Battlefield 3


Space Core
Dec 11, 2012
Reaction score
Anyone still playing this? I loaded it up over the weekend to play Aftermath and I have to say I had a great time. I plan on playing a good bit this week if anyone is interested. *cough Shamrock *cough.
I reinstalled it over the weekend, played a few hours, the uninstalled again. I just can't do it anymore.

I think my opinion of DICE and their dickheaded attitude is affecting me more than the actual quality.
I reinstalled it over the weekend, played a few hours, the uninstalled again. I just can't do it anymore.

I think my opinion of DICE and their dickheaded attitude is affecting me more than the actual quality.
I get what you're saying, Chase. I recently just got back in it with this douche OP, and we've been having a blast with it.

I've nowhere near as much time invested as a lot of people, but it still feels worth it to play... even though DICE decided to pull an Activision and release a new BF game this year. >_<
I know. Battlefield 4 beta already is just terrible. And regulating Bad Company to a tv series instead of continuing that series rather than make a 4th game that adds absolutely nothing is dumb. But I've reinstalled it again, again. Much better with friends.
I still play it often, aftermath is fun but everyone is really waiting for endgame and the dirtbike carnage that comes out in march...
I almost thought you were joking about the dirtbikes.

What the hell Battlefield.
Yeah, military games with dirtbikes are pretty retarded.

Everyone complains so much here. How would dirtbikes not be amazingly fun in this game?
Clearly you have never played a solid game of BF3 where you K/D ratio and score may not be amazing, but Ventrilo is constantly filled with laughter. Thats what these games are about for me. I don't give two F*cks about my rank or my K/D or wins. I play to have a great time with my friends and dirtbikes are only going to make this even more possible. Shammy knows how good of a driver I am. Skills.
Nice strawman. I wouldn't argue that riding around on dirtbikes and shooting at each other wouldn't be fun. I just think it's totally silly for a game like BF. It sounds like something a modder would make. Guess Dice have to make up for the lack of modding. Except you have to pay for it.

Still, at least they're not shifting focus to indoor/cqc maps. I guess battlefield has evolved into a new type of game (or rather, appealing to different types of gameplay) and I'm still comparing it to classic battlefield games. Battlefield always had silly moments with the vehicles and stuff, but it wasn't the point of the game. They let those moments happen naturally by building a good game, not focus on it. I guess this is getting kind of ranty and incoherent. I just saw that cover art of the guy riding on the back of a motorcycle and shooting an M4, and that just is not battlefield to me. That looks like an action movie, something from COD.

Ain't even gonna touch Krynn's bait post.
I still play off and on with my roommate. We tend to stick to Vanilla or B2K maps and just 2-man it up. We're a good helicopter duo if we have decent air support or if the map allows it. 90% of games out there still can't match the excitement of a good helicopter run or knocking a helicopter out of the sky with a well-placed rpg or tank shell.