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Dec 19, 2004
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Why are members posts being deleted (including those of forum staff), and what is the official stance on this?

Although the administrators and moderators of will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and will not be held responsible for the content of any message. The owners of reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.

If all members' posts simply convey their personal opinion why does feel the need to remove content without reason? Where were you, Munro, when Incoming: Source was getting hung drawn and quartered? Regardless of whether either mod was being treated unfairly because of unfounded accusations, shouldn't all people and organisations receive equal treatment on these forums?

For those who dont know what prompted this thread:

Nuclear Dawn media thread undergoes censorship (the deletion began on the sixth page)
I'd like to know this too. I'd especially like to know why no reason was given for the mass deletion of totally harmless posts.
The owners of reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.

In this case, the remover is Munro and the reason is ???
I wonder how much deleting Munro would have to do if that Incoming mod phoned him. Oh my.
Did I miss something? oh I see.. does this have something to do with the critisim's of some mods?.
The admins can do whatever the f*ck they want IMO as long as it doesn't get out of hand like the Gmod forums.
Sure they can. It's just that there was no reason provided, so people leap to assume it's because of pressure from DaveL - and if that's true... :|
Is DaveL some kind of derranged and neurotic adventurer from the fourth dimension?
clarky003 said:
Is DaveL some kind of derranged and neurotic adventurer from the fourth dimension?
You're the resident expert.
What/who is going on.
clarky003 said:
Is DaveL some kind of derranged and neurotic adventurer from the fourth dimension?

He's controlling Munro with SCALAR WAVES

Or just cold, hard cash. The fact is, it's still censorship. People have a right to bitch, and muting discontent for something is just not on. If people were to bitch about ZM, I wouldn't try to silence them. We have opinions, and we're allowed to share them.

-Angry Lawyer
Awaiting Munro's reaction. He's not responding "strategically" :p, hoping this will just blow over....
Yeah, it is abit out of line. My post was deleted for no good reason. No warning. No nothing. How on the earth DaveL can snap his fingers and Munro float down from his fluffly never here cloud and erase just criticisms is beyond me.
I am intrigued!

Who is this DaveL? And this "Munro?"

Who, I ask, who?

In before delete!
Oh dear, if money's envolved , tut tut. It would be nice if Munro did clear it up .. please tells us it aint so *puppy dog eyes*
Apparently, he's threatening injunctions or something against people who speak negatively of his work, which is laughable. But sadly, a lot of people hear the word "sue" and start cowering.

-Angry Lawyer
a lot of people hear the word "sue" and start cowering.

lmao if thats true, he's bluffing. He doesnt have any kindof case or leg to stand on, even if he had the balls to go through with it.. its freedom of speech ffs.
Exactly, but people are so scared of legal action that they fold like napkins.

Here's a clue, everyone - he can't sue you for libel if what you're saying is provably true.

-Angry Lawyer
Unless Munro is DaveL, this is looking mighty fishy.

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Apparently not.
-Crispy- said:
Unless Munro is DaveL, this is looking mighty fishy.

Apparently not.
You can, there's just no garantee that they'll stay there. Freedom of speech, freedom of censorship :rolling:
The thing that worries me the most, is not who's deleting what, it's more of a concern that any of the staff have let a ****ing farce as big as that one go on for so long.

I haven't even read the thread, nor am I going to bother, but either way, anything that's causing this much disruption across the community should have been dealt with a long time ago.
Chris, I have the biggest respect for you, but dealing with the problem that's disrupting the community isn't through Munro's deletion of posts.

If you don't agree, I'll withdraw Samon's hawt lovin from you.

-Angry Lawyer
Its not DaviL's crap that i personally would care about. Read my first posts, i couldnt care less about this guy.
Its moderators from that delete negative posts about him that worries me...
He's got his finger deep up the HL2 scene's ass and is not using it wisely..
Nothing to do with the moderators. As you've seen, they're complaining too ;)

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Chris, I have the biggest respect for you, but dealing with the problem that's disrupting the community isn't through Munro's deletion of posts.

If you don't agree, I'll withdraw Samon's hawt lovin from you.

-Angry Lawyer
My point purely is that this entire farce could have been avoided if the thread was locked a long time ago.

I haven't read the thread so I have no idea what has or hasn't been deleted or even what the hell is going on. All I know is that everything's in a big mess right now, and it shouldn't be.
Well the point being certain posts were deleted as by Munro as I understand it upon the direct request of dave. Yet there were several other posts which arguably should have been dealt with as well or instead of yet they weren't touched. The thread as a whole sure if I had felt suitably nazi it would have earned a nuking but on the whole I felt it wasnt and the main thing wrong with it was Sprafa's vehemence which I warned him about but I felt his remarks were legitimate therefore I touched none of the posts.

Our Peerless Leader however touched none of those posts and tackled the other ones only. Therefore if it's a fudge its by Munro's making and as you well know he isn't communicative or capable of coherently making an argument in defence therefore they are deleted without compunction and reason and staff and user concerns are ignored until they reach such a level as where we can get the time honoured monosybillic reply and things go on as normal.

So....... meh
Would it be more suitable just to end the whole thing, lock this thread, lock the other thread and all live happily ever after?

If not, I'm not too fussed. I'm not around much anymore, so I can avoid it if necessary. I'm just thinking about the rest of the community.
I hate things like this, when we end up washing our dirty laundry in public.

Chris, if you view the posts in questions, they are hardley as inflammatory as some others - and some actually raised decent points
Chris_D said:
Would it be more suitable just to end the whole thing, lock this thread, lock the other thread and all live happily ever after?

If not, I'm not too fussed. I'm not around much anymore, so I can avoid it if necessary. I'm just thinking about the rest of the community.

Convenient , sure? But suitable well .... in this case I don't think so. Also I dont view it as dirty laundry it's a bunch of people having a discussion about something and one person not :p
Chris_D said:
Would it be more suitable just to end the whole thing, lock this thread, lock the other thread and all live happily ever after?
So, you're saying a cover-up? :cool:
Are we seeing further signs of admin discontent and the sneaky tendrils of revolution spreading through our humble community? :dozey:

*Evo awaits execution/mysterious disappearance*
Oh, the drama!

And by 'drama' I mean 'comedy'.

And by 'comedy' I mean 'farce'.
I don't take kindly to people posting offensive messages directed at people even if they do deserve it. I especially didn't like some of the comments coming from staff members who are meant to be here to moderate the site and not add to it. The forum thread was to discuss Nuclear Dawn's media release, not to slag off the mod or its development team.
Well as has been stated when you release a mod you hold yourself up to comment.

The joys of the 21st century is that we can actually not have to agree with everybody and anybody under the sun. The point still stands though Sprafas posts were verging on the personally insulting yet they remained but the ones which commented on the mod, the fact that its year old concept pictures ( which you yourself initially deleted the story for ) and the ones which questioned Dave's well known bad behaviour ( yes the "mod" does look but his actions are less than great on occasions ) or commented on the mod in a mildly sarcastic fashion were all removed as far as we aware by the direct request of Dave.

Given that one of his stated community aims for when ND is up and running is the creation of and i quote "Drama" between people, staff etc I find this atittude not only laughable but hypocrytical.
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