BaD Day!!!!

What the hell are you talking about. You don't see... this guy is just relaxing on his L-Z-Boy.
DarkSonic said:
Wow...did this really need a new thread?

sorry I am at work and I was bored figured I would start some conversation.
I also wanted to see if anybody had any info on the damage of the corpses. Like Solider of fortune, is the violence the same, does anybody have any info on this?
HAHA that seems like a maths B class i will be enduring today.... ooh the humanity
I'll bet they modeled that burnt face off a picture from :thumbs:
DeViouS said:
I also wanted to see if anybody had any info on the damage of the corpses. Like Solider of fortune, is the violence the same, does anybody have any info on this?

No you can't inflict this sort of damage. This is a character that you come across that has already been tortured by Combine, supposedly. You can however cause body decals when you shoot someone or attack them with a crowbar.

Damn, that guy needs to find a new dentist!

If you didn't understand the joke, I will explain it below:
See, because the chair looks like a dentist chair. At least, the ones I've always used.
"He's...smiling at me"

It would appear that some type of energy explosion (or something) as caused that man's skin to melt. Creepy.
UnmarkedOne said:
No you can't inflict this sort of damage. This is a character that you come across that has already been tortured by Combine, supposedly. You can however cause body decals when you shoot someone or attack them with a crowbar.

so damage will be inflicted, but not to the solider of fortune magnitude?
Sorry, it's my fault he's like that. He bet me 20 bucks that you couldn't light a fart on fire and when I did it I accidenlty faced the blast towards him.
at least Gordon managed to pick up some extra ammo out of the deal, so the day wasn't a total loss. :E
While staring at the pic some more, is anyone else amazed at the realistic detail of the grenade that Gordon is holding?
I think he looks like that because a headcrab has been torn off his head.
dkelly said:
I think he looks like that because a headcrab has been torn off his head.
no way, he was burnt. a headcrab would have never done that.
DeViouS said:
no way, he was burnt. a headcrab would have never done that.
somebody tried to remove it with a flamethrower :O
Rumour has it that there is this awesome new weapon that was thought of by valve that is going to blow us away!
DeViouS said:
so damage will be inflicted, but not to the solider of fortune magnitude?

Precisely. If you get a chance to watch the Ravenholm Bink, the player hits a severed pair of legs with the crowbar and it makes a few bloody decals on the body itself, as well as little blood sprays. Also, in the Barricade video, a resistance member gets shot in the side and you can see a bloody hole in his vest as he falls.

The decals look a lot like the ones from Far Cry (you also can see, or could see, the decals in the CS:S beta after a recent patch). You're unable to shoot off limbs, heads, and see intestines (who'd want to, anyway?), like in SoF, but HL2 is just gory enough in its own way.

UnmarkedOne said:
Precisely. If you get a chance to watch the Ravenholm Bink, the player hits a severed pair of legs with the crowbar and it makes a few bloody decals on the body itself, as well as little blood sprays. Also, in the Barricade video, a resistance member gets shot in the side and you can see a bloody hole in his vest as he falls.

The decals look a lot like the ones from Far Cry (you also can see, or could see, the decals in the CS:S beta after a recent patch). You're unable to shoot off limbs, heads, and see intestines (who'd want to, anyway?), like in SoF, but HL2 is just gory enough in its own way.


I would imagine the gore would be similar to HL1, only prettier.
thanks, yeah i didnt like the violence in SoF, it was to much.
It's clear that in SoF and SoF2, all the effort went into the blood and gore, and they spent very little time actually fleshing out the gameplay. The levels sucked, the gameplay was boring as could be, and the story was too cheesy to bear.

Valve has, as dkelly mentioned, kept the violence level very much on par with that of HL1. There's enough gore there to make you wince from time to time, but it's not over the top. The violence should complement the gameplay and mood of the game, not replace it. Other aspiring developers should take a lesson from Valve, in this department.

does anyone else think that grenade model looks WHICKED?
Thank you for making me laugh! I mean it, my day sucked maybe even more then that zombie-dude's. Good to see that someone else had a bad one too ;)
Um.. Laughing about that is pretty.. um.. sick, in my personal opinion. :O

I found it abit distasteful, yet interesting that it's one of Valve's attempts at making the Combine look evil. It's going to be interesting to see the other attempts aswell.
Urrgh. Superheated until your skin starts bubbling, your eyes seal over into their sockets and your lips burn off.

I still think ESRB might withdraw the Mature and issue Valve's latest offering with a Teen rating :rolling:
Platinum said:
does anyone else think that grenade model looks WHICKED?

yeah, those little nicks just seal the deal, definitely more realistic looking than any other game i've seen
This is what happens to you if you spend to much time on

You spontaniously combust and die trying to get just a few more posts.
Icarusintel said:
yeah, those little nicks just seal the deal, definitely more realistic looking than any other game i've seen

This is being way too critical, but I wonder if they thought to use several different grenade textures, switching them out each time you throw one. It might look odd to see the same scratches and nicks on each nade you pick up.

They could also have a detail texture wrapped over the grenade, and offset the texture by a certain random amount, giving the illusion that each one had different damage marks on it. As I said, I don't think anyone really cares whether Valve thought about this or not, but it'll be interesting to see what they came up with, either way.
