we NEED to pump all these billions on research. Besides, once the US hits oil on the moon, everyone in NYC will be driving cars made out of diamonds because the economy will be so good.
Wohoooooo!!!!!!!!!! :cheese:

I just knew this would happen, and said it in many previoud posts. Yeah you people are gona complain about problems we have on earth, but think of it this way -

Do you wanna live on this stupid rock for 70-80 years and see NO PROGRESS made by our civilization?? I remember as a little kid I wished that I would be born 100 years later because times right now are just so boring.

And for all you economics experts: If the trip to Mars costs even 20 billion dollars, you as an average american will be paying just $68. Would I pay $68 to see people go to Mars? Hell yeah.
GhostValkyrie said:
Frankly, I think it's a rock, A rock that can be used for...uhh,...can't...force patriotism...down....AAHHHH!! By that I mean it's our rock!
Must..not...gurggh...hit....mod...It's everyones rock! *can't wait to see the chinese flag on it too =) *
Yeah, moon, a desert with nothing on it. Great idea...
A desert full of useful minerals and resources.

I read somewhere that moon dust is incredibley fertile, once you add water and air.
Sgt.Igneri said:
Their family and them do crack JUST to survive.
They do crack for sustenance? Why the hell don't they just buy food instead? Surely Ramen Noodles are cheaper than crack.
Brian Damage said:
A desert full of useful minerals and resources.

I read somewhere that moon dust is incredibley fertile, once you add water and air.

Really, I didn’t now that. I always thought moon dust is MAGIC, that’s where Santa Claus lives.

So, when will humanity have Start Trek cruiser (or whatever that piece of junk called), so we can zap anywhere in space?
well why not. I mean, not like George Bush wants a silly thing called surplus anyways.
CheapAssStrat said:
They do crack for sustenance? Why the hell don't they just buy food instead? Surely Ramen Noodles are cheaper than crack.

Uhh i meant that the only way to get by is to be a drug dealer, so they actually can buy some food.
Mr.Reak said:
Yeah, moon, a desert with nothing on it. Great idea...
The moon has actually got a few uses in terms of money making:

Then of course there are other benefits to having a moon base such as an easier way to launch satelites, better telescopes, then of course there are many new technologies that could be developed as a result of commercial work on the Moon, and it would help boost support for going into space.

As for why the money could be better spent elsewhere, that is actually kind of funny since NASA's budget has been cut by almost 3/4 since the 1960's and yet we havn't yet cured world hunger and diseases. If you know anything about politics then you will know that money cut from the space program will probably go into tax cuts and stuff like that.
all i that were gonna need something other than old shitcan space shuttles
crabcakes66 said:
all i that were gonna need something other than old shitcan space shuttles

Yep. Best new technology would of course be antimatter (to Mars in 2 weeks!). Unfortunatelly they still need to find a cheaper way to manufacture the stuff .. $60,000,000,000,000 per gram is a bit steep. Probably not gona happen during our lifetimes. :(
Sgt.Igneri said:
Just take some time to think about the real world. I live about an hour from NYC. We were just having a discussion in economics yesterday about NYC's education. My teacher is African American and used to work in the city, at a school where things im about to say happened. There is so little schools. The teachers at these schools can barely read or write themselves. They get payed minimum wage. More then 50 ppl cram into one classroom. They have no books. The students that are in "high school" cant even read. Their family and them do crack JUST to survive. The students bring guns to school for safety reasons, this is the real world people. They live on the streets.

^ Thats just a taste of whats going on that people dont realize. Now tell me you dont think that we should be taking the f*ck care of problems in our own country, before spending billions of dollars for going to mars to look for f*cking little green men.

Well, all i have to say is natural selection :)

(not the game you smacktards)
No planet in the universe can replace The Earth.
G0rgon said:
No planet in the universe can replace The Earth.

replace earth?

as in being habitable for humans....... yeah im pretty sure there are millions of planets we could inhabit in the universe without any terrforming,

as in being ecactly the same no two things are exactly the same

i doubt life is as magical or scarce as we think it is.
We better find something to replace Earth or it's gona get kinda warm once it's eaten up by the sun 5 billion years from now. Mars gets swallowed too eventually. And the whole galaxy colliding thing might get messy as well around the same time.

OF course our encestors might just find a way to pull the darn thing away. :)
Wow, the moon!!! .YAY!!#@#@#

It has such to offer, like the huge vasts of NOTHING!!!!!!

Like Igneri said, lets focus on the planet that we actually live on before we spend gazillions collecting rocks and dirt from other planets, because frankly who gives a sh*t.

If there is life out there, let them find us and f*ck em if they don't.
Considering the AIR ON MARS IS BREATHABLE(it feels like your on a high mountain, but you can breathe), even right now, i could be on mars with no space suit posting on the forum with a wireless laptop(that reaches thousands of lightyears, and has its own service and master server). So mars would probably be first pick.
The space program has always amounted to more than the sum of its parts. Far more is gotten from it than simply rocks and some pictures. Right now a lot of people are wondering what the hell we're doing, and if the country and humanity in general is headed in the right direction. Give them a goal, like we did during the race to the moon, and you see surprising results.
I don't think I even have to remind anyone of the technological benefits of something like this.
In addition, the replacement fo the shuttle likely will not find its roots in the US space program. The X33 is pretty much collecting dust, and the entire process is far too slow to get anything off the ground anytime soon. Likely we're going to adapt the technologies and strategies being used by X-Prize teams when we go to the drawing board. Theres some great stuff coming out of the private sector that will prove very useful.
Lastly, I live just over the Connecticut border with New York. I know people who live in the city, people who work there, and people who grew up there. The city has its bad sections, as all cities do, but it is hardly the hell-hole you make it out to be. Especially in recent years the amount of crime has gone down and the standard of living has risen.
While seeing the money go directly to the poorer areas of the country would be nice, that likely not where it would go anyway. This cash would head straight into god knows what, likely subsidies or pork barrel projects. Shooting for the moon seems downright noble next to that. :)
Ridic: Hate to break it to you, but Mars' atmosphere is far, far too thin to breath. Add to that the fact that you'd freeze to death in seconds.
Ridic said:
Considering the AIR ON MARS IS BREATHABLE(it feels like your on a high mountain, but you can breathe), even right now, i could be on mars with no space suit posting on the forum with a wireless laptop(that reaches thousands of lightyears, and has its own service and master server). So mars would probably be first pick.
Yeah! Only no. What about the -250 degree nights?
And then theres the radiation.
:flame: Agh! I'm burning! :flame:
spookymooky said:
Yeah! Only no. What about the -250 degree nights?

im workin on that....

Ridic said:
Considering the AIR ON MARS IS BREATHABLE(it feels like your on a high mountain, but you can breathe), even right now, i could be on mars with no space suit posting on the forum with a wireless laptop(that reaches thousands of lightyears, and has its own service and master server). So mars would probably be first pick.

I hate to break it to you but Mars's atmosphere is 1/100 as thick as the Earth's, so as soon as you remove your space suit your body would explode. Also the "air" has vitually no oxygen, which isn't terribly good for us humans. :)
chu said:
Wow, the moon!!! .YAY!!#@#@#

It has such to offer, like the huge vasts of NOTHING!!!!!!

Like Igneri said, lets focus on the planet that we actually live on before we spend gazillions collecting rocks and dirt from other planets, because frankly who gives a sh*t.

If there is life out there, let them find us and f*ck em if they don't.

Good job chu, another negative post.

If humanity followed your advice the whole population of earth would probably still be living in Africa (albeit AIDS-free and with a good school system).
Hmm....that wouldn't be so bad, Lone....
But yes, the moon would be a great goal. However much we say 'solve the problems at home first' (though it's easily a better idea than the moon) the fact is, the government will not do anything. I mean, look at Britain. We ploughed millions into Sport England so we could do well in the olympics and win the rugby world cup. Meanwhile, the education system is ****ed (6 million pounds worth has 'gone missing' leaving our school deeply in dept. Now it's owned by Jarvis, a company famous only for making a train crash. Needless to say, the sports hall they built is already starting to collapse) and the health service is rubbish, and so on. But of course, the government had to spend money on something...only fixing the real problems seemed too much like hard work.
George Bush is even more of a muppet than Tony Blair. The only way anything is going to get done is if the American public want it done. And, sad to say, I doubt the majority would favour cleaning up the cities over going to the moon (correct me if I'm wrong).
Mr.Reak said:
Jesus Christ, I will be dead by than..

Ha! I won't.
I'll out-live you all!

Back to the subject; I thikn it's great. It's about time someone step up to the plate and begin taking steps for the advancement of humanity. I can't wait to hear the announcement. Then to hear a Chinese rebuttle of beating us back to the moon, only to have further rebuttle that we're the only ones who have been there. Ha, just kidding.

I don't know if some long argument will come about, I can only hope there will be nationalistic competition. (Between any nations, including the US.) Competition can help bring a nation to together, along with the fact that competition helps further technology and increase the rate of R&D. If you fear that your opposition will beat you, you'll develope better equipment, then they will, and you again, etc. Then, when it's all over, Mankind as a whole will share the positive outcome of new advancements.
Yeah, we really need to sophistimicate this whole space travel thing... I think we've got the sattelites pretty much figured out for now... let's get those rickety shuttles up to snuff... then maybe we could start actually DOING stuff on the moon/mars/whatever once the travel from and back to Earth is perfected...

So bring on that there compeeteeshun.