BC suspended


Apr 29, 2004
Reaction score
I disappointed with this, I was really look foward to this game. If it turned out to be another fable, I would have been happy. For now it seems that the game is pretty much suspend and little hopes for it to come back into production. This blows, don't troll me but I really though this game was going to rock, with the whole dinosaurs thing.
It did sound interesting (if its the one I'm thinking of) maybe it'll turn up one day?
the uh..game about the evolving cave men right?

it was interesting...but i don't think it could ever really go up to its real potential, overally ambitious games tend to do that in the masses.
It would have probably had its place though, sometimes things that are different like that are well remembered, Dungeon Keeper for example.
Yeah. I am upset, too, that this game has been cancelled. I was so looking forward to playing this game before the year ends, but it seems I won't. ;( ;( :angry:
I was kinda hoping you were meaning the latest installment of the BattleCruiser franchise...

I'd play the half dopne e3 verison... it looked so coool!

thought #2: It's cover. they're "suspending" it, while they are, in reality, working for it on xbox 2.
I saw a pre-pre-preview in my EGM a few months back, it looked really cool, i saw this news bit in that newsreel that g4techtv has

Boohoo, i hope they continue production