Bad Things About H-l2



Have anyone seen the screenshot with man in anti-gas mask? It's one with the hair going out of the mask. This is very bad thing. How it can be possible? Who wants a mask with holes in it? It is unusable mask, but the worst is that: these holes were made speccialy by unintelligent programmers. Second bad thing (in Counter-Strike CZ)is defect of selection type of fire from gun. In Rainbow Six, player could set the type of fire (safe, semi-automatic, automatic, 3 round burst and such), but in new CS you can't do it!!! As also set your clothes and camouflage. Navy SEALs can only be in blue clothes, Specnaz only in snow comuflage. This sucks. Please, can we decide what type and colour we can wear in CS: CZ?
Heya, as far as i can see, you are petty much into CS, not the HL2 / Engine it self. What i am suggestin' is to find somewhere to ask these questions, where CS:CZ people hang out... might be a good answer :)
Calveris said:
Have anyone seen the screenshot with man in anti-gas mask? It's one with the hair going out of the mask. This is very bad thing. How it can be possible? Who wants a mask with holes in it? It is unusable mask, but the worst is that: these holes were made speccialy by unintelligent programmers. Second bad thing (in Counter-Strike CZ)is defect of selection type of fire from gun. In Rainbow Six, player could set the type of fire (safe, semi-automatic, automatic, 3 round burst and such), but in new CS you can't do it!!! As also set your clothes and camouflage. Navy SEALs can only be in blue clothes, Specnaz only in snow comuflage. This sucks. Please, can we decide what type and colour we can wear in CS: CZ?

those men ware gas-masks to hide their ugly faces!!
Calveris said:
Second bad thing (in Counter-Strike CZ)is defect of selection type of fire from gun. In Rainbow Six, player could set the type of fire (safe, semi-automatic, automatic, 3 round burst and such), but in new CS you can't do it!!! As also set your clothes and camouflage. Navy SEALs can only be in blue clothes, Specnaz only in snow comuflage. This sucks. Please, can we decide what type and colour we can wear in CS: CZ?

GO PLAY RAINBOW SIX, OR GHOST RECON! Both of these games have that ability, oh wait you already mentioned Rainbow Six. Jesus christ man, if you want a game that has those features go play those games! CS isn't very realistic in the first place!

Your first point about the mask, is true though.
well i'm nt sure wt u mean by the hairs. i've seen no such picture. Now who cares about silly things like that. Half Life 2 will kick ass n a gas mask with holes in it isn;t going to stop any1 playing the game or anything else.
I think he is talking about a concept pic of a combine soldier. This has been changed so no need to worry about it. Regarding CS, let me reminfd you it's based on a game ages old, and it's more about play than content so if you are looking for those things ok, but you won't find them in CS or CS:CZ.
Ummm,yes it was(closed)..... I'msoscared, hold me.

And guys, calm down. He's brand new and doesn't seem to understand this is about HL2, not HL1 and its expansions. Also, valve isn't going to read this and say "Oh, I knew we left something out of CZ, we'll let them pick colors"

Lastly, real gas masks dont cover the entire head, just the face (straps go behind the head). Hence gasMASK, not bag (hehe, gasbag). If a person with hair (GASP) put on a gas mask (GASP) HAIR WOULD STICK OUT!!! (*faints)

Btw, modellers make the models, not programmers ;)
Six Three said:
Guys, It's a game...
Honestly I don't see the huge push for realism these days. I mean, if you wanted to be truely realistic, to switch from an M4 to a RPG would take at least a minute.. and in that time you would be dead. No fun.
If you want some more realism you could try Raven Shield.
There are several types of gas masks, not all give you the same protection etc like the type seen being worn by hazmat workers. The ones used by combine soldiers in hl2 are for giving protection against gasses that are only harmful if inhaled, but obviously wouldnt give protection against a blistering agent etc. This topic is useless o_O
its also possible the gas masks are just there to hide their faces... you cant opress a population if someone says "hey, i used to go to high school with you!"
Well after this issue has been raised and brought to my attention i can say that i'm not going to purchase HL2...

Seriously now, the gasmask only has to form an airtight seal around the front part of your face. Everything behind it can be exposed, as you obviously dont breathe through your ears/hair.
Calveris said:
Have anyone seen the screenshot with man in anti-gas mask? It's one with the hair going out of the mask. This is very bad thing. How it can be possible? Who wants a mask with holes in it? It is unusable mask, but the worst is that: these holes were made speccialy by unintelligent programmers. Second bad thing (in Counter-Strike CZ)is defect of selection type of fire from gun. In Rainbow Six, player could set the type of fire (safe, semi-automatic, automatic, 3 round burst and such), but in new CS you can't do it!!! As also set your clothes and camouflage. Navy SEALs can only be in blue clothes, Specnaz only in snow comuflage. This sucks. Please, can we decide what type and colour we can wear in CS: CZ?

Wow, you don't know so much about this, right?
A "anti-gasmask" could easily look like that and be safe to use.
I work in the swedish special forces, "lapplandsjägarna" (camoflage and attack in artic areas) and well, the masks that we use look like that.
In swedish, it's called Skyddsmask 90 and looks like this:
Our divers also use masks, and they look similar to that. If you're in to diving, check Posedions masks so you know what I'm talking about.
The only way to be completly safe it to dress up in a anti-chem suit and those things aren't so easy to hide in.

And camoflage, wouldn't this completly ruin the use of coustom models?
I decided not to buy HL2 when Gmans teeth were too white.
Ehh, I was just pulling up the links, don't tell me to get a life.
Styloid said:
Holes in gas mask? you mean like in this picture?

I have a gas mask similar to this design. And like the other posters say, not all gas masks need to be 100% sealed around the head. Different masks will protect against different types of gas attacks (inhalation only, skin contact, etc).
ComradeBadger said:
A concept picture drawn by unintelligent programmers :LOL:

For real VALVe! Thats just sloppy code :D

Z|insane said:
Ehh, I was just pulling up the links, don't tell me to get a life.

I think he was talking to the original poster, not you bro.
well, if were going to be rating threads now i'd give this one a "2"... yes a "2" out of 100o
Jeez, this is what we call "bad critics". Just imagine if PC Gamer gave HL2 a 4 out of 100 because it shows "hairy mask wearing men" in the concept art and doesn't actually include them...
This thread is too ridiculous to close, lock unworthy tbh :D
"The only way to be completly safe it to dress up in a anti-chem suit and those things aren't so easy to hide in."

Oh no , HL2 as done by BB2 special effects team!

Actually I think I saw that episode "Attack of the evil bin bags" wasnt it ? :afro:
maybe they need it to breath on earth. or maybe it's used for gasses and they don't want to breath human air. It's not a biological suit or anything.
Calveris said:
Have anyone seen the screenshot with man in anti-gas mask? It's one with the hair going out of the mask. This is very bad thing. How it can be possible? Who wants a mask with holes in it? It is unusable mask, but the worst is that: these holes were made speccialy by unintelligent programmers. Second bad thing (in Counter-Strike CZ)is defect of selection type of fire from gun. In Rainbow Six, player could set the type of fire (safe, semi-automatic, automatic, 3 round burst and such), but in new CS you can't do it!!! As also set your clothes and camouflage. Navy SEALs can only be in blue clothes, Specnaz only in snow comuflage. This sucks. Please, can we decide what type and colour we can wear in CS: CZ?
DRAMA! :eek:
Wow, you registered in May 2003 and this is your first post. Impressive!

(Sorry if someone already mentioned this, but I'm not going to read this post because it looks.... stupid.)
SAJ said:
Oh no , HL2 as done by BB2 special effects team!

Actually I think I saw that episode "Attack of the evil bin bags" wasnt it ? :afro:

Hey, that's standard swedish army equipment.
Rather that then anthrax.
Have anyone seen the screenshot with man in anti-gas mask? It's one with the hair going out of the mask. This is very bad thing. How it can be possible? Who wants a mask with holes in it? It is unusable mask, but the worst is that: these holes were made speccialy by unintelligent programmers. Second bad thing (in Counter-Strike CZ)is defect of selection type of fire from gun. In Rainbow Six, player could set the type of fire (safe, semi-automatic, automatic, 3 round burst and such), but in new CS you can't do it!!! As also set your clothes and camouflage. Navy SEALs can only be in blue clothes, Specnaz only in snow comuflage. This sucks. Please, can we decide what type and colour we can wear in CS: CZ?

Let's count the things wrong with this post, shall we?

1) The title.
Bad Things About H-l2? More like one 'bad' thing about HL2 and two off-topic points.

2) It is not a screenshot.
It is concept art.

3) The mask that only covers the face is not a 'very bad thing'.
It is based on real, working technology.

4) The mask is not unusable.
Again, it is based on real masks described by others in this thread.

5) The mask was not made by 'unintelligent programmers'.
It was made by intelligent concept artists.

6) Counter-Strike: Condition Zero is not Half-Life 2.
In fact, it never was.

7) Leaving out five firing modes from another game made by another company is not a 'defect'.
It's unlikely that even the same guns are used, and CS's are semi-fictional in any case.

8) Being unable to choose your colour is not a 'defect'.
It is an option that Valve did not persue.

Ignoring the questions (as there is no such thing as a stupid question), this post is at least 95% wrong.
Congrats! :)
Haha I even own a gasmask and its sitting right on my cabinet above my computer, it has holes too lol. Erm, Most Gasmasks have holes... Do your reseacrh I guess I can say. You were just uneducated about some things, now you know its normal for gasmasks to be so holey.
Calveris said:
Have anyone seen the screenshot with man in anti-gas mask? It's one with the hair going out of the mask. This is very bad thing. How it can be possible? Who wants a mask with holes in it? It is unusable mask, but the worst is that: these holes were made speccialy by unintelligent programmers. Second bad thing (in Counter-Strike CZ)is defect of selection type of fire from gun. In Rainbow Six, player could set the type of fire (safe, semi-automatic, automatic, 3 round burst and such), but in new CS you can't do it!!! As also set your clothes and camouflage. Navy SEALs can only be in blue clothes, Specnaz only in snow comuflage. This sucks. Please, can we decide what type and colour we can wear in CS: CZ?

Christ....When the hell have you ever used the safety on a gun. And in CZ for Xbox (dunno if its the same for PC, never played it) the camo changed from map to map to fit it right, we don't want people wearing desert camo on a snow map and ruining the game for the whole team.
Azrael. said:
If you want some more realism you could try Raven Shield.

Or the army.

i heard those guys are pretty hard core when it comes to realism.