Barrels on top of bomb


Dec 24, 2004
Reaction score
On some maps, there are barrels close enough to shoot on top of bomb. This can work really well sometimes.
And your point is?

Yeah they do cover bombs, but usually you can just see the LED flashing through the barrel, so it just delays them for a few secs while they shoot the barrel away...
I find its better to plant it in the open, then if you die and a CT starts defusing, he's a REALLY easy target.
Won't work if you're the last one on your team though :p
meh, the barrel thing only works on nubs iirc. they panic since a barrel is in their way and they cant defuse =P.
i prefer bliinks method, just put it in the open if you have your team alive of course.

on another note there needs to be a "CSS Tips n Tricks" theread and pinned at the top of the forum =) so people dont have to make new topics when they think of tips n tricks =D
Also, you can defuse through a barrel, its only a psychological thing lol.
95% of People who havent seen this before will get fooled for at least 5 seconds no matter what.
and even then it'll throw them of for about a second but um i think alot of people knew this :)
I've seen some people with a spray of the bomb flashing.

Combined with the barrel over the actual bomb, it could help you get a win.
There is a spot on de_dust in the corner of the boxes where a barrel is there, run and plant between barrel and boxes, 1 bullet into barrel makes it tilt and lean against the boxes, totaly covers the bomb but more to the point, if a ct trys to defuse he bounces backwards off the barrel, so he can defuse, also if he tried to shoot the barrel it gets stuck on boxes anyway lol

can take 10 seconds or more sometimes :)
ya they need to fix that in an update. I hate how when you run into a barrel it's like your running into a big rubber band.