Battered and bruised

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one day....

Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
Just been on the steam forums and i feel like i have been mentally raped!

A large majority of the posters on the steam forums are so insulting and quick to flame it is untrue! I like these forums because most of the time people actual 'discuss' things rather than flame and argue all the time.

I just felt i needed to let you all know i love you all and if i could i would have ALL your babies. :cheers:
one day.... said:
Just been on the steam forums and i feel like i have been mentally raped!

A large majority of the posters on the steam forums are so insulting and quick to flame it is untrue! I like these forums because most of the time people actual 'discuss' things rather than flame and argue all the time.

I just felt i needed to let you all know i love you all and if i could i would have ALL your babies. :cheers:
So you're a chick?
Yeah, I agree, this is a good forum, with good moderators.
Please tell me you missed the irony in my previous post? :(
hehe welcome to the forums :cheers:
czrsink said:
Please tell me you missed the irony in my previous post? :(

I did not, I was being ironically with you.
What did you think, I was comming out of the closet by announcing my love for you? :naughty:
I don't know if I feel better or worse, knowing that you don't really love me.
Forau said:
What did you think, I was comming out of the closet by announcing my love for you? :naughty:
That's the feeling I got :naughty:
czrsink said:
I don't know if I feel better or worse, knowing that you don't really love me.

Don't worry, I still bear warm feelings for you. ;)
Clavius said:
Yeah, I agree, this is a good forum, with good moderators.

Amen! The mods are pretty good at keeping this place nice and neat :afro:

one day.... said:
I am a female yes. :cat:

Were the flames a sexist thing? It would totally suck if it was :sniper:
Grand Architect said:
Get in line and take a number boys :naughty:

My number is 0898 69 69 69.

Call between the hours of midnight and 3am for some seriously dirty chat.Ohh im a naughty bunny!
one mention of a chick and everyone goes nuts....

*walks over to the fresh air*
If a female forumgo'er should get her naughty talk from a HL2 fanpageforum where is the world comming to? ;)
*Wonders how many people will actually call 0898 69 69 69...*

I might get in contact with the owners of that number and see how many people called asking for one day.
hmm if your a female, then the steam forum members are not so good at raping :p
czrsink said:
Hmm, I suspect IT'S A LIE!

i could take offense to that remark...but i wont cos it is a lie!! :frog:


If you want my real number then you shall have to really impress me with a poem!

Im being a bit 'full of myself' here,so i shall post a pic of me just incase you dont fancy me anyway! But first a poem please!
roses are red violets are blue, im so pist off right now cause i want HL2 :p lol

I wandered lonely as a cloud. Cos like, I've got no mates, innit?
Ah a poem,

Romance, who loves to nod and sing,
With drowsy head and folded wing,
Among the green leaves as they shake
Far down within some shadowy lake
To me a painted paroquet
Hath been--a most familiar bird--
Taught me my alphabet to say,
To lisp my very earliest word
While in the wild wood I did lie,
A child--with a most knowing eye.
Of late, eternal Condor years
So shake the very Heaven on high
With tumult as they thunder by,
I have no time for idle cares
Through gazing on the unquiet sky.
And when an hour with calmer wings
Its down upon my spirit flings--
That little time with lyre and rhyme
To while away--forbidden things!
My heart would feel to be a crime
Unless it trembled with the strings.
it's a well known fact in the UK that 0898 numbers are premier line "chat" services.


1) it's obviously not her real number :LOL: :rolling:

2) I really want someone who lives out of the UK to call to see the phone bill :naughty:

Personally, I think it's cool that we have female members of the community, gaming has been male orientated for far too long. I have 4 kids, 1 boy and 3 eldest daughter and my boy already sit next to me when I'm playing games...which reminds me, I have to watch my language.....My boy (6 year old) was told off at school the other day for play fighting and shouting " DIE!!! YOU EVIL ZOMBIE BAST&*D"

But yeah, girls are becoming more and more involved with gaming and online games...which I think is great...rather my girls stayed in and played on the pc than out and dating :eek: .

i grow tired of love
and just want sex
give me some,
or i'll give you a hex

ps. i dont want sex
Ya thats why i kind of stop posting there.
The fact that a female might be posting on this forum is met with even more disbelief than HL²-related news :)
Too bad I'm at work; I have some good ones that I've written on my computer at home. Forau, did you write the one you posted? I really like it.
Forau said:
Ah a poem,

Romance, who loves to nod and sing,
With drowsy head and folded wing,
Among the green leaves as they shake
Far down within some shadowy lake
To me a painted paroquet
Hath been--a most familiar bird--
Taught me my alphabet to say,
To lisp my very earliest word
While in the wild wood I did lie,
A child--with a most knowing eye.
Of late, eternal Condor years
So shake the very Heaven on high
With tumult as they thunder by,
I have no time for idle cares
Through gazing on the unquiet sky.
And when an hour with calmer wings
Its down upon my spirit flings--
That little time with lyre and rhyme
To while away--forbidden things!
My heart would feel to be a crime
Unless it trembled with the strings.

Did you write that because im sure i have seen that somewere before..
No, if I would have wrote that one I would be dead a few years unfortunately.
The poem is from Edgar Allen Poe, and a lot of his poems are great. Sometimes in a verry twisted way.
But it is one of my favourite poems too.
of course he didnt write it! HAHA! dont over rate yourself.
Sunrise, sunset

you cast a net

over my heart

when you rise from the east

and set in the west

the west is not set

neither is the east

when we first met

the sun rose from the east

and set in my heart

there... now show me the damn picture (I can't believe I just wrote that, I suck at poetry as you can see:p)
right mate, we are on a hunt for the rare "female", a strange and mysterious creature. look, theres one now!*pounces on one day... and grabs her by the neck and legs* crieky, this must be one of the biggest in these parts:O! we better put her back in her natural habitat.*dumps one day... in a swamp* tune in again for another of my retarded shows!
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