behind the walls

It's a Doom 3 theme park.
You know what you must do.
Smash the combine.
Or spend the rest of your life running around dark narrow corridors shooting up incredibly dumb monsters from hell :sniper: .
Crow bars will not be allowed ;( !
Clearly the combine are bringing down all the buildings to replace them with STARBUCKS!
Its piles of underpants they are stealing which they do "??????" to make profit.

(If youre a southpark fan, you'll know what i mean)
MrBongo said:
You might not be far from the truth. Think about it, the whole reason for the Combine placing the world under a translucent martial law and limiting the birth of new humans is to change and reshape the world as they want. What better way to improve it than demolish the old and replace it with the new?

And to build a big round trampoline?
I thought it represented Microsoft.