Battlefield 3

nice to see the difference between standing and prone shooting characteristics
looks great
really need some MP footage though... bet we won't see anything til E3
I hope to see the most realistic dolphin diving animations ever seen in a Battlefield game.
Guys, can't you see that all of these videos thus far have been to get people noticing BF3? They're going to drop their best stuff on us at E3, but they want to butter up the game and make it appealing to people who are not familiar with Battlefield.
Guys, can't you see that all of these videos thus far have been to get people noticing BF3? They're going to drop their best stuff on us at E3, but they want to butter up the game and make it appealing to people who are not familiar with Battlefield.

We've already been over this. Read the thread first if you want to argue it.
It's not worth it, ray_man. Just watch the videos, and pretend this thread doesn't exist while its post lengths are greater than 3 lines.
It's not worth it, ray_man. Just watch the videos, and pretend this thread doesn't exist while its post lengths are greater than 3 lines.

Because thats the max length a post praising the game can be? Wow, you have even lower expectations than I do.
Nope. In fact, lots of people noticed.

Also, you guys should check out this thread on Homefront, and watch that video to see what Viper, Vegeta and I were talking about earlier in this thread about scripted sequences and linearity.
Coral sea. I played that map a lot. The Battle of Britain map was also very cool.

Which reminds me btw: there were also stationary cannons in BF1942. Oh and mortars that required spotting from other players. Man, that game was awesome.

Oh yes, Coral Sea. That was my all time favorite map.
I honestly don't get where people are saying this looks like Call of Duty. I think it looks great.

I already put this challenge to someone earlier, but please point out one way in which it's different in a non-superficial capacity. Just one.

Honestly, the QTE doesn't really bother me at this point, that much is to be expected. That shoot-out, though? How could you possibly call that anything but a shooting gallery. He was receiving practically zero return fire. How is that fun or challenging. Yes, it's possible this is something they've enabled for the purposes of demoing the game, but again this is how they're choosing to represent their product. If I'm wrong about the game, it's essentially their fault.
why do they need to spend 100 million on ads
why cant they use that money to make the game good
Money is not what is required to make the game good. The game already appears to have a huge budget, just like every other mainstream game.

They're spending tons of money to make sure every fool out there hears about this game so they can make the largest profit possible.
why do they need to spend 100 million on ads
why cant they use that money to make the game good

Money is not what is required to make the game good. The game already appears to have a huge budget, just like every other mainstream game.

They're spending tons of money to make sure every fool out there hears about this game so they can make the largest profit possible.

This. Going to require a lot of money to persuade and get the message to the Call of Duty fans to purchase BF3 over CoD.
New trailer, sort of. It's mostly re-cut footage from previous trailers with some snippets of new stuff at the end (notably tanks and jets).

You'll notice it says the "full trailer" is at Well, turns out that's not exactly true...


Yeah, **** you, EA marketing.
i think it was in the last trailer at the end, or it's new now, but it even has a shot showing that at some point in the game, you and your squad are going to run dramatically towards a cliff, with helicopters flying overhead, to jump into a freefall with what i presume to be a parachute descent. i even think it was a ****ing snow level as well.

... how can people honestly - honestly - say this isn't looking like a call of duty game or if not that, it isn't sharing some seriously glaring overtones?
i think in it's 12 minute format the game looks even worse, probably because there isn't a week or so inbetween the old formatting of three minute AIDS riddled gameplay to calm me down again.

looking like a goddamn joke of a game right now.
Graphics are nice, but I don't really care about the single player. It's gonna be scripted to hell, not always a bad thing, but with constantly spawning enemies until you pass a certain trigger it's gonna be just like CoD I fear.

I'm only getting this for the MP anyway.
Call me crazy, but I think it looks pretty good. Looks like a fun, intense singleplayer campaign and I can't wait to see the multiplayer.
Looks amazing, can't wait. Although I doubt my laptop will be able to play it very well.
i think it was in the last trailer at the end, or it's new now, but it even has a shot showing that at some point in the game, you and your squad are going to run dramatically towards a cliff, with helicopters flying overhead, to jump into a freefall with what i presume to be a parachute descent. i even think it was a ****ing snow level as well.

... how can people honestly - honestly - say this isn't looking like a call of duty game or if not that, it isn't sharing some seriously glaring overtones?

Actually Battlefield 2: Special Forces (intro) invented dramatic freefalls off a cliff, but I agree with your point. ;)
2 seconds of plane gameplay (which is what I really care about) isn't enough for me to make a judgement call, but I'm going to expect the worst so as not to get my hopes up.
Yeah, it looks boring as shit. Could be worth a single play-through for the spectacle, but that gunplay didn't excite me in the least.

Bring on the multi footage.
That trailer was just frustrating. They spent literally a minute and a half on the player shooting at scripted ****ing targets running down a street, only to be followed by him getting on a stationary gun and shooting at more scripted enemies for another half a minute. Like holy ****ing shit, felt like I watching Time Crisis.
After having basically every interesting thing released in the teaser trailers, this full 12 minutes had zero impact on me whatsoever.
That trailer was just frustrating. They spent literally a minute and a half on the player shooting at scripted ****ing targets running down a street, only to be followed by him getting on a stationary gun and shooting at more scripted enemies for another half a minute. Like holy ****ing shit, felt like I watching Time Crisis.

I was facepalming everytime I heard (typically CoDish): "Black! Go and cut that wire! Black! Get up there and lay down fire from that LMG! Man the MG on that vehicle! Shoot the sniper with the AT! You're the player man, you get to do all the cool shit!"
Even though this is the same material we've seen over and over, i'm still impressed. Wish they'd put out more, but i'll take what I can get. And this is just the campaign. And E3 is right around the corner. And btw, this is pre-alpha gameplay, just in case anyone forgot. I expect great things to come.

dem visuals

the gameplay won't be pre-alpha, that won't be changing this late into development. the only alpha things about it are likely to be the scripting, environments, how the level plays out and maybe, at a push, the visuals.

also lolled at the ''black do this, black do that'' and had an even heartier chuckle at the fact they are looking for jacksons squad. jacksons, how goddamn cliche can you get? whats the ****ing chances that one of the squad members is hispanic and called ramirez?
And btw, this is pre-alpha gameplay, just in case anyone forgot. I expect great things to come.

I don't know, I think they just slap pre-alpha on it just so that people will think like you do.

-You know, this element doesn't look too goo-

I've never worked on a game, but pre-alpha seems pretty ridiculous. I'd imagine a game to be full of low-res placeholders, with no post-processing, more basic animations etc. in alpha stage. And this is pre-alpha. But then again, what do I know.
And btw, this is pre-alpha gameplay, just in case anyone forgot. I expect great things to come.
Oh puh-lease. How does that change anything? I've ****ing refuted this stupid argument long ago in this thread. We can plainly see the style of what the campaign is going to be like. They're trying to get people excited for the SP with these trailers. Do you think they're just going to change everything up and disappoint all the people dumb enough to be entertained by this mindless gameplay? Throwing away all the work they've done? Don't be so god damn naive. That pre-alpha argument only works when you're talking about bugs or very minor elements that aren't too late to change. Not entire ****ing gameplay styles.
They wouldn't have to change much, though. I don't have any complaints about the way it looks, the way the guns handle and fire (far as I can tell), or really anything on a cosmetic level. Alls I'm asking for is a campaign where I'm not ****ing guided by the hand and dropped into shooting galleries every two minutes. It's painfully obvious they're trying to suck in the Modern Warfare crowd with these trailers (Riccitiello has admitted as much), so maybe they just hand-picked a section they thought would appeal to them, but I'm really tempted to think they've just stuck with the Bad Company 2 mold but "upped the ante" or whatever.
They wouldn't have to change much, though.

Alls I'm asking for is a campaign where I'm not ****ing guided by the hand and dropped into shooting galleries every two minutes.

You realize that this would be changing a lot, (or rather, dropping a lot of work that they've already completed and shown off in trailers) right? They've programmed entire sequences, with voice acting and animations and all that shit. They're not just going to suddenly change their mind and come up with a new freeform structure, and pretend like everything they've shown so far never existed.

The SP is going to be like this, and we all just have to accept it. (I'm not saying we shouldn't complain though, because I enjoy reading everyone's negative reactions to these trailers)
Yeah, changing the campaign to be good would mean dropping 30% of the game and then spending like 3 times longer designing the story and scenarios than they did on the original version. Thats a f*ckload of work.

And pre-alpha almost never has anything to do with the gameplay. It means map layouts will change, more graphical assets will be added, optimizations will be made, etc. The story, and core gameplay don't change. Those things are finalized before alpha and dont get changed unless they're broken.

Also, I guarantee you that what we saw in the video is not pre-alpha quality. Their game may have been in pre-alpha, but that level sure as f*ck isn't. They probably spend like 3 months focusing on that tiny section of the game so they could show off a polished piece of it in a 12 minute video that they could milk for two months, and then they slap on the pre-alpha watermark to make idiots go "OMG ITS GOING TO BE BETTER THAN THIS?!?!?!!?"
You realize that this would be changing a lot, (or rather, dropping a lot of work that they've already completed and shown off in trailers) right? They've programmed entire sequences, with voice acting and animations and all that shit. They're not just going to suddenly change their mind and come up with a new freeform structure, and pretend like everything they've shown so far never existed.

I'm not asking them to overhaul the game, really, just for it to be a little less like the trailers on the whole. I know we've talked about how we'd like for it to be fundamentally different in this thread, but realistically speaking I'd just like to play something that's engaging on a greater level than "hey wow look at that thing!"