being sued for calling some 1 a noob

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email sent.

ahh to fight childishness with fun.

i've said it before and i'll say it again, i hate clanners. death to the n00b! ahem.

EDIT: just told one of my friends about this on msn, and they felt so strongly about this that they emailed too :LOL:

Lord n00b,

It has come to my attention that you have made various attempts to belittle and threaten one of my fellow community members. As a solicitor I have now taken up my comrade's case and will be filing a class action suit against yourself and Clan Cold Fusion for intent to cause fear and being A BIG FAT n00b!!! YOU n00b!!!! GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE YOU 30 YEAR OLD VIRGIN.

Deedoody MacFarta
Kill All Stupid People, MD
Email sent.
Comprised of "u n00000000000000000000b n0000000b n0000000b hehe n00000b n000000b" and so on.

Maturity rules:p.
i emailed him and said you know what. Ill take your case in court if you can ever find a lawyer to support it.
What a n00b, too bad I dont play NS anymore I use to dominate.
LOL, Zen, don't worry about it. Calling someone a name online can't land you in court..

This is pretty funny, though, nothing quite like "harrassment" online, and in a gaming clan..
n00bs \o/

really we shouldnt be encouraging this. They obviously have difficulties :E
oh btw u see the line As for you being sued for being called a n00b, this issue goes far beyond that. Harrassing my clan members is not "cool" or "fun", its childish and stupid.

i use to yell at afkers for blocking paths i would go u stupid dumb **** and what ever to an afker till he moved cause if u played ns u know that 1 afker can stop most of a game by blocking a door or somthing near base. Or snap at some 1 for dissing my mom but other then that i cant see of anything serious i did
Sgt.Zen said:
Harrassing my clan members is not "cool" or "fun", its childish and stupid.
j00 a11 R t3h n00bs in Ur n00b1sh cl@n
hmm... i'm pretty sure that was fun.
LOL, Zen, don't worry about it. Calling someone a name online can't land you in court..

This is pretty funny, though, nothing quite like "harrassment" online, and in a gaming clan..

you never know man it could be like the women who sued mc donnalds for her spilling hot coffee on herself. But i just dont want them to file the case in the 1st place cause they could serch my pc and i would want that.

(all the elisha cuthbert pics i got wouldnt want them seeing that) lol
Sgt.Zen said:
i use to yell at afkers for blocking paths i would go u stupid dumb **** and what ever to an afker till he moved cause if u played ns u know that 1 afker can stop most of a game by blocking a door or somthing near base. Or snap at some 1 for dissing my mom but other then that i cant see of anything serious i did

lol, you could pretty much get away with anything past threatening someone online.. especially in a game

The guy hasn't the slightest idea about how the judicial system works, I wouldn't worry about him.. infact, you should e-mail him back and tell him to GTH :LOL:
LoL if you could get sued for insulting people over the net i'd be seriously out of pocket.

Everytime i'm on a crap team on TFC I call them "retarded", "newbies" etc..
i cant wait for this to make CNN or something like that lol
haha yea, try and get sued so you can get on the news.
Alert the media! lol, you can be the next Mike Rowe :)
What a little bitch. N00b isn't even a swear word >: (.
well i kow i should really be worried but i keep having the what if in the back of my mind. and if i do get sued then this whole world is going to go to hell think about it if u can get sued for insulting some 1 then it would be the end of the world as know it. We would have to kiss all the teachers ass and all. that aint no world its a ****ing night mere
Ok let's get some facts straight here.


Continued harrassment from you towards any member of Clan Cold Fusion (ClanCF) will not be tolerated. I suggest you refrain from insulting us and our members. Legal action may and will be pursued to the furthest extent of the law.

Jeff Love
Clan Cold Fusion Co-Leader
CF|Punisher (formerly CF|lpj)

and all i did was call a guy in the clan a noob

Yes that email was sent and I spoke to the person who sent it, this was a bit over the top. However the issue isnt for being called a n00b. This person was banned from our 2 NS servers for being a jerk to other players and violations of our server rules. He got pissed and posted this on the NS forums.

Here is what I sent to him:

A few things here Zen.
>1) I spoke to Jeff about his actions and let him know that the legal action wasnt very smart idea.

>2) I understand you are upset about being banned, but it was a clan decision. Which is sad because you used to act like a nice guy.
>3) Posting stuff like this on these or any other forums doesnt help you, clancf or other clans that deem it appropriate to trash us. As for you being sued for being called a n00b, this issue goes far beyond that. Harrassing my clan members is not "cool" or "fun", its childish and stupid.

wendigo sent me this he is the other leader

Here is what he added:

but it its still being pursued

Now you have no reason to believe me, but its plain to see that without hearing the other side of the argument many of you believed him.

Zen, this harrasment of myself and my clan has got to stop, you call us the immature ones when you are the one posting this to any place you can to try and get people to rise up against us. Yes we admin our servers, yes we punish people who break the rules. Your ban was fair and delayed. I finally made the call to have you banned, so if you have someone you want to attack then come after me. Won't be the first time, wont be the last.

As long as you guys aren't going to threaten some sort of legal action (which is what everyone here was so upset about) then I don't think anyone here will complain about your actions.

EDIT: Your right to ban someone for abuse, and insults. Just don't talk about any sort of legal stuff unless it is warrented. As can be seen in this thread it strikes a nerve with people.
I think n00b to be a complement. You are new. In the new era. Of n00bificationizationficized.
Agreed. No one is getting sued. It would never have happened. I knew nothing about this until I woke up this afternoon (I work nights), and found my clans name being smeared across the HL community and the NS community as well. As I said if Zen has something to say, he can come talk to me about it.
Wendigo said:
Ok let's get some facts straight here.

blah blah blah

Regardless, you can't sue anyone for the type of "harrassment" you speak of, especially not online. If he bothers you, put him on ignore and tell your members to do the same.
n00b is neither a complement nor an insult, when taken out of context it simply means that your mistake happened due to your lack of formal experience in the game.

Shuzer said:
Regardless, you can't sue anyone for the type of "harrassment" you speak of, especially not online. If he bothers you, put him on ignore and tell your members to do the same.

Well it wasn't Wendigo who threatened him, I believe it was the co-owner or something.
fizzlephox said:
Well it wasn't Wendigo who threatened him, I believe it was the co-owner or something.

I know, but I can't help but believe that the co-owner is reading this thread too :)
The Mullinator said:
As long as you guys aren't going to threaten some sort of legal action (which is what everyone here was so upset about) then I don't think anyone here will complain about your actions.
No legal action of any kind is or was going to be pursued as it was merely a scare tactic that obviously didn't work. Sgt.Zen has done nothing except bitch/moan/whine/complain and sent slanderous e-mails to our members after being banned from our servers.

Shuzer said:
Regardless, you can't sue anyone for the type of "harrassment" you speak of, especially not online. If he bothers you, put him on ignore and tell your members to do the same.
I agree that saying legal action would be pursued was over the top and that I shouldn't have said that. But his continuing efforts to bypass our NS server and IRC channel bans isn't helping matters. And yes, our clan members have been informed to simply ignore him and his e-mails.

Shuzer said:
I know, but I can't help but believe that the co-owner is reading this thread too
I am.
Wendigo said:
found my clans name being smeared across the HL community and the NS community as well.

Now really....the Half-Life community is quite large by almost anyone's standards. If that many people have already heard of this I can't help but laugh and hope Sgt. Zen runs with this and gets into large websites like Penny-Arcade and Gamespy. Then maybe even CNN. I can see the ticker along the bottom already of the online gaming groups known to many as clans has threatened lawsuit over an insult within a gaming session....millions die of starvation....

Sgt. Zen run with this and get your 60 seconds of fame just like Mike Rowe!
lol i didnt care about being banned not at all. It was the legal action part that i didnt like decided to past on almost every from i could think of.

I only ever insulted probably 2 members of cf for tempting me like sharp shooter started with me on msn and i called him a lil shit. big deal.

fizzlephox i so should run with this and get 60 seconds of fame like mike rowe hell i could be the 1 getting a free xbox next. lol

and the email u refer to was 1 by me to sharp and trying to smack some sense into him but i never sent an email to any of u other ppl except for lpj who sent me the legal notice email thing
there are two sides to every story.

speaking of which I was really appauled at being kicked from the same server (3 times) last night while playing Desert Combat.

now you guys dont know my playstyle, but Im an honest, no BS, Team player.
Im the kinda guy who suicides to change to the "needed" class (medic/engeneer/sniper for arty) etc, Im the guy who knows all his radio commands by heart, and uses them when needed (not spam)
I start every game by saying "HI all", and end every game with "GG".
I go for a plane if I see one on the airfield, and no one is around.. ( I never camp) - and I do this because Im an excellent pilot (by my own admission, I win 9 out of 10 dogfights)

which is why its a slap in the face when I was kicked.....
the first time was on EL alamein in the beginning of the level (around 60 people on the server) I spawned near a tank and drove to the airfield to grab the MIrage (no one was alive near it) on my way over 3 guys spawned, and all ran for the Mirage... I was so close I hopped out and jumped in and one of the idiots got in the tank and drove it in front of the plane while I accelerated for take-off (I didnt see it, happened to fast)
I for some odd reason was blamed for the TK, I guess since I was accelerating.

I typed: "what the hell happened there? how did I kill them?"
-someguy: "with bullets LOL"
Me: "I didnt fire a shot though"

Take_The_Chalupa: YOU DONT AK!
Take_The_Chalupa: AND THN YOU DONT TK!
Take_The Chalupa: AND NOW U GONE K!

poof kicked
and I was enjoying that server. (was on for about 3 maps)

now to him it appeared as though I was Camping the Airfield, then Tking people who took the plane... however it was not (and never will be) the case.
however this guy did kick me again twice later (I kept ending up back on the server... I like servers with high player counts)
and he kept threatening people with "**** YOU WNT A BAN?" which leads me to believe, it was an admin's little brother, or someone powertripping, while his score was in the negatives at times (isnt that from tking?)

however I didnt hold it against him, if I dont like it, I can play on other servers.... there are tons of servers out there, and tons of assholes.
if you dont like how a games going, simply change servers. (too often do my brother and friends, sit on a server bitching and complaining, when they could just zip to another server and have a better experience)

my point is.
This thread is in very poor taste, and the reaction people had to it, was even worse.
NO ONE here is better than anyone else, this is the f'n internet on a damn Game forum.
remember there are ACTUAL people behind those nicks/aliases and nametags... no need to judge eachother.

to the Clanners: they have every right to do whatever they want on their servers... they own them.
Threatening to sue is silly, but it DOES scare away children who act big, and he said it was meant as a scare tactic.

To The Poster of this Thread: Why not move on? big deal... ok posting it here is funny that someone would do that... but then posting the guys mail (AND THOSE WHO MAILED HIM) was extreme bad taste... put yourself in someone elses shoes (how would you like it if your mail was spread around, and you got blasted with spam)
If I were a mod (as any responsible mod would) I would have *at least* edited out his e-mail, and warned you.

people need to chill.
Hello, I am a member of Clan CF and I was just reading this entertaining little thread.

Now I saw how fast yall sided with Zen, but it is human nature to do so. However if you ever played with Zen, you would see why he is not welcome to hang with us.

I have been a part of the Half-life community since its conception and Clan CF has been the best experiance of my gaming life. We are a clan dedicated to playing with a friendly attitude for all and play a plethra of HL mods. If you believe that we are a bunch of n00bs then fine, but maybe you should see how we act, in comparison to the persons defaming us.

Zen is not the first to make a stink about being banned, nor will he be the last. We have been e-mail bombed and even have had out site hacked. Cold Fusion is a good clan and I dare you to, before you send your "Noob" emails, to take your own look at us. If you want to hate us, dont hate us because what you read on a fourm posted by some guy you dont know, hate us because you hate us. Otherwise get off the bandwagon and count to ten.
Man, and I had my good bandwagon-ing pants on an everything...
Rabbi Mobius said:
Hello, I am a member of Clan CF and I was just reading this entertaining little thread.

Now I saw how fast yall sided with Zen, but it is human nature to do so. However if you ever played with Zen, you would see why he is not welcome to hang with us (insert large amount of text here) get off the bandwagon and count to ten.

Well it was also hasty for lpj to send an e-mail threatening lawsuit, yes it was a scare-tactic but that doesn't change the fact that it was threatening a law suit. Now belittling the members of this forum is not the best strategy to gain a favorable opinion. I don't "hate" you, nor do I think anyone here truly hates you when it comes down to it. Just rethink your scare tactics and stop pretending your going to sue people.
Mr. Redundant said:
I think you completely missed my point.

How long till you change your avatar? That face just makes me want to slap someone.

Anyways we've gotten some entertainment out of this whole ordeal and the forums will probably be receiving three new Perpetual Headcrabs (courtesy of Clan Cold Fusion), why it's still being discussed is kinda beyond me.
Not me. I feel great. :D
But really, this whole thing is sorta on the pointless side.
fizzlephox said:
How long till you change your avatar? That face just makes me want to slap someone.

who said Im changing my avatar? I Championed Nutrigrain, what makes you think IM about to abandon my BAAAAABIIIIIESSSS :)
but seriously?... who knows, when I find something more interesting.
Mr. Redundant said:
who said Im changing my avatar? I Championed Nutrigrain, what makes you think IM about to abandon my BAAAAABIIIIIESSSS :)

If the actors who starred in that stupid Nutrigrain ad knew that you were so extremely fixated on them... well if one them gets murdered I know who the police should look for. We need a thread about someone juggling midgets.
fizzlephox said:
If the actors who starred in that stupid Nutrigrain ad new that you were so extremely fixated on them... well if one them gets murdered I know who the police should look for.
MURDER? ...... never
but man I want to ra-... err make baaaabiiies with Steve
Mr. Redundant too things

1) that avatar is too funny

2) You sound like a nice guy, do you play as mr redundant on DC?

Fizzlephox, i dont mean to alienate or belittle anyone, i was just stating the fact that the actions of Zen and the people who spammed the heck out of our email acounts is deplorable. We have stated that the "Sue you thing" was our attempt of trying to get Zen to stop messing with some of our younger members. You also sound like one of the more civil people on this thread.

Also I request that an admin remove the referance to lpj's/punisher's e-mail and to lock this topic. No need to drag yaw into Zen's and our private mudd-slinging contest
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