Battlefield 3

Self-bump in case tl;dr. I want to know if it's worth spending the SiGnificant amount of time to unlock the SG 550.

Having just got it with the adjustments to the amount of xp required for the coop weapons, I have to say I'm not keen. It feels like a G36C with more recoil and less accuracy (according to the charts Stormy posted it has more first shot recoil, shorter maximum range, lower rate of fire, slower reload and slower moving rounds). Its different, but nothing special. Havent got the G3A3 yet but at the moment my favorite of the coop weapons would be the MP7 followed by the KH2002.

On the other hand, it does look cool.
I had a go with the G3A3 last night and it feels like it does a lot of damage. People drop pretty fast but I was finding it was best taking a step back from the action and using it more on the single shot or 2/3 round bursts as the recoil is pretty heavy. I was also finding the 20round mag would run out pretty fast and you really miss those last 10 rounds.

It's good but the 20round mag is the let down for me. I want to get some more mods for it tho and see how it fairs with a front grip.
I had a go with the G3A3 last night and it feels like it does a lot of damage. People drop pretty fast but I was finding it was best taking a step back from the action and using it more on the single shot or 2/3 round bursts as the recoil is pretty heavy. I was also finding the 20round mag would run out pretty fast and you really miss those last 10 rounds.

It's good but the 20round mag is the let down for me. I want to get some more mods for it tho and see how it fairs with a front grip.

Don't mate, I've been using the MP7 & PDW-R, until you get the extened magazine with those things they're somewhat... difficult. Beastly when you've still got ammo, but its very easy to run dry at the worst possible time. I always keep the Glock 18 handy when I'm using them. Absolute beasts in urban combat though, can't wait for the P90.

As an aside, the Glock 18 is great for getting suppression bonuses - beyond about 10 feet you have a devil of a time hitting what you aim at so its great for missing on purpose (or spraying 20 rounds at that fella on ~25% health when you run out of rounds in your primary)
The MP7 has a pretty quick reload, though, and specifically one that doesn't have a big difference in reload speed between partial and empty clips. In CQB with multiple bits of cover, as long as you retain some control over the flow of battle (maneouvering and etc) you can easily win 2v1 or even 3v1.
I dont get suppression assists. I get what they are and can tell when I am being suppressed my self but cant for the life of me get one. I am just about to hit the 60 hours of play time mark too so would of thought at some point would have managed to get at least 1 ribbon! But nope non, nada, zilch!

I dont often just lay down any coving fire but aim at folk as not to waste ammo as most support never put it down. Maybe thats the problem? Or maybe I just dont miss enough! Or maybe its because I play assault which as a class really dont have the best type of weapon to effectively lay down coving fire.

Linky to stats
I noticed a poll under the stats on the site Stormy linked to:

Weekly Poll
Back to Karkand will be released this December. Which map are you looking forward to the most?
The Gulf of Oman
Strike at Karkand
Sharqi Peninsula
Wake Island

What is this shit with Wake Island getting most of the votes, aren't people tired of it already?
Someone please say they are having constant f****** disconnects and time-outs. I honestly swear out of the 10 games I've played between today and yesterday I have gotten disconnected/server time out on no less than 8 of them. I always filter my servers by ping and only join low-ping servers and I am on a really good connection so I don't think it is me unless there is some secret setting/tweak that I have yet to do.

It is so rage inducing you can't even imagine.
What is this shit with Wake Island getting most of the votes, aren't people tired of it already?

For some reason people love wake island. Guess its because of the jets and helos with loads of space and no high rises to crash into. I was never a fan personally, looking foreward to Karkand and Oman more.

I dont get suppression assists. I get what they are and can tell when I am being suppressed my self but cant for the life of me get one. I am just about to hit the 60 hours of play time mark too so would of thought at some point would have managed to get at least 1 ribbon! But nope non, nada, zilch!

I dont often just lay down any coving fire but aim at folk as not to waste ammo as most support never put it down. Maybe thats the problem? Or maybe I just dont miss enough! Or maybe its because I play assault which as a class really dont have the best type of weapon to effectively lay down coving fire.

Indeed - it seems to get suppression bonuses you have to miss.
I'm surprised at how little love Sharqi is getting, that map is amazing. I guess it's just not as iconic as the others. (I still hope Mashtuur City is a secret fifth map :V )

Escaep: I'm getting tons of disconnects too. It's pretty bad.
Some times the EA severs go a bit dodgy for a few hours or a day. I'm sure it will be fine tho.
Some times the EA severs go a bit dodgy for a few hours or a day. I'm sure it will be fine tho.

Meh, it has been like this nonstop for the past week. I tried five times last night to get into a game and I was disconnected on each one before I was even in the server. The sixth time I did get in but the lag was immense.
Since the patch, my 'BF3 has stopped working' errors when first trying to connect to a server seem to have stopped happening, and there's generally better stability. Minimising to desktop seems quicker, but still get the odd ''something went wrong'' disconnects when minimising.

Have you got your router's UPnP off? Maybe it came it if you think it's off? My router sometimes just randomly loses connection, reconnects and the settings have changed, weird.
Wake Island is incredibly shitty on the ps3 with a lower player count. Looks like dogshit too. The other 3 maps are a load of fun though. Still haven't unlocked anything beyond the Famas. I will say again though that the Famas is really powerful. That rate of fire is ridiculous.
I kind of wish I lived in Sweden, just so I could listen to people speak English at the times when English is the required language.

I also kind of wish Back to Karkand was out already. Kharg Island is the only map in the game which I'm comfortable labelling a "true" Battlefield map. All the others, even Caspian and Firestorm and Noshahr, are too restrictive and/or strategically homogenous. Consequently I've been playing almost nothing but Kharg, and now I'm sick of it :V Bring on Sharqi Conquest Assault!
I kind of wish I lived in Sweden, just so I could listen to people speak English at the times when English is the required language.

I also kind of wish Back to Karkand was out already. Kharg Island is the only map in the game which I'm comfortable labelling a "true" Battlefield map. All the others, even Caspian and Firestorm and Noshahr, are too restrictive and/or strategically homogenous. Consequently I've been playing almost nothing but Kharg, and now I'm sick of it :V Bring on Sharqi Conquest Assault!
It's released at 3AM EST on 12/13. So you just have to wait like 18 hours.
I kind of wish I lived in Sweden, just so I could listen to people speak English at the times when English is the required language.

I also kind of wish Back to Karkand was out already. Kharg Island is the only map in the game which I'm comfortable labelling a "true" Battlefield map. All the others, even Caspian and Firestorm and Noshahr, are too restrictive and/or strategically homogenous. Consequently I've been playing almost nothing but Kharg, and now I'm sick of it :V Bring on Sharqi Conquest Assault!

agree with this, i basically have my server browser set to kharg island for when i first jump on and then i usually play from there. it just feels like the most varied of all the maps, and for that i cannot wait for the new karkand maps because they're going to be in a similar vein. 'cept for wake, which i too am not fussed about. sod that map.
It's funny how unanimously unexcited we all are here regarding Wake. Makes me feel like I belong :P
I'm excited, I just don't think it'll be much fun :p

Also, fixed my crash issue. If anyone's having crashing problems post-patch, open command prompt (it's in the start bar somewhere, I have a shortcut for it :V ), put in bcdedit /set increaseuserva 2500 and then restart. To undo it, input bcdedit /remove increaseuserva . What this does is increase the virtual addressing space that individual programs can access, to 2500MB. It realistically shouldn't cause any problems at all.
the problem with wake is that it's just a bunch of roads with buildings scattered in between. they could of really, really gone to town with this re-re-re-remake and made it... iunno, a little fresher? turn it into a port, a harbour? the warehouse and airstrip are really all this map has going for it and that's one corner of the map, why not of turned it into a proper military barracks or deployment troop training area and given the island a lot more destructible/interior buildings and elevation to line the boring, empty roads? i'm super excited with how the other three maps are looking in terms of giving them a bit of spit and shine to make them feel more up to date, but wake just looks like... wake.
That's exactly how I feel. It's such a huge map with so little on it. They could have really done something with it besides add a few empty under construction buildings to blow the walls off of and call it a day.

I absolutely promise you will love the other 3 maps though. They are insanely fun. I c4'd four harriers the other night on Oman while they were fumbling about trying to shoot me. Funfunfunfun.
I thought they were going to have a tunnel system or some shit like that? I remember them mentioning something like that in the first reveal of Wake. Huge missed opportunity.
From what I've played I've seen no sign of it, but I haven't been anywhere close to covering the entire map. I could very well be missing it, but I've never heard any mention of a tunnel system until now. Also the easter eggs on Wake are nice.
Cant even login now, Battlelog update applied, that's all fine, can select B2K maps, but my Origin says my ID and/or password are incorrect, even though they are remembered from before and I havent changed anything.


[Edit] Seems it's not just me judging by the EA forums for BF3.

*hovers over Skyrim icon*

Damn it, I was looking forward to orgasming, sorry, playing Wake Island.
omg karkland is incredible! Just had 2 rounds of conquest assault and it was frantic! ****ing awesome! Even better then the first imho!
Yeah, they did an amazing job on the maps. Gulf of Oman is gigantic. I can't even begin to describe to you. Almost every building is enterable with multiple floors and is completely destructible. It really makes things intense when you know there's an enemy around, but he can be in any of three buildings on any three or four floors.

With that said, there needs to be some serious work done on the UI and the map. The map is useless basically. I was able to forgive the shitty map in regular BF3 maps because they were small enough that they fit, but these huge maps don't even fit the minimap, and it takes forever to get my bearings.

The UI is not suited for 7 capture points either. I literally had to go through the alphabet in my head to figure out what point to go to next. That's pretty ridiculous. I hope a fix is in the works.

Also, this:
but these huge maps don't even fit the minimap, and it takes forever to get my bearings.

You know you can zoom the map out and enlarge it, right? Just hit "n" and "m" once and you have a minimap that takes up a little less than a quarter of the screen and shows a good distance around you, it's great for tanks and helicopters where you need to see more of the map. Hit "n" again and it shows the entire map. If you're on foot, I think the default zoom and size is good enough most of the time.
You know you can zoom the map out and enlarge it, right? Just hit "n" and "m" once and you have a minimap that takes up a little less than a quarter of the screen and shows a good distance around you, it's great for tanks and helicopters where you need to see more of the map. Hit "n" again and it shows the entire map. If you're on foot, I think the default zoom and size is good enough most of the time.

I do know this. However, it's not sufficient. Especially considering the quality of the map in BF2. There's no reason for this shit.
Well I couldn't get on 'till about 20 minutes before my bed time so I only got to play Gulf of Oman (One of my favourite maps anyway!) but it was great! It's definitely huge and the town/construction site area is nice and tightly packed for infantry combat whilst there are some nice open areas towards the sea for some tank battles. The F-35 is quite nice too, glad to see it back!

Looking forward to playing the rest of the maps tonight. Massive BF2 nostalgia right now though!
This is what vanilla BF3 should have been. Not even Kharg Island holds a candle to any one of the B2K maps.
i played about 45 minutes last night on rush karkand and gulf of omar, wasn't the most pleasant experience because a) i couldn't figure out how to get my hd settings working correctly so i was playing in sd and b) our team were obviously (and fair enough to them) new to the maps so the rounds lasted about 10 minutes of getting steamrolled or denied access to positions.

however, i'm going to jump on tonight for a longer hd experience with some proper teams i'm comfortable with and conquest and i'm sure it will be good times. maps seem pretty solid, there's a ton of shit going on with the destruction which is awesome, and i managed to get my first repair tool kill thanks to the assignments. shit was funny.
Seeing all these positive comments makes me wonder what the hell happened to the map designers when they were designing for BF3. Why are there no maps in BF3 that would be as praised as those are.

Shit, I hope there still will be people playing the regular BF3 maps when I join the action (Friday, hopefully, PC parts on the way!). I want to play some of those first, before I buy the expansion. :P
Normally I'd think up some crappy quip, but I honestly can't conceive of what happened to make BF3's map design so poor. These vanilla maps were built specifically to support Conquest and Rush, yet they're somewhat terrible for both. And here we are with six-year-old maps that work better - not only overall, but also for game modes that didn't even exist when the maps were built.

You'd be doing yourself a disservice as a gamer by waiting to purchase the expansion pack. :p
Normally I'd think up some crappy quip, but I honestly can't conceive of what happened to make BF3's map design so poor. These vanilla maps were built specifically to support Conquest and Rush, yet they're somewhat terrible for both. And here we are with six-year-old maps that work better - not only overall, but also for game modes that didn't even exist when the maps were built.

You'd be doing yourself a disservice as a gamer by waiting to purchase the expansion pack. :p
Apparently, they had a completely separate team working on these new maps.