Being Friends With Girls

Easy, if she's your sister.

I'm great friends with my sister. We share the same sense of humor, common interests. She's fun to hang out with all the time.

But what if she is your friend's sister?

*sneaky eyes*
Of course...although It's not often a guy has a female friend he does things with as a pair without it being a relationship.
The real question is: who would want to be friends with a girl?
Do you guys think it is actually possible to be friends with girls?

I mean, can you realy look for a girl to be friends with out wanting to go out with her in the first place?

The only (girl) friends that I have is because: A- She is an ex or B- Been friends since childhood.

I find it quite impossible to keep a friendship with a girl which did not work out for me.

I try though. It is my new social experiment.

I have a very close female friend and now I'm hanging with her best friend. the very close female friend has a boyfriend all ready but i'm not gunna get in her way. also i took her to a wedding because i had no one to ask and she was nice enough to go with me. at some point though i may do her friend
It works for a while, but then eventually i get curious, and can't look them in the face any more because of things I've thought about them... But, then again, I have my father's charm, and my mother's wit, and for the most part, the second I open my mouth I have 4 girls that tell me I'm awesome... Maybe if I wasn't such a chicken shit I'd be up to my neck in poon. Thanks, OP, for making me hate myself for missing out on some great puss. Prickhole.

Read that post back to yourself out loud.

I did have an opinion on this matter but then I read RJMC's post and realised he was right. Again.
If it wasn't possible for guys to be friends with females, it would be very problematic for me, considering I only know like one other female in the state of Texas and rarely get to visit her.

But I work around guys, I went to school with guys, and so guys have been my friends and who I always hung out with (too bad they're all gone elsewhere with their jobs now, lol). It's a lot harder to make friends with people in the workplace when you're pretty much the only female, because the people around you already have an established social circle. I don't get this mindset but it definitely exists; people usually find it easier just to be polite to me when I'm around, but I don't think they see me as someone they can easily or comfortably become friends with because I'm not a dude.

It's kind of frustrating and I wish it wasn't so normal for people to have problems with this kind of thing.
If it wasn't possible for guys to be friends with females, it would be very problematic for me, considering I only know like one other female in the state of Texas and rarely get to visit her.

But I work around guys, I went to school with guys, and so guys have been my friends and who I always hung out with (too bad they're all gone elsewhere with their jobs now, lol). It's a lot harder to make friends with people in the workplace when you're pretty much the only female, because the people around you already have an established social circle. I don't get this mindset but it definitely exists; people usually find it easier just to be polite to me when I'm around, but I don't think they see me as someone they can easily or comfortably become friends with because I'm not a dude.

It's kind of frustrating and I wish it wasn't so normal for people to have problems with this kind of thing.

I have the same experience where I'm working right now, except nearly all of my coworkers are female. I don't normally do well making friends with anybody, male or female, but thankfully these people are awesome and I've been able to fit in rather well, even though I'm very quiet.
My room mate works almost entirely with females and he was all about being friends with them at first, but now he acts like he hates them. I dunno why... I didn't ask... but I guess it's relevant. I don't think I'm really friends with any of the people I work with, but I did meet my girlfriend here, though I rarely ever see her or have any interaction with her on a daily basis unless something breaks. The weird thing about all of this is that all the women of this place would talk about me like I Was hot shit despite most of them being obese or well over 40. I just don't get work friends really. Getting along with people and being cordial is one thing but I think being friends with someone in a place as dynamic as a business is a poor choice professionally. Dating someone who works at the same company you do is probably not a good professional choice either, but I think the fact that we work in different departments works. I guess by the same principle you could be friends with someone that works elsewhere in the company without encountering situations that would be detrimental to your relationship. I'm just thinking about the people I have to work with everyday I guess.

Anyways that's kind of off topic but I know that the first thing I consider with a girl I meet is attraction, even being in a relationship. It's just instinctive for me.
Of course...although It's not often a guy has a female friend he does things with as a pair without it being a relationship.

I actually am in that situation. I have a really good friend that I go out with, and hang out with, just the two of us, but we are not a couple. Its not that difficult.
Starbob, dont shit where you eat man. If that turns ugly, the few moments you do so her at work... talking to other guys, wil be horrible.
A friend (co-worker) had that happen to him which F him over pretty hard.
I've always wondered why gay men who were in the closest would marry a straight female.
I've always wondered why gay men who were in the closest would marry a straight female.
Maybe because they both share the interest and longing for penis and man butt.
Starbob, dont shit where you eat man. If that turns ugly, the few moments you do so her at work... talking to other guys, wil be horrible.
A friend (co-worker) had that happen to him which F him over pretty hard.

Couldn't be any worse than the same situation in college (at least as the tiny college I went to). I mean we don't even talk to each other at work unless it's work related so I don't think if things went sour it would be much different. Besides, I don't plan on working here too much longer anyways if I can help it.
My best friend is female. It helps that I'm not particularly sexually attracted to her.
Can't do it. I just want to spread their legs up against a wall and ram them.

Can't be friends.
Couldn't be any worse than the same situation in college (at least as the tiny college I went to). I mean we don't even talk to each other at work unless it's work related so I don't think if things went sour it would be much different. Besides, I don't plan on working here too much longer anyways if I can help it.

Just exit, abort, bail, eject if it turns bad, F wherever you work and go and work somewhere else. Hope it never happens though ;) Ever banged her at work? :naughty:

Can't do it. I just want to spread their legs up against a wall and ram them.

Can't be friends.