Battlefield 3

What's grating on me lately is seemingly always joining a server and then being put on the team that is losing. I mean ***k me. When I join a server and get put in the team winning I have a mini celebration. Then again, I did join a server the other night where we were down 120-270 or something and we won.

This! It is annoying; especially when I join a server and seconds later hear the end-of-round music, it turns out the tickets are something like 10-157 and after a moment I lose. My win/loss ratio is around 0.7. Somehow in BF2 and BF2142 I managed to keep a positive W/L ratio (that's without switching to the winning teams) - I always considered it coming from statistical probability + my positive influence on the outcome. Now that I think about it, it kind of makes sense that you get joined to the losing team, which is more likely to have less players when people leave after getting pounded; and unless the server is full of noobs, you won't singlehandedly make much of a difference. Still, that doesn't explain how I had no problem keeping the ratio up in the previous games :?
Going on to, my W/L ratio is abysmal on Conquest (0.85) but on Rush it's 0.98. I'm guessing this means there are fewer rage-quitters in that mode.
Name Total Wins Losses W/L Ratio
Conquest 394 162 232 0.70
Rush 35 15 20 0.75
Squad Rush 0 0 0 0.00
Squad Deathmatch 0 0 0 0.00
Team Deathmatch 6 2 4 0.50

Im beginning to wonder, as I have done it myself in the past as well as last night which got me thinking this; if people get pissed off at being on the losing team, they probably just mash the switch team button. This instantly causes a deficit on the opposing team which you fill in when you join.

Im pretty sure if the teams are even, say 15v15, you click switch team and you CAN still switch (you dont get that balancing warning or ''please stay with your team longer before switching again'' or whatever message), making it 14v16. So anyone then joining goes to the team with 14 automatically.

Joining and hearing the running noises and gunfire etc, but still with a black screen, then suddenly you get the round summary as it has literally just ended, is also annoying. Follow that with a map change and it's rage quit at loading times.

B2K maps load so damn quick.
holy shit that is the loudest i have audibly laughed in a long time. when it was coming down the corridor, eyes bulging... man.
I read some of the comments to that patch. One of the more retarded I've seen:

Dear Zh1nt0, Dice f'ing sucks. If you really want us to believe that you are or ever will be the NO1 dev in the FPS genre then you have to act like it. Interact with your community and release regular patches this shit is getting beyond a joke now. Your going to be sly twa** and not release the patch till the DLC is ready aren't you? A certain FPS dev team has put out at least 8 patches and tons of hotfixes since november, You've put out maybe 1 or 2 (not including hotfixes) on the 360 in 4 months, We only got half of the november patch. Ridiculous, I should find out if I have grounds to sue, that would put a boot up your arse.

The guy has ~183 hours played on the PC and ~20 hours played on the X360. Surely, it must be horrible to play over 200h of such a shitty and underdeveloped game :sarcasm:

To some of those people you'd want to say "you took the risk and bought the game; don't like it? **** off and don't buy anything from us ever if you're going to bitch about it!"
weren't they gonna have a patch with new Russian voice over and better como rose?
That's still coming, and it should also include the weapon/attachment rebalance and beepbeep.
Wow, having been using the SG553 instead all this time, the G36C really is stupid powerful.
I'm not playing this game again until they fix shit. I don't understand why small tweaks need to be rolled out 2 months at a time.
This game is beyond SHIT.

The mini-map is ****ing useless. The 3 zoom modes are fine, but M stretches the ****ing map instead of giving you a larger view. Some retard was justifying their salary by tinkering about with something that worked perfectly fine before.

The deploy menu is shitttt. The capture points are not marked with letters on the map, and you can't select one from the map. You have to select from the list then search the map to see which one is flashing. Have fun with that when you're 5 seconds from losing a capture point and have to dick around in this menu. And don't expect A to be next to B. That would be too ****ing simple.

The server browser is useless. It returns just a few random servers each time. Where is the list of every ****ing server?

I can't believe todays "gamers" bend over and take this.

Millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars went into this game, and these tards can't get it right? Is it a joke?? The game is unplayable.
Yeah... I've played BF3 1-2 times a week for about 2 minutes at a time for a while now. I wish I could like it as much as I want to, and I really, really hope DICE gets this patch right. I'll probably uninstall if they don't.
With regards to the server browser only returning a few random servers. Hold down end on your keyboard and everytime the page hits the bottom it loads in another page of servers. Just do this till it stops and you've got a longer list to choose from. Sometimes the pings don't show up though... Refresh and reloading all the servers generally works at fixing it.
This game is beyond SHIT.

The mini-map is ****ing useless. The 3 zoom modes are fine, but M stretches the ****ing map instead of giving you a larger view. Some retard was justifying their salary by tinkering about with something that worked perfectly fine before.

The deploy menu is shitttt. The capture points are not marked with letters on the map, and you can't select one from the map. You have to select from the list then search the map to see which one is flashing. Have fun with that when you're 5 seconds from losing a capture point and have to dick around in this menu. And don't expect A to be next to B. That would be too ****ing simple.

The server browser is useless. It returns just a few random servers each time. Where is the list of every ****ing server?

I can't believe todays "gamers" bend over and take this.

Millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars went into this game, and these tards can't get it right? Is it a joke?? The game is unplayable.

Fair points, but how do they make the game unplayable? They are just minor annoyances.

I, on the other hand, experience almost no problems with the game. No more than with any other title.
I'm still enjoying the game at 115 hours play time. It's definitely a game to be played with friends though. Not so much fun without the communication between squad members.
So having played for less than 1 hour since November, I've played for 6 hours straight today.

Game is awesome, but I'm still struggling to get the hang of it.

I really wanna play with a squad, though. You guys never seem to be on :(
I've all but stopped playing. I got fed up with my game crashing due to Punkbuster and when it didn't crash, all of the bugs/imbalances that were supposed to be fixed still haven't been fixed.
jesus guys, way to be a total downer on my excitement of getting back home from uni and picking this up again :(

actually naw **** it i'm still excited. when me and my two pals jump on it's tons of fun regardless of the problems.
So having played for less than 1 hour since November, I've played for 6 hours straight today.

Game is awesome, but I'm still struggling to get the hang of it.

I really wanna play with a squad, though. You guys never seem to be on :(

Sent you a friend request. You're not in the platoon, man!
Ok, I worked it out, applied to join the platoon and added a bunch of you (the one's who's names I can associate with someone I recall posting on this site).

Anyone else feel free to add me.
I still play all the time, FYI, but I play in the AM and am a yank

EDIT INSTEAD OF DOUBLE POST: I don't know how I have never encountered this before, but this morning I was being sniped by a dude with the L96+ballistic scope and there was no glint showing whatsoever. It made it nearly impossible to beat him. After going online it looks like many people have been dealing with this same issue. Anyone else? I wonder if they're going to address this thing.
HOLY SHIT patch notes. Spoiler'd for GIGANTIC LIST. Awesome that they fixed the issue I just complained to y'all about

EDIT: It's too big to paste. I'll just link to where I found out about it instead.

Awesome! Their "weapon balance and individuality" changes benefit all my main guns. There appears to be somewhat of an AEK nerf (too late IMO, judging from the top players' 11 billion service stars with the gun)
Fixed the short-distance falling damage, addressed problems with bipod deployment, and those FRUSTRATING AS HELL gadget deployments.
No more MAV killing sprees, no more MAV elevators. YES, I love this patch and can't wait to meet him!

No ETA yet, unfortunately.
-Added Horns to all Jeeps.
-Players will no longer receive suicides or team kills if they crash their vehicle (dying is punishment enough).
-Fixed several issues with vaulting objects, especially for thin railings.
-The MAV can no longer be used as an elevator.
-The player may now have a maximum number of mines which will persist after the player's death. Deploying more than the maximum of 6 mines will remove a previous mine from the world.

Hopy ship, if the commorose is still in I might actually start playing again.
The MAV will now be destroyed when running into a soldier or vehicle at high speed. It is still possible to strategically sacrifice your MAV on a soldier; it will be destroyed in the process.

this is all that matters

(not really, there's plenty of other good things in there. good stuff.)
Oh yeah, forgot to mention all the vaulting and honking I'll be doing.
Any chance one of you that's in charge of the platoon can accept the request I sent to join?

I never see any of you online.Why wouldn't you play?
DICE announces three new expansions, "Close Quarters", "Armored Kill", and "End Game".

Close Quarters is exactly and depressingly what it sounds like, and it's the first, slated for June. Armored Kill is basically "hey you guys remember tanks?", and will have "the biggest Battlefield map ever", indicating a 400m distribution of objectives. No news on End Game. No news on the February patch.

I've uninstalled the game. This isn't what Battlefield was ever supposed to be like.

I somewhat agree, haven't touched it at all for a few months. Shame =/
it's a real shame this close quarters is seemingly just going to be interior based, or at least from that video it seems that way anyway. is it going to be more than the one map, or is that it? because they couldn't of picked a more mundance setting than a flash, swanky minamilist apartment complex.

see, the whole ''close quarters'' thing could work pretty well if it was like a series of areas to romp around in, like say a good section of karkand except every building, tower and subsequent floors are accessible, widening the scope of the playing field in vertical directions, as well as mixing up the gameplay by having building to building combat. but this... yeah, not feeling it.
I'm cautious to pass final judgment on Close Quarters. Some of the most intense infantry moments I've experienced in BF3 happen indoors (and don't get me wrong, I love roads, hills, and armor more than the next guy!). Of course the reality of it will probably be one USAS frag orgy after another ... but ... hmm.
well yeah i mean thats the thing; operation metro and grand bazaar are probably two of my favourite maps, but i like how versatile they are in their environments. lots of paths, lots of buildings, different environments. from what i see in that video i just see an apartment with a bunch of people running around. why not four apartments, connected by a shelled street, overlooked by a motorway, close to a railway depot? that's just an off the top of my head example (and i am aware of how overused railway depots are, mind!)
I only ever see Unfocused and Dynasty online.

I'm still not accepted into the platoon :(

Goodbye, cruel thread.
My god I've only just seen the epic giant bulgey eye glitch video... Laughter could not be contained.

I've barely played BF3 compared to the other games in the series, and I'm not even sure why. And
I never actually completed the singleplayer either because there was some stupid bug not letting me get past the button mash section where you chase some dude... with guns.
BF3 is a good game, it just has no soul.
Kazy add me (Ren182 is my name) I normally have a few rounds every night :)


looks pretty bad, only thing i'm looking forward to there is the new guns, particularly that british support rifle. i forget it's name, [bobmarley] L85s6 [/bobmarley] or something silly like that. otherwise, nah this can go suck a lemon. also, is it going to be for free for people with the game already ala how the dlc for bad company 2 was always free?
Because when I think Battlefield I think fighting indoors with rooms and corridors!
Ducking behind sofas and coffee tables!

Is this a joke? Have they lost sight of what made their series unique?