Battlefield 3

i posted a comment on battlefieldo about this but i doubt i'll get any intelligent conversation there (no offense ennui, but some of the posters there are idiots :P) but did anyone else notice the different outfit being worn by the gunner of the helicopter here?


as far as immersion goes, i would be a big, big fan of any decision that had outfits change when vehicle dependent. obviously it's not a gameplay maker or breaker, but still... i do love beauty in the details :P

i'm presuming it's not a camo unlock as that would change the silhouette and outline of the player when on the ground, and that would be a gameplay breaker.
I didn't get as much of a kick from the previous trailer that everyone was excited about (the one on Caspian Border with jets), but this one was pretty amazing.

Won't play this at least until the end of the year when I'll probably get a new PC, but I'm still quite excited to hear how the game eventually turns out after it ships.
I... I bought it. That ****ing trailer, man.

I don't see what's so special. Sure looks like a trailer to me.
Looks like a nice way to force people to realize there is a ****ing parachute button.
There will be a few people who still don't open their parachute. I'm laughing just thinking about it.
Yeah, 80% of the noobs who fly planes won't want to survive on the ground, they'll want to respawn to get back in the plane they lost.
This game hasn't gotten me excited enough to buy it. Certainly not until a sale.

I just feel like I've already bought half of this game (BF:BC2) and in terms of gameplay the game hasn't showed me enough of a difference to run out and drop 50-60 dollars. Even the marketing itself is bad, using almost the exact same logo as BF:BC2 furthering the impression that I already own half of this game. :p
I... I bought it. That ****ing trailer, man.

Download the 60fps 1080p ultra quality version from Fileplanet, I've just been drooling over it. Seeing a few glimpses of wartorn Karkand in fully modern Frostbite 2 glory has me absolutely giddy about the expansion pack. I can't wait to see the new Oman and Wake :D
I hope they eventually bring a few Bad Company 2 maps over. I won't be mad if they dont, but I love Valparaiso. And yeah, i'll be playing the shit out of those two on day 1.
Back to Karkand DLC doesn't come out with BF3, it's coming a month or a few months later.
That's lame. I thought it released with the game. Then everyone else got it a month later. Either way, fun times will be had.
Back to Karkand DLC doesn't come out with BF3, it's coming a month or a few months later.

oh wait what? shit, that sucks. i thought it was day-one release.

ah well, not like i'm going to get bored of the 8/9 maps in the first month anyway at least. there are still maps in BC2 that are underplayed by me, and even more so in different game types.
oh wait what? shit, that sucks. i thought it was day-one release.

ah well, not like i'm going to get bored of the 8/9 maps in the first month anyway at least. there are still maps in BC2 that are underplayed by me, and even more so in different game types.

Sucks in a way but I also agree with them. A rep for Dice said that they don't want people on day one to start playing Karkand and essentially not play the new maps as much.
All they are getting really ripped for is squads.

Too many wanting a commander, but I agree with DICE in that the commander just hid in a bush for the whole game hoping not to be found. Whats the point.

Get stuck in.

Commo-rose is nice. Better than nothing and shows they are listening.

[Edit] christ I cant stop watching that latest trailer and smiling. Getting more and more pumped each day.
Back to Karkand DLC doesn't come out with BF3, it's coming a month or a few months later.

You mean for those that didn't preorder, right? Because everything I've read, including Dice/EAs BF3 site state that the Back to Karkand DLC will be included at launch in the limited edition/preorder version, and then released a month later for seperate purchase (with PS3 getting it 1 week sooner then PC & 360).
You mean for those that didn't preorder, right? Because everything I've read, including Dice/EAs BF3 site state that the Back to Karkand DLC will be included at launch in the limited edition/preorder version, and then released a month later for seperate purchase (with PS3 getting it 1 week sooner then PC & 360).

That is incorrect. Back to Karkand will be released at a later date that is still to be announced.

EDIT Be advised, AMD users: There are new drivers in our AO.
Another reason to buy a boxed copy are the midnight much fun.
I work at a BestBuy and I always do midnight releases...we work like from 9pm-10 (store closes at 9) and then from 1030-11:45 we play Just Dance and eat Pizza lol.
And the People outside get freebies like Key chains,Posters and free drinks. (Coke mainly)
i've been to a few midnight releases, but only because we've been in the pub and kick out time is around 11:30/12 so it's just like ''right, may as well, eh?'' and it's been pretty fun. i hate hate hate standing in line and listening to a dude a few spaces ahead of me talking as loud as he can about the game or it's production or little development secrets that obviously only he knows because he's in on it or something.

basically i hate people like barnz
Too many wanting a commander, but I agree with DICE in that the commander just hid in a bush for the whole game hoping not to be found. Whats the point.

Uh, the point is that he is then doing commander-related things rather than just being a stupid piece of shit running an gunning and ignoring his responsibilities.
I just updated Origin, but i'm still unable to preload Bf3. :V :V :V: V
they don't want their Servers to melt (yet) so I bet they're going by location some people might not be able to start for another 12-24 hours.
Hah, they were so saving the proper theme music for that.

Strange time for it to suddenly develop hints of a story, but damn this is a good-looking game.
11.4gb download.

Hardly RAGE then.

Pretty reasonable.

EA spammed me with 3 emails to say that Battlefield 3 was available to pre-load now, after they sent me an email like 2 days ago to remind that Battlefield 3 would be available to pre-load from the 21st.
SP looks pretty much like a CoD-style ride on rails with better graphics.
I'll give the SP campaign a spin on Coop after my hype for the MP has died down. Maybe a month or two after release :P

But damn those are some pretty impressive visuals!
Imagine telling a guy 10 years ago that he had to download 11gb in order to play his game.
SP looks pretty much like a CoD-style ride on rails with better graphics.


And it's talk like that which will cause BF3 to get an 8.5.

I couldnt care less about the review scores (as much as I like to use them in debates), but will watch them on monday/tuesday, and will of course buy this anyway, but unfortunately I think ALOT of people are going to be put off buying it if it gets knocked down for the SP 'being too much like CoD.' (but if BF3 gets a 9.5+, you wont hear the end of it from me in a CoD argument. Maybe Im actually a fanboy for Battlefield after all?)

Still think this will blow CoD's SP away. I saw the jet level where you start on the aircraft carrier, and the little details make it so much better. Such as stoping to physically put your helmet on. The smudges and scratches on the canopy. The 'dust' on the lens of the 'camera' in the talking sections as seen in that launch trailer. The ripping off of the guy's mask in the bank scene. All stuff that hasnt been done so well before.

But being compared is unavoidable. And is ammo for the CoD fans.

Luckily, our MP is a sledgehammer to their chizzles. Chizels...Chi...Chiz...***k it.
Why is anyone talking about the SP in a Battlefield game?