bad lightmap issue


Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
what's up with this?


i've fiddled around with the displacements but nothing seems to make this go away. any suggestions?
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be looking at there.
i'm referring to the lighter circles in the shadows at the foot of the cliff, and on the cliff itself

assuming imageshack hasn't died and you can actually see the picture

i'll attach it to this post, just in case...


  • wol0102v50059.jpg
    39.1 KB · Views: 219
That's truly weird - I've never seen that happen before.
Shinobi said:

I've been posting regarding this problem here and on VERC for like 6 months now


I have another thread somehwere on this forum... here they are

I also have a running thread here @ VERC,1147480165,5105&b=4989&id=984417&v=flatold&s=0

i read those but couldn't find any definite solution. did you ever find one?
still working on it,

Ultra, please post your compile log and the log when you load the map.. I've dug really deep on this issue and need to solve it..
Those don't look like lightmap issues. Terrain doesn't have traditional BSP-style lighting - instead, each vertex has it's own lighting info, which blends to the next vertex, with a blurry result.

They look like decals or some other form of texture projections. I'm guessing that you might have a decal or overlay with a funky texture on it, which might be a scripted texture that acts funny. Try turning off all decals/overlays in your Vis Groups, after making one with all decals/overlays.

Just go to Map menu > Entity Report > filter by class > type in infodecal > click the infodecal on top of the list, and drag down to select the entire list > hit the GoTo button > make a new Vis Group with them, then do the same thing for all info_overlay entities... and once you're done, hide them, and compile.

If the problem goes away, you'll know you have a bad infodecal, or info_overlay. :O
Or, does anyone know of a console command to disable decals/overlays?

Something along the lines of r_decals or r_projectors or something... which would be even easier.
it's not decals and overlays... I've done almost 40 compiles wiuth different condiditon snand have managed to find a fix

I don't want to post the solution until I fix every instance of it on my map (in the next couple days)

but I will tell you that the fix involves faces not having more than a 2:! length/width ratio

will update soon