Be Proud...

But see the problem is the way you related what happened in regards to that cartoon to the entire muslim community, not just the extrenme. Some muslims got pretty pissed off, but most didn't get bothered with it. So why use that incident to condemn all muslims. Christians blow up abortion clinics, kill gay people, Jews did their share of terrorism back in the day, etc. Each side has their extremes, so why do we pass judgement on muslims when a small percentage of their group does something stupid and look the other way when it happens in these other instances? You are going to tell me that if you print an offensive picture of Jesus in a newspaper christians and catholics won't flip the **** out and start bruning down buildings?

And the inevitable comparison to Christianity comes. You think I'm unaware of some of the moral travesties people commit in the name of Christ? You're barking up the wrong tree.

Would some Christians exhibit similar behavior if their idol was tarnished in the same way? I certainly believe so, but nowhere near the scope and size as what was committed by Muslims. The Christian stronghold that is the United States would not erupt in flames. As much as some may be loathe to admit, Christianity (despite its inherent volatility), has become quite tempered by secularism and civilization. If there was rioting, arson, and bloodshed, you could place a safe bet that most Christians would stand on their rooftops and decry those who engage in it. Although both Islam and Christianity are religions, one has had a good deal of its archaic brutality removed from common practice while the other has not. Even if it was just a small percentage of Muslims that took part in the acts, there was still scant condemnation of the behavior by the supposed moderates. They spent more time accusing the cartoons being offensive and distasteful, as if to say that even if they didn't agree with the course of violence that was taking place, their actions were kind of understandable and even sympathetic.

They were not.

Let's be honest. Furthermore, let's be relevant. Cases of violent Islamic extremism are far more common and widespread today than those of Christianity, and this is not the result of some massive Christian media conspiracy. Muslims who take up violence are in the minority, obviously. But a considerable amount of moderates agree with their ideals and methods regardless. More are simply unwilling to condemn or criticize the extremists in their midsts. The apologetics have to stop. The idea that Islamic terrorists are just products of poor upbringings and grievances against the Western world should have died along with the personable, middle-class martyrs of the London bombings, or with the countless wealthy Saudis that cross into Iraq every day to blow themselves up along with civilians. There is something very deformed in the Muslim faith and it is up to the moderates to cut it from their faith and start raising Hell over extremism instead of shrugging their hands in the air as their silence grows louder.
Absinthe makes a good point, I'm swayed back into the anti-theistic camp.
Speaking of Saudis, they make up 50% of the foreign fighters in Iraq.
And the inevitable comparison to Christianity comes. You think I'm unaware of some of the moral travesties people commit in the name of Christ? You're barking up the wrong tree.

Would some Christians exhibit similar behavior if their idol was tarnished in the same way? I certainly believe so, but nowhere near the scope and size as what was committed by Muslims. The Christian stronghold that is the United States would not erupt in flames. As much as some may be loathe to admit, Christianity (despite its inherent volatility), has become quite tempered by secularism and civilization. If there was rioting, arson, and bloodshed, you could place a safe bet that most Christians would stand on their rooftops and decry those who engage in it. Although both Islam and Christianity are religions, one has had a good deal of its archaic brutality removed from common practice while the other has not. Even if it was just a small percentage of Muslims that took part in the acts, there was still scant condemnation of the behavior by the supposed moderates. They spent more time accusing the cartoons being offensive and distasteful, as if to say that even if they didn't agree with the course of violence that was taking place, their actions were kind of understandable and even sympathetic.

They were not.

Let's be honest. Furthermore, let's be relevant. Cases of violent Islamic extremism are far more common and widespread today than those of Christianity, and this is not the result of some massive Christian media conspiracy. Muslims who take up violence are in the minority, obviously. But a considerable amount of moderates agree with their ideals and methods regardless. More are simply unwilling to condemn or criticize the extremists in their midsts. The apologetics have to stop. The idea that Islamic terrorists are just products of poor upbringings and grievances against the Western world should have died along with the personable, middle-class martyrs of the London bombings, or with the countless wealthy Saudis that cross into Iraq every day to blow themselves up along with civilians. There is something very deformed in the Muslim faith and it is up to the moderates to cut it from their faith and start raising Hell over extremism instead of shrugging their hands in the air as their silence grows louder.

Samon said:
Absinthe, your babies please
This is why I feel reluctant to join the Hitchens et al Muslim bashing bandwagon, you'd be on the same side as racist idiots like manc.

I do apoligise my facist person...but could you be kind enough to give me your definition of comparision to the meaning of the word...then compare that to what i have posted..
It is facists like yourself (you probably dont know the meaning of that word either) that stifle free speach..and shut lesser people up from speaking truths.
you pal are worse than a racist.

(i do not take anything said here personal..and i dont harbour any bad feeling towards the facist people here..rather pity for the parents who spat them out.)
Rubbish point. Democracy is all about things being run how you want them to be.
But the majority of people in Australia don't want sharia law.

I just hope the muslims of Australia are influenced by our "secularism and civilisation". They flee from disgustingly backward cultures and it's going to take awhile for them to become AS AWESOME AS US. I don't want any aspects of that primitive religion influencing our culture.

Muslim lifesaver

Get that ****ing black shit off and whip on a bikini bitch. You're going to drown and allah won't save you.
I might add her religion probably prevents her from rescuing/touching men from drowning.
islam should be banned as a religion it is intolerant..and wicked by definition.

where muslims masse. wickedness and evil prevails..murders trouble always follow suit..when muslims get a sizeble number going they become increasingly violent and hostile towards the cultures the play host to them...The UK, Australia,

Buhdist monks need armed gaurds as muslims murder them where they can be found..south thailand. in the north muslims bomb everything they can.
10 million dead hindus over the centuaries, Regular muslim attrocities.
chistians are kaffir here in what was a christian nation once..before the muslims invaded and forced islam upon them on pain of death..christians are not allowed the same rights a s muslims.
1,4 million dead christians in the armenian holocoust..still to this day. Christians who are the natives are not allowed to be in any form of power police,no militery,nothing of political seat..the hage sofia, the largest christian cathedral and which is over a thousand years old is an islamic museum. the building of new churches is forbiden (illigal) christians are arrested by police beaten and let go without charge..funny thing is many muslims are converting to christianity..this serves only to broaden the muslims hate of christians in turkey..but screw em..nazis.(you tube christians in turkey)
christian school children raped beheaded weekly..muslims enter christian towns armed and attack indescriminently..kidnapp torture news coverege.
Churches bomed..preists murdered..many muslims the north of the country however..muslims sent a letter to a villige prist telling them they should convert,leave the area by september or be massacered..they called for protection none has coem..they have said they will be doing nothing that the muslims have told them to do...Christians live in the sate of what muslims subject them to (kaffir)
Hundreds of thousands of people murdered raped tortured..but murdered all the same. in the most evil of ways..but in accordence to the hadith..and koranic verse where mohammed tells his followers to do such things. no media coverege in a while..towns which were over a thousand years old destroyed by government bombings and muslim evil doers enter after the bombings and massacere everyone they can get hold you read this..probably some little child who was taken from her murdered parents is being abused. while her parents rot on the streets.

this is not me being a christian.. what is happening to christians around the world is by far more evil than anything the nazis or facist scumb did to anyone...this is pure evil.
Left wing scumb who are aware of these daily world events and act like ghandi..need to remember the enemy is not civilised..there can be no peace..their ultimate goal is world domination and the submital of all to their allah. (which is NOT the same god as Christianity)
i feel sorry for left wing scumb as they..are nice people but totally dumb and at present do more damage to us in the UK/EU than muslims do.
The crime rates are the highest in the muslim populated areas of sydney. Bankstown and Fairfield.$file/RCS06.pdf

Wow i'm surprised.
islam should be banned as a religion it is intolerant..and wicked by definition.

where muslims masse. wickedness and evil prevails..murders trouble always follow suit..when muslims get a sizeble number going they become increasingly violent and hostile towards the cultures the play host to them...The UK, Australia,

Buhdist monks need armed gaurds as muslims murder them where they can be found..south thailand. in the north muslims bomb everything they can.
10 million dead hindus over the centuaries, Regular muslim attrocities.
chistians are kaffir here in what was a christian nation once..before the muslims invaded and forced islam upon them on pain of death..christians are not allowed the same rights a s muslims.
1,4 million dead christians in the armenian holocoust..still to this day. Christians who are the natives are not allowed to be in any form of power police,no militery,nothing of political seat..the hage sofia, the largest christian cathedral and which is over a thousand years old is an islamic museum. the building of new churches is forbiden (illigal) christians are arrested by police beaten and let go without charge..funny thing is many muslims are converting to christianity..this serves only to broaden the muslims hate of christians in turkey..but screw em..nazis.(you tube christians in turkey)
christian school children raped beheaded weekly..muslims enter christian towns armed and attack indescriminently..kidnapp torture news coverege.
Churches bomed..preists murdered..many muslims the north of the country however..muslims sent a letter to a villige prist telling them they should convert,leave the area by september or be massacered..they called for protection none has coem..they have said they will be doing nothing that the muslims have told them to do...Christians live in the sate of what muslims subject them to (kaffir)
Hundreds of thousands of people murdered raped tortured..but murdered all the same. in the most evil of ways..but in accordence to the hadith..and koranic verse where mohammed tells his followers to do such things. no media coverege in a while..towns which were over a thousand years old destroyed by government bombings and muslim evil doers enter after the bombings and massacere everyone they can get hold you read this..probably some little child who was taken from her murdered parents is being abused. while her parents rot on the streets.

these evils are commited because of islam..its what their god calls upon them..its not the people as we are all human..its the religion which drives them to commit evil acts. i forgive them..i pray for them.

this is not me being a christian.. what is happening to christians around the world is by far more evil than anything the nazis or facist scumb did to anyone...this is pure evil.
Left wing scumb who are aware of these daily world events and act like ghandi..need to remember the enemy is not civilised..there can be no peace..their ultimate goal is world domination and the submital of all to their allah. (which is NOT the same god as Christianity)
i feel sorry for left wing scumb as they..are nice people but totally dumb and at present do more damage to us in the UK/EU than muslims do.

Yes you are a facist stifle debate with the stupid claim that anyone who speaks other wise is a white neither white nor racist..i am british. i am christian..i am damm well tired of left wing nazis like yourself ruining this once great nation. with your claims of aint some high and mighty person..your a facist..a racist with roles reversed..
i feel sorry for left wing scumb as they..are nice people but totally dumb and at present do more damage to us in the UK/EU than muslims do.
Well we don't feel sorry for you.
But we have revised Christianity, etc, whereas their Islam has remained untouched, but you know that. But you need to take into account that it's not only Islam at work here. Dictators 101: In order for a dictator to survive, he needs to constantly incite the population; We dictators aren't the problem. The real problem is the Jews and the West.
Islam really is a big help to dictators and madmen because it is fundamentally different than Christianity, both in its practices, its history, and the culture it has seeded today.

Anyway, regarding Australia: I think the best way to start for them would be to deport Sheikh Rape.
India 10 million dead hindus over the centuaries, Regular muslim attrocities.
Turkey 1,4 million dead christians in the armenian holocoust.
Source. Now.

this is not me being a christian..
You're not being racist, you're being irrational and stupid.

what is happening to christians around the world is by far more evil than anything the nazis or facist scumb did to anyone...this is pure evil.

(which is NOT the same god as Christianity)
Who gives a sh*t.
Try to read what you reply to my left wing facist..poster.

fascist poster?

sorry I meant facist poster ...damn that's a lot of faces

oh and fascism is usually right wing

when did anyone mention invading a country?.. the post is regarding people who come to live in western (Christian nations)

so those immigrants should be put to the sword if they dont conform to western traditions?

..Atheists like yourself are not the majority in the UK..

1 in 10 attend church every week, that is hardly a majority ..53% identify themselves as christian however the majority of them are non practising

if i go abroud im in a foreign nation and observe their custums..i do not demand they change theirs to suit me..or threaten violence if they do not.

where does this happen? since when do immigrants affect change? do your women wear veils? do you bow to mecca everyday? you alarmists are crying wolf ...western nations have repeatedly struck down sharia law but as I've already proved before it affects jews and christians as well so governments are reluctant to take a stand for fear of offending them as well ..why dont you freak out at the jews and christians for religiously based family arbitration laws? because it doesnt suit your agenda?

well i would get all you left wing fanatical extremists and box you traitors up

traitors? traitors to what? the white race? the nation? how am I a traitor? you're a raving fool

..along with all the illigals and the islamo-nazis and send you to saudi sure as you are such a tolerant person you would enjoy seeing how such tolerant societies act and treat non natives..

that makes no sense at all ..I'm intolerent of religion ..why would I go to a non secular country? so I have to deal with idiots such as you?

you dont like this country leave..we would be much better off.

what country? wtf are you talking about?

Stoning is what muslims do to rape victims or theifs in iran, iraq saudi palastine the parents tend to murder their daughters who were raped..or have had looks for guys etc...its not a christian r in the uk, you should know.

well if you werent a hypocrite and followed your religion LIKE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO, you too would be stoning people over the most rediculous of reasons ..and if it wasnt for people who have enough sense in their head to forbid religion from have any hand in government what so ever you too would be stoning people to death:

the Bible said:
If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her; Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city. Deuteronomy 22:23-24

If an ox gore a man or a woman, that they die: then the ox shall be surely stoned. Exodus 21:28

If any man take a wife, and go in unto her, and hate her ... and say, I took this woman, and when I came to her, I found her not a maid: Then shall the father of the damsel, and her mother, take and bring forth the tokens of the damsel's virginity unto the elders of the city in the gate: And the damsel's father shall say ... these are the tokens of my daughter's virginity. And they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city. ... But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die. Deuteronomy 22:13-21

If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother ... Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city ... And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die. Deuteronomy 21:18-21

A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them. Leviticus 20:27

They found a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day. ... And the LORD said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones.... And all the congregation brought him without the camp, and stoned him with stones, and he died; as the LORD commanded Moses. Numbers 15:32-56

your religion has no power over law, but if it did the majority of offenses would be punishable by stoning ..your religion is just as bloodthirsty and crazed as the the religion of islam ..the only real difference is that the majority of people ignore the more idiotic parts of the bible like this one:

the Bible said:
These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat. And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you: They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination. Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you. - Leviticus 11:9-12

Manc said:
I live in a nation which has welcomed millions..and bent over backwards for people who hate our culture our colour and our religion (not everyone is without faith..and this country is christian not athiest..)

no I've proved at best the majority are casual christians who by definition are not really christians as they are only in name ...oh and why would immigrants go to a country they hate? makes no sense but I'm used to you not making sense ..probably because you're some frightened little kid living some sheltered little life where mommy and daddy take care of life's little problems leaving you plenty of time to wallow in fear mongering that pushes the idea that your white christian suburbanite existence is threatened by the swarthy unwashed heathens to the south ..the dark devil comes to eat your babies, and you're next! BOO!

Manc said:
we have to many and are loosing our own culture..white people are treated like 2nd class.. this is our homeland.

and so it finally comes out ..I was right all along ..fear of the darkies is what motivates you ..oh dear god if they inermingle everyone will eventually be mud coloured, we should just exterminate all those who are not a certain shade of white

Manc said:
and i will say what the hell i like ..the fact left wing facists like you get all amusing to me..theres me thinking the Nazis are extinct.

neo nazis are right wing you idiot ..and we amuse you? lol, that in itself is amusing because the majority of debates end with you being laughed at by the entire community for your stupidity usually slink away with your tail between your legs ...but you go right ahead deluding yourself oh Great Debater, you are truely a mental giant who knows no equal ... :upstare:

Manc said:
you are a comedian i have to hand it to you man..your hillarious..(sacasim)

"you're" not "your" ...and hold still

/me aims 20lb rock
To be pedantic, hating another religion is sectarian, not racist.
Manc, little advice. No-one minds debate or arguements, because y'know, thats life. But calling people names like Nazi's, fasict, etc. doesn't make you any friends, nor do they strengthen your arguement. In fact, they make you look rather ignorant (not saying that you are, but it looks that way from your posts).
So you know, its fine to have an opinion, but (trying) to offend people who disagree with you is just childish. A little advice to make your stay here nicer. xD
He does make a good point though - immigrants should adapt to a country if their gonna immigrate to it, not the other way round. I'm not saying he's right about all that christian nation patraotic crap, but he is right in that aspect.
Manc, little advice. No-one minds debate or arguements, because y'know, thats life. But calling people names like Nazi's, fasict, etc. doesn't make you any friends, nor do they strengthen your arguement. In fact, they make you look rather ignorant (not saying that you are, but it looks that way from your posts).
So you know, its fine to have an opinion, but (trying) to offend people who disagree with you is just childish. A little advice to make your stay here considerably less short. xD

Quoted for truth, edited for great justice.
Source. Now.
You're not being racist, you're being irrational and stupid.
Who gives a sh*t.

you show signs of inadequete education..and a misunderstanding of the world and major events.
Documentary about the Christian Holocaust by the hands of ISLAM.
or google Armenian Holocaust..

one site out of many which speaks of other genocides at the hands of islamo-evil doers.

watch and read..

(which is NOT the same god as Christianity)
Who gives a sh*t.
i do.

oh and fascism is usually right wing.
Wrong.. i think you are harking to mussolini or something?.. you stifle open debate with the age old cry of.."your racist". this is the typical left wing war cry.. "your racist".. "your a bully" or im telling "mum"

1 in 10 attend church every week, that is hardly a majority ..53% identify themselves as christian however the majority of them are non practising
Using the BBC as a source on anything related to Christianity is both foolish and stupid.. The BBC along with Channel4 is Anti-Christian...
the data used shows that 53% of the adult population identifies itself as Christian.. moreover your understanding of Christianity makes you point fail.

where does this happen? since when do immigrants affect change? do your women wear veils? do you bow to mecca everyday?
who in their right mind wears a veil.. rofl..and nobody with a brain bows down to mecca. except if you pray to a pedophile raping murdering thief.

you alarmists are crying wolf
you are so off base its dont even know what you are disputing kid..exactly what are you disputing again? lol

that makes no sense at all ..I'm intolerent of religion ..why would I go to a non secular country? so I have to deal with idiots such as you?
only Christian nations are 100% secular. Muslim nations give Secular a new that we call repression.

well if you werent a hypocrite and followed your religion LIKE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO, you too would be stoning people over the most rediculous of reasons ..and if it wasnt for people who have enough sense in their head to forbid religion from have any hand in government what so ever you too would be stoning people to death
You quite obviosly went to a state school or a protestant have no or very little knowledge of Christianity..or are too ignorant. Can you give me a link please to the latest incedent where a Christian stoned somebody to death? in the name of Christianity?.. or be quiet. i think you are the racist here pal.

traitors? traitors to what? the white race? the nation? how am I a traitor? you're a raving fool
Well if i can refer you to your other posts in which you claimed i was a racist..even though i am not white.. (according to other left wing nazi types ..only whites can be racist..) my comment was in reference to your previous forget what you type..oh facist be sure you are sure before posting hehe.

your religion has no power over law, but if it did the majority of offenses would be punishable by stoning ..your religion is just as bloodthirsty and crazed as the the religion of islam ..the only real difference is that the majority of people ignore the more idiotic parts of the bible like this one:
yet again miseducation or sheer stupidity (your choice) fails you..the laws of the land reflect the ten commandments.. you really are laughable man. link please to the stoning site ..if you may. i think you get christianity confused with ISLAM. the queen is a practicing is the prime minister.. (who is also a scumb bag in my eyes) i cannot remember the last time stoning occured near me except when i was in uni..i did a lot of it then.

Church and State is seperate because thats how it has ALWAYS been. i am catholic.. not church of england (fake church)since roman times the state and church have been seperate. its the way it is supposed to be..please make sure you know what you speak of make a fool of yourself.

no I've proved at best the majority are casual christians who by definition are not really christians as they are only ...cutting the bull out in name... mommy and daddy take care of life's little problems leaving you plenty of time to wallow in fear mongering that pushes the idea that your white christian suburbanite existence
you have prooved something lmao !! where what eh lol.. most of my freinds are christian of one denomination or another.. i have jewish and hindu freinds too. i am not white which your facist mind cannot seem to remember...i know remembering facts rather than regurgetated BBC propaganda is hard for you but .. "REMEMBER LEST YOU LOOK RETARDED"

and so it finally comes out ..I was right all along ..fear of the darkies is what motivates you ..oh dear god if they inermingle everyone will eventually be mud coloured, we should just exterminate all those who are not a certain shade of white
i am of persian mixed race...not white exactly.

neo nazis are right wing you idiot
i didnt call you a neo i said before, you stifle a debate by accusing people of things which they are sometimes unable to calling them racist.. Hitler,Stalin and mussolini did similar things to their opponents.. one label fits all ..the anti-anti.

why would immigrants go to a country they hate? makes no sense but I'm used to you not making sense
you never do make argue flame insult but never actually debate. does not bother me because i can forgive.
here racist immigrants..
more jihad style racisim... apparently legal in the uk..charges but no jail term.

hundreds more.
I'm suprised your stupid ass hasn't been banned yet, I guess mods are too busy updating the icons (which look great by the way).
Originally Posted by Atomic_Piggy
Manc, little advice. No-one minds debate or arguements, because y'know, thats life. But calling people names like Nazi's, fasict, etc. doesn't make you any friends, nor do they strengthen your arguement. In fact, they make you look rather ignorant (not saying that you are, but it looks that way from your posts).
So you know, its fine to have an opinion, but (trying) to offend people who disagree with you is just childish. A little advice to make your stay here considerably less short. xD

Actually i called him a facist because he called me a racist... you going to say the same to him too? if eh. if someone is polite to me il be the same back..if someone goes out of their way to offend me which CTP is obviously trying to do i a civilised manner
Actually i called him a facist because he called me a racist... you going to say the same to him too? if eh. if someone is polite to me il be the same back..if someone goes out of their way to offend me which CTP is obviously trying to do i a civilised manner

I've told people before, not just you, that calling people names in arguments does nothing to strenghten the argument and makes you look ignorant. It just happened to be your turn. :)

EDIT: Hey, awesome new icons. FTW!
Get an education, Stern, you facist scumb! Goddamn little British kids...
Actually i called him a facist because he called me a racist...
Yup, just like Jesus preached - if someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn and offer him a strong left.
only Christian nations are 100% secular. Muslim nations give Secular a new that we call repression.

I would go so far as saying only atheist nations are 100% secular.
Wrong.. i think you are harking to mussolini or something?..

this sounds like right wing to me:

Fascism is an authoritarian political ideology (generally tied to a mass movement) that considers individual and other societal interests subordinate to the needs of the state, and seeks to forge a type of national unity, usually based on, but not limited to, ethnic, cultural, or racial attributes. Various scholars attribute different characteristics to fascism, but the following elements are usually seen as its integral parts: nationalism, authoritarianism, statism, militarism, corporatism, populism, totalitarianism, anti-communism, and opposition to economic and political liberalism.

if you're having a hard time understanding the big words, here's a convenient diagram to help you out

see the guy with the helmet represents the state :O

you stifle open debate with the age old cry of.."your racist".

when did I call you racist? I remember calling you idiot, stupid and perhaps moron but not racist ..hmmm Nemesis also thinks I called him racist ..coincidence? methinks not ..perhaps stupidity travels in pairs?

this is the typical left wing war cry.. "your racist".. "your a bully" or im telling "mum"

"YOU'RE", for the love of Jebus h christ on a goddam popsicle stick it's "YOU'RE" not "your"

Using the BBC as a source on anything related to Christianity is both foolish and stupid.. The BBC along with Channel4 is Anti-Christian...

oh I totally agree the BBC is run by ungodly people who wouldnt know how to conduct a poll if ...wait a minute ...

BBC said:
Christian charity Tearfund's survey of 7,000 people puts the UK among Europe's four least observant countries.

/me slaps forehead ..oh snap!!! it's those pesky christians again, ....using Christians as a source on anything related to Christianity is both foolish and stupid..

/me slaps Manc's forehead ...enjoys it a little too much and slaps his forehead again, this time harder ..contemplates using knuckles

the data used shows that 53% of the adult population identifies itself as Christian..

yet 1 in 10 of those go to church once a week like they're supposed to ..casual christians

moreover your understanding of Christianity makes you point fail.

i'm not pointing at anything can you see what I'm doing? ...hello, god is that you?

"I'm not nodding it's the airconditioning"

who in their right mind wears a veil..

well let's see the dancer of the dance of the seven veils're catholic right? comes from the bible ..exactly ..whoin the right mind ...

rofl..and nobody with a brain bows down to mecca.

no one with a brain bows to anything ..oh right you're catholic ..kneeling is MUCH more dignified than bowing ....polish my shoes while you're down there ya carpet muncher

except if you pray to a pedophile raping murdering thief.

a catholic priest is the spiritual head of all muslims everywhere? ..jimmeny willikers, that's one helll of a predic-ament


you are so off base its pityfull..
you so beautyful and bountyful runeth the cup of stupidity's "pitiful" you jacknapes

you dont even know what you are disputing kid..exactly what are you disputing again? lol

? you didnt just call me a "kid" did you ..I have kids of my own, I'm hardly a kid

only Christian nations are 100% secular.

that makes no sense whatsoever

Muslim nations give Secular a new that we call repression.

I've tried deciphering what you mean but can only come to one conclusion: I dont think that word means what you think it means

You quite obviosly went to a state school or a protestant one

wrong on both counts I went to a pivate catholic school have no or very little knowledge of Christianity..or are too ignorant.

why because I posted passages from the BIBLE? please explain

Can you give me a link please to the latest incedent where a Christian stoned somebody to death? in the name of Christianity?.. or be quiet.

sigh you dont understand a word I said/say ...since there are no christian courts because of secularism they cannot pass judgement nor give out punishment ...if we're talking about individulas thehn there's plenty of examples from Jim Jones to abortion clinic bombers ..all in the name of Jebus

Well if i can refer you to your other posts in which you claimed i was a racist..even though i am not white..

gtfo of my country damn foreigner, this land iis only for people of my kind

(according to other left wing nazi types ..only whites can be racist..) my comment was in reference to your previous forget what you type..oh facist be sure you are sure before posting hehe.

idiot, fascism is most closely tied to your type of idology not mine ..humanist is exactly the opposite of fascist

yet again miseducation or sheer stupidity (your choice) fails you..the laws of the land reflect the ten commandments..

well duh, does that mean the country is ruled by religious law? please prove it is or stfu

you really are laughable man. link please to the stoning site ..if you may. i think you get christianity confused with ISLAM.

here ya go

but I'll make it easier for you, copy paste the passages:

the queen is a practicing is the prime minister..

so? does that somehow mean britain is non secular? give me a break your leaps of logic are idiotic

i cannot remember the last time stoning occured near me except when i was in uni..i did a lot of it then.

must have been bad shit cuz it really made you stupid ..and you didnt go to university ..not with your language skills ..I wouldnt be surprised if you're still a junior in high school

Church and State is seperate because thats how it has ALWAYS been.

you mean like when the pope was pretty much the overlord of europe? riiiight

i am catholic.. not church of england (fake church)since roman times the state and church have been seperate. its the way it is supposed to be..please make sure you know what you speak of make a fool of yourself.
I think it's apparent who's the fool here ..also idiot, moron etc etc

you have prooved something lmao !! where what eh lol.. most of my freinds are christian of one denomination or another.. i have jewish and hindu freinds too.


i am not white which your facist mind cannot seem to remember...i know remembering facts rather than regurgetated BBC propaganda is hard for you but .. "REMEMBER LEST YOU LOOK RETARDED"

what? the BBC's propaganda will help me remember you're not white? please for the love of god try to make sense man, take the marbles out of your mouth and speak plainly

i am of persian mixed race...not white exactly.

gtfo of my country, this here land is only for whiteys

i didnt call you a neo nazi

ffs, "Neo" means "new" since there is no longer a Nazi party therefore I cannot be a nazi, only a neo nazi i said before, you stifle a debate by accusing people of things which they are sometimes unable to explain..

so it's my fault you have poor communication skills ...right

by calling them racist.. Hitler,Stalin and mussolini did similar things to their opponents.. one label fits all ..the anti-anti.

ya I'm anti-stupid keep harping on the racist thing, when did I call you racist?, link me

you never do make argue flame insult but never actually debate. does not bother me because i can forgive.

of course, you're catholic, I'm not; I dont forgive your stupidity

here racist immigrants..
more jihad style racisim... apparently legal in the uk..charges but no jail term.

hundreds more.

ok what?

Lavaisse said:
Get an education, Stern, you facist scumb! Goddamn little British kids...

oy! shine your shoes guv'nah?

I once scraped off my facist scumb with a razor ..felt clean afterwards ..take that scumb!!

Angry Lawyer said:
My goodness, you're like The Daily Mail given flesh.

oh i wasnt you who called me racist lol....i spell the way i do as its shorter..english is one of many languages i not that bothered how spelling comes out ..its that its readeble that matters.

Stern, i am a catholic not a born again mentioned the abortion activists in the US.. nutters. if live is so important why would they want to kill or harm somebody.

you keep going on about christ.. i dont know like you to explain...btw very few priests have done those horrific things.. nobody defends them.. what the church did in way of dealing with them was more nieve than devient...

besides most of your qoutes read out like a nagging old woman..hehe. i know the bible btw. read revelations.
Lol what a twat.

He refuses to accept BBC as a source and uses geocity 'sources' instead.
Exactly. It's your opinion, not everyone's.

Wrong.. i think you are harking to mussolini or something?.. you stifle open debate with the age old cry of.."your racist".
You're just an imbecile, intolerant of opposing ideas. No one's forcing you to accept what is obvious to the civilised world, but at least debate intelligently.

Using the BBC as a source on anything related to Christianity is both foolish and stupid..
Because these sources are SO much better! :rolleyes:

who in their right mind wears a veil.. rofl..and nobody with a brain bows down to mecca. except if you pray to a pedophile raping murdering thief.
Who in their right mind goes to the same building every sunday to commune with a man in the sky, and prays to a godman who claimed to walk on water?

Rofl indeed. I can make something up for every religion.

you are so off base its dont even know what you are disputing kid..exactly what are you disputing again? lol

only Christian nations are 100% secular. Muslim nations give Secular a new that we call repression.
That's it. You win the RETARD OF THE DAY award for excellence in doublethink.

Secular states cannot be christian, muslim or spaghettese.

yet again miseducation or sheer stupidity (your choice) fails you..
ORLY? The quote he took is directly from the Bah-ble. It can be found in any reasonably accurate version of it. But then again you choose to filter reality, don't you? If it's not what you like, it isn't there. Neat Policy. It's roughly the same as the garbage that's there in any other religious book.

i am catholic.. not church of england (fake church)since roman times the state and church have been seperate.
Right. The fake church. :rolleyes:
What makes your church any more real than anyone else's? You're still praying to a guy you've never known apart from what is written about him in a book.
stern you have a lot of time on your hands man.
and you keep coming back after being repeatedly banned ...who's the bigger loser?
And the inevitable comparison to Christianity comes. You think I'm unaware of some of the moral travesties people commit in the name of Christ? You're barking up the wrong tree.

Would some Christians exhibit similar behavior if their idol was tarnished in the same way? I certainly believe so, but nowhere near the scope and size as what was committed by Muslims. The Christian stronghold that is the United States would not erupt in flames. As much as some may be loathe to admit, Christianity (despite its inherent volatility), has become quite tempered by secularism and civilization. If there was rioting, arson, and bloodshed, you could place a safe bet that most Christians would stand on their rooftops and decry those who engage in it. Although both Islam and Christianity are religions, one has had a good deal of its archaic brutality removed from common practice while the other has not. Even if it was just a small percentage of Muslims that took part in the acts, there was still scant condemnation of the behavior by the supposed moderates. They spent more time accusing the cartoons being offensive and distasteful, as if to say that even if they didn't agree with the course of violence that was taking place, their actions were kind of understandable and even sympathetic.

They were not.

Let's be honest. Furthermore, let's be relevant. Cases of violent Islamic extremism are far more common and widespread today than those of Christianity, and this is not the result of some massive Christian media conspiracy. Muslims who take up violence are in the minority, obviously. But a considerable amount of moderates agree with their ideals and methods regardless. More are simply unwilling to condemn or criticize the extremists in their midsts. The apologetics have to stop. The idea that Islamic terrorists are just products of poor upbringings and grievances against the Western world should have died along with the personable, middle-class martyrs of the London bombings, or with the countless wealthy Saudis that cross into Iraq every day to blow themselves up along with civilians. There is something very deformed in the Muslim faith and it is up to the moderates to cut it from their faith and start raising Hell over extremism instead of shrugging their hands in the air as their silence grows louder.

Sorry it took so long to reply, I couldn't respond when I read it originally and then I just forgot about it. The new "Islam in Europe" video reminded me of this and I figured I would respond here instead of posing the same point again there.

But you are making a big assumption that muslims aren't outraged when Islamic terrorism occurs. Where are you getting this information from? I have quite a few muslim friends here in the states, none of them are as radical as everyone seems to think they are because of these generalizations. Do they hate Bush? Sure, a lot of people do. Do they have a problem with our foreign policy? Sure, a lot of people do. But no where do they support violance. Have you ever actually met a muslim that has said they support terrorism? I haven't yet so if you have I would be curious as to what circumstances it happened under.

Now obviously I am not saying there aren't small fractions of Muslims that are out there fighting this "jihad" against the west. But that's because we are fighting against them. You say christians now really don't engage in this kind of violance. But we have helped kill close to a million people in Iraq in the last 5 years. Most of us might not see the Iraq invasion as an assult against Islam but believe it or not most people in the middle east and quite a few people here in the west see it that way. So do you not think that plays a huge part in to the radicalization (sp?) of Islam? Instead of continuing this outright assult on Islam by banning their mosques and other schemes designed to humiliate and kill their culture we have to realize why all this shit as happening. This type of "Islam is evil" talk is only adding fuel to the fire, it isn't doing anything to resolve the problem.