Battle Royale Meets Half Life 2!
This is to announce the official launching of the Half Life 2 modification based off the film “Battle Royale” directed by Kinji Fukasaku. (see ) This film, made in Japan and released in 2000, is about a classroom of high school students who are unwillingly thrust into the government “Battle Royale Act”. This act places the students on an uninhabited island approximately 11 Km around. They are given limited food, water, a map and a random weapon. If in 3 days all but one student is not dead, the remaining are all automatically killed. The students must grapple with themselves and with each other to survive. They have to kill their best friends to make it out alive. You are one of those students, and somehow you must make it out alive.This mod is a realistic RPG-action game in optional 3rd or 1st person mode. Initially we’re focusing on the single-player aspect but later I’ll touch on multiplayer possibilities. Just like the movie, it emphasizes the relationships between the players and the pain it causes when you are forced to break them. This mod will feature and incredibly interactive and dynamic AI, one that is believable and reactive. The style you play it will be completely up to yourself. Whether you choose to go it solo, team up with some of your AI friends, it’s your choice. The weapon you receive in the beginning of the game is completely random. You could get anything from a paper fan to an uzi. Most of the weapons in the game are not firearms. Most are melee, close-ranged and some are hardly weapons at all. The game will be very realistic. You must eat food and drink water to keep your energy and stamina up. If you get shot, chances are you will die. The HUD will be very minimal. There is no magic radar (unless you get a GPS as a weapon), there is no magic round counter (count them yourself!) and there is no magic health bar (you’re probably be only shot once anyways). You’ll need to know you character and his/her limits very well to survive in the game.
In the multi-player element, we’re considering doing a Battle Royale 2 (see ) style of multiplayer, as it is more fast-paced and allows for some variety. However, we are not going to do any work for this until the single-player is ready to be released.
Major development on this project will not begin until the SDK is released. (or at least the source) However, we would like to get all planning and design done before hand so that we know what we’re doing when we actually put it all together. We are looking for some help in the modeling and/or skinning and we’d appreciated any talent committed to the project. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to have a few models done before HL2 is released. Models will mostly be characters, foliage and some weapons. We are aware of the other Battle Royale mod that was attempted and we are trying to contact them.(a merge might be possible) We did not steal this idea from Zero Hour Interactive, we decided that we would make a Battle Royale mod and that Half Life 2 was the best engine to put it on. Our current team is simply myself (Peter McLean aka Synthos) and Cory Turner aka wizard_ct. We are both talented programmers and I have had some experience modeling, texturing and general mod-making for Neverwinter Nights. wizard_ct is a proficient web developer and has had experience creating the mod “Neoshock” for Unreal Tournament and Half Life 1 engine.
We hope that you’re now interested in this coming mod. We are certainly not planning for this to be another run and gun copy mod, nor a mod that was too ambitious and got sucked down the tube. We’d like your suggestions/comments.
Check out our site at BRHL2.There we may post some updates as progress goes along. However, don’t expect waves and waves of renders or concept art. It’s something you’ll check every 2 weeks.
Note: you may think that there are legal problems preventing this mod from being created because of breach in intellectual property laws. That is not the case, this movie was never and most likely will never be distributed or licensed in North America.
Contact Information:
AIM: SynthosX or wizardcgt
[email protected]
[email protected]
Here’s something for you at least, this a logo (It of course borrows from HL2 logo and the BR logo, but I’m no artist… So I’m proud of it