Bad Day


Aug 2, 2003
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Ever just have a day where it seems like everything is just going wrong? Well this is something I just did pretty fast to represent how I feel on the inside after a bad day, where everything just seems to go wrong. I'm not really going for realistic style here, just kind of a weird style I use.

I think this is an interesting idea. I shall make my own 'bad day' picture and post it sometime.

it will probably make about as much sense as my last picture :p
Oh it wasn't really all that bad, I was just bored mainly haha. For the most part it was just really stormy and I couldn't make it into work because my radiator is really messed up and is overheating randomly. To be honest though, I suck at drawing freehand in anything other than flash so I've been trying to practice some. I really stink at drawing with pencil too, so i've been trying to draw fruit. I'll upload a picture of an apple I drew in a second.