Being fat might be outlawed(In a sense)

Ahhh screw it, I'm going to admit I'm a hypocrit because I make fun of fat people (well laugh at them anyway). After a second thought, fat people have a health problem and need to excersize and get thin because theres TOO MANY FAT PEOPLE IN AMERICA.
What makes me sick is when I see a kid who is beyond chubby (lots of kids are just chubby but grow out of it). No I mean when a kid is at least double his or her ideal weight... I see that and I want to physically hurt the parents.
Fat Kid rapping said:
I don't like food

I find that hard to belive

edit - lol wrong topic but it still kinda applies to the thread so Ill leave it here
So ... being really fat makes it an issue -- however, where are people going to develope personal responsibility in loosing the weight themselves?

Also, why are you so adament about this supposed law -- and ultimately, why are you referencing that being fat, or big, despite weights; is ultimately and immediately dangerous?

Or is it just because your point comes from your own conscious of health?
Ahhh screw it, I'm going to admit I'm a hypocrit because I make fun of fat people (well laugh at them anyway). After a second thought, fat people have a health problem and need to excersize and get thin because theres TOO MANY FAT PEOPLE IN AMERICA.

There's too many thin people. :D
Fact is, obesity needs to tackled, and quickly, especially in countries like the UK where we have our damned commie NHS, and everyone suffers when the next generation gets fat.
How fat are you talking about here? I want to know if that law passes if half my school will go away and come back different.
Fact is, obesity needs to tackled, and quickly, especially in countries like the UK where we have our damned commie NHS, and everyone suffers when the next generation gets fat.

Obesity comes out of being lazy -- it needs to be tackeled personally, otherwise your bodies just going to remember your activity and state of being obese, and recollect fats just as before, despite loosing all of the weight. Laws, wont correct the issue.
Yes, but I never said that the whole prison thing was all that needed to be done. Physical Education lessons, despite how annoying, patronizing and self-defeating they could be, will slowly get a regime of sports into kids.

We need more ranges of sports available for PE, too. Bring back say, boxing and add a few other martial arts. If a fat kid can't run, and he can't jump, maybe he can punch or kick well. No need to ruin their confidence.

However, this kind of thing does get rid of a lot of weight initially, then it's all about the follow up.
We need more ranges of sports available for PE, too. Bring back say, boxing and add a few other martial arts. If a fat kid can't run, and he can't jump, maybe he can punch or kick well. No need to ruin their confidence.

I dont think they should be teaching kids martial arts. In the hands of the dumb ... who knows what could happen.

I think they should do LaserTag -- or Paintball. Yea, for some of you folks, go ahead sure, insert your "OMFG BUT THEN TEH KNOW HOW TO RELOAD THE AK"; but its hardly practioning to kill someone.

Its just a game of tag -- with distance. :D
Fat Kid rapping said:
i dont like food

How can you not like food????
its what keeps us alive... i find that a bit selfish to the people who want food but cant have much of it because they live in poverty, and you have it in the nearest store, loads of it, and you dont eat it??
Kangy said:
Fact is, obesity needs to tackled, and quickly, especially in countries like the UK where we have our damned commie NHS, and everyone suffers when the next generation gets fat.

correct, we need to sort out school meals, and the diet of this country, before this obesity timebomb explodes.. :sniper:
correct, we need to sort out school meals, and the diet of this country, before this obesity timebomb explodes..

Sarcasm]> Assording to your smile, we need to defuse obesity like a bomb in Counter-Strike.
K e r b e r o s said:
I dont think they should be teaching kids martial arts. In the hands of the dumb ... who knows what could happen.

I think they should do LaserTag -- or Paintball. Yea, for some of you folks, go ahead sure, insert your "OMFG BUT THEN TEH KNOW HOW TO RELOAD THE AK"; but its hardly practioning to kill someone.

Its just a game of tag -- with distance. :D

Tai Chi is a martial art, and you rarely exert force in it. I don't really see how shooting things is any different to or better than learning how to use a different weapon, albeit one that can focus the mind, as well as make the body a lot physically fitter.
K e r b e r o s said:
I dont think they should be teaching kids martial arts. In the hands of the dumb ... who knows what could happen.

I think they should do LaserTag -- or Paintball. Yea, for some of you folks, go ahead sure, insert your "OMFG BUT THEN TEH KNOW HOW TO RELOAD THE AK"; but its hardly practioning to kill someone.

Its just a game of tag -- with distance. :D

Ive only ever met one person who I dont like who does martial arts. He was a real dumb ass. But thats just because he was a teenager I think. I got on with him quite well... but he had no trouble lashing out against people he didnt like. :(

Martial arts seem to make people less violent with the exception of kick boxing and thai boxing in my experience (Therefore I am a vicious bastard! :P)

I know someone who is a blackbelt in ju jit su and someone else who is a black belt in karate (in fact two...) and they are all by far the calmest most none violent people you could ever meet. Just dont make them angry..... :P
Tr0n said:
Wish they had that in america.

It wouldn't work, your economy would crash due to there being serious under-staffing.
mortiz said:
It wouldn't work, your economy would crash due to there being serious under-staffing.
Haha!Good stereo-typical joke.

I'll come to you when I need one.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Well its true though...Food is big business, especially in the US
You know...everytime I see your name...I keep thinking yay a mod.

Then I're not one.Makes me a sad panda.... ;(

I hate change.
Tr0n said:
You know...everytime I see your name...I keep thinking yay a mod.

Then I're not one.Makes me a sad panda.... ;(

I hate change.

Thou thinkest change be ghastly? Hark! Thee must accept thy plight.

Not being a mod is...pleasant ;)
Just dont make them angry.....

Oh sure ... its still self-defense, even if you provoke it. :D /bullocks

j/k ... thats good that their like that. Look at all the people around them -- not many are capable about staying clam, or relaxed. :thumbs: Props to them!
If this happened in America I can see all the fat people moaning "its not my fault im fat.. its genetics!!" then they run off to eat a couple more donuts
Farrowlesparrow said:
Thou thinkest change be ghastly? Hark! Thee must accept thy plight.
Ummmm...translate into modern times english plz. :laugh:

...and yes I ****in hate's ok say starting a new life.

But other than sucks.
im trying to gaim weight cos my bmi is 17¬!¬¬ jioms is underweight considerably :(