Beautiful Women Thread

sorry to bring up the dead, i'm sure you won't complain though ;)

just flicking on the telly earlier, switched over to UKLiving. this woman is a cook, dunno if anyone overseas caught her show. i dunno what it is, she looks so good for some reason (man i need a shag :| ).

Nigella Lawson...!0/nsbp3btacj886qiv6.jpg <-- cut/paste into browser
so many beautifull womens in the world
is hard to choose
the fact that nigella cooks such great looking food makes her that much hotter :) i've always been more into brunettes too.. so, i need to give her a call, is what i'm trying to say.
Lil' Timmy said:
the fact that nigella cooks such great looking food makes her that much hotter :) i've always been more into brunettes too.. so, i need to give her a call, is what i'm trying to say.

i saw her first!!
dude, i've been watching her show for at least 3 years.. add the years of stalking time.. and i have quite an investment.
bah :/

she's married to charles saachi anyway, so...
well, we'll just have to do something about that, now won't we?
well i personally don't fancy charles saatchi, but if you think you can pull him then go for it ;)
Dedalus said:
sorry to bring up the dead, i'm sure you won't complain though ;)

just flicking on the telly earlier, switched over to UKLiving. this woman is a cook, dunno if anyone overseas caught her show. i dunno what it is, she looks so good for some reason (man i need a shag :| ).

Nigella Lawson...!0/nsbp3btacj886qiv6.jpg <-- cut/paste into browser

lmao the funny thing is that in all her shows she looks like she takes too much pleasure from eating something. i guess that comes with the job. dead ringers did a wonderful sketch of her working in a burger van, selling al these (unaware) builders top quality food. they all walked off thinking "wtf??"
Originally Posted by ComradeBadger
cute > sexy
Exactly :)
This is honestly _the_ cutest/most sexy girl i've ever seen!
/me dies


  • 2002_08_06_ventana3.jpg
    63.6 KB · Views: 262
Skull said:
Exactly :)
This is honestly _the_ cutest/most sexy girl i've ever seen!
/me dies
she lookes like a twelve year old with implants. ;(
\o/ yay for photoshopped, overly made-up women! \o/
I like the real thing, personally.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
ok here is some good real women
OH god my eyes!!!Someone help me!!!I'm bleeding out my eyes.....
Time for a good whacking of the ban stick!
Raziaar said:
Time for a good whacking of the ban stick!

I didn't post any banable content, those men probably have more clothing on then half the women in this thread :P
<fap> <fap> <fap> :dork:

But seriously, I prefer cute and/or pretty girls. The kind of girls that you feel like hugging.

Note: some1.jpg is topless. Omg! :eek: Open at your own risk. But she's really, really pretty. And, well... she does have nice tits, too...
i like some1. i like her a lot.
he. hehe. he. hehehe. he. heeh. he. hehe. he. he. heee. hehe. hee. hehe. he. he. he. hehe. he. hehehe. he. heeh. he. hehe. he. he. heee. hehe. hee. hehe. he. he.
:farmer: aaaahhhh :farmer:

shes cute. :p
Cybernoid said:
<fap> <fap> <fap> :dork:

But seriously, I prefer cute and/or pretty girls. The kind of girls that you feel like hugging.

Note: some1.jpg is topless. Omg! :eek: Open at your own risk. But she's really, really pretty. And, well... she does have nice tits, too...

Kill, ban, destroy, burn,
mortiz said:
Kill, ban, destroy, burn,

Yes, I know: nudity is unnatural, perverted and turns all people under 18 years old into drooling, psychopathic rapists. Instead of playing Vice City, our children are exposed to such dangers to national security as breasts.
Last edited by ComradeBadger : Today at 04:15 PM.

Thank god you removed that image. Some poor 15-year old kid could have seen it... mental institution for life, at the very least. Probably would have gone on a raping spree, too. When I was that age, I just sat in my room (no windows) and prayed to Jesus to save me from Satan's Breasts.

HAS YOUR CHILD SEEN BREASTS? Pray to Jesus! Your child's Soul may depend on it!
Cybernoid said:
Thank god you removed that image. Some poor 15-year old kid could have seen it... mental institution for life, at the very least. Probably would have gone on a raping spree, too. When I was that age, I just sat in my room (no windows) and prayed to Jesus to save me from Satan's Breasts.

HAS YOUR CHILD SEEN BREASTS? Pray to Jesus! Your child's Soul may depend on it!

You know...We do have sarcasm tags now :|

Anyway, just to make a point I'm going have to check through all these pictures. Just to make sure you know?

Its hard... ...but someone has to do it.

burnzie said:

After those pictures? We can only hope not...
Nice pictures, all of them(except maybe bAbYhEaDcRaB's ,#102)
I thought about bringing up a pic of ******* here but...i have some dignity left :)
MindCrafter said:
I thought about bringing up a pic of ******* here but...i have some dignity left :)
but for even mentioning it, you've lost what little dignity you had..
Cybernoid said:
Thank god you removed that image. Some poor 15-year old kid could have seen it... mental institution for life, at the very least. Probably would have gone on a raping spree, too. When I was that age, I just sat in my room (no windows) and prayed to Jesus to save me from Satan's Breasts.

HAS YOUR CHILD SEEN BREASTS? Pray to Jesus! Your child's Soul may depend on it!
I'm afraid, we have rules here, and while I personally do not object to such things, it is not appropriate material for a gaming forum.