being sued for calling some 1 a noob

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Rabbi Mobius said:
Mr. Redundant too things

1) that avatar is too funny

3) Also I request that an admin remove the referance to lpj's/punisher's e-mail and to lock this topic. No need to drag yaw into Zen's and our private mudd-slinging contest

I agree with you on number three. But please don't encourage this obsession of Mr. Redundant's any further. He made individual avatars for every character in that stupid three minute ad...I mean my god!

Was Yaw supposed to be Ya'll, cause Ya'll is a word we use down here in Texas. Also I don't look at your entire clan as sending that e-mail, just that lpj person. Anyways now that I look at it if your clan maintains a civil and fun enviorment I see no reason why people should be mean to you guys.
well I am a fan of yaw, cause thats what we use in Corpus Christi, which is far too close to Mexico and so what if i love that add, at least its not christopher walken or a cowbell
Hah, I emailed because I was bored, But Meh, I had my doubts on the merits of this guy from the start, The Legal Action was why I bandwagoned the hell out of it :p

I only sent one email *shrugs*

You guys seem alright.

No hard feelings ?
Rabbi Mobius said:
well I am a fan of yaw, cause thats what we use in Corpus Christi, which is far too close to Mexico and so what if i love that add, at least its not christopher walken or a cowbell

I've been down there before. Nicer beaches than Galveston but during Spring Break you can't maintain any kind of layed-back feeling with all those idiots running around drunk and screaming and causing dents in your parked car.

On-Topic: I can also see Sgt. Zen's position of trying to get his 60 seconds of fame all while attacking the name of a clan he obviousley dislikes. I think most people here love to attack those they hate, even if they are in the wrong.

edit:anyways I didn't send an e-mail.
AudioRage said:
Hah, I emailed because I was bored, But Meh, I had my doubts on the merits of this guy from the start, The Legal Action was why I bandwagoned the hell out of it :p

I only sent one email *shrugs*

You guys seem alright.

No hard feelings ?
None taken. Besides, that e-mail address is no longer valid. :p

I want to go back to San An, where things are normal!
Rabbi Mobius said:
mr redundant on DC?
I play as <IFG>Mr. Redundant
IFG isnt a clan, its "I Feel Great", just something us forum goers made up for fun.
I play DC primarily, but lately I been slipping into EOD, as I find if you get on a smaller server with about 16-20 people, you can organize and work very effectively as a team.... EOD isnt as bad as DC in terms of having players who enjoy ruining other's experience. (aka smacktards, however I dont call people that)
every now and then I play some BF1942 because I like the dogfights :)

Rabbi Mobius said:
christopher walken or a cowbell
yep this thread needs more Cowbell

fizzlephox said:
please don't encourage this obsession of Mr. Redundant's any further. He made individual avatars for every character in that stupid three minute ad...I mean my god!

It is not an obssession, its a way of life!
and honestly, I have been over it for like a week, it was funny for a little while, now Im just too lazy to change it :p

I could go back to my old avatar I guess... and my old sig which was

if you want a hug, click here Huggies!
Mr. Redundant said:
I have been over it for like a week, it was funny for a little while, now Im just too lazy to change it :p[/URL]

Getting over denial and excuses are always the first steps to overcoming your addiction. We love you and just want you to get better. This Nutrigrain has eaten away at your life for far too long, your family loves you. You need help and you know it.

And about the old avatar... that's also pretty disturbing but it's still not as disturbing as this Nutrigrain obsession.
Letters said:
Mr. Redundant... you get rid of IFG, you DIE!
I hear ya, Nutrigrain is my only sustenance.

(Im off to play some EOD) catchya all later :)
Sgt.Zen has done nothing except bitch/moan/whine/complain and sent slanderous e-mails to our members after being banned from our servers.

That still doesn't negate the fact that you guys threatened legal action for being called a n00b! LOL! Hahahhahaahhaahahhaa
lol, I can see it now....

Sgt.Zen vs. CCF n00bs on Judge Judy tonight at 8 on Court TV.....

Wh@7 4 |3u/\/Ch 0f n00bz0|21/\/9 n00b135!!!!!!11111oneoneone
:D :D

EDIT: YAY!!! my Six-hundreth and Sixty-sixth post!!!! :devil::devil::devil:
Anthraxxx said:
lol, I can see it now....

Sgt.Zen vs. CCF n00bs on Judge Judy tonight at 8 on Court TV.....

Wh@7 4 |3u/\/Ch 0f n00bz0|21/\/9 n00b135!!!!!!11111oneoneone

no no, that's Judge Newbie :D lol
Shuzer said:
no no, that's Judge Newbie :D lol

It's still rediculous to have legal action taken against you for being called a n00b.


I think I smell a class action lawsuit against every game developer who didn't include a n00b filter on multiplayer chatting.... Plus an additional lawsuit against the guy who coined the term newbie as well as the guy who invented 1337 5p34k...
And to think i used to be in this clan, and the clan leader is 13, and i left cause he was a dumb kid.
lol my friend used to be in that clan and he quit because they were all noobs and he was to good for them. Anyway when i saw that i almost pissed my pants.

bah ha

It's funny when people gets too upset, I remember some months ago on mIRC-X(A, now, dead IRC server).

I joked about his girlfriend, and suddenly he's like "I'm gonna sue you and get you disconnected from your ISP and oh oh I'm studying cyberlaw! Ph33r me!", Know what? I never apologized or such.:p

Yet nothing happened to me lol...

I remember I pissed him off more when I explained that according to phychological studies the human mind can't handle 7000 FRIENDS(i.e. staying in contact with them all very regulary) like he said he has :p

Aaaah the lovelyness of the internet.
Yea "i'm gonna sue you threats" are up there with the best of favorite is when newbs come on dod and they ask how to fire there guns.
thx to freedom of speech u could walk up to Bush and tell him he is a n00b president.and there ain't much he can do.... besides have his SS pound you.I only joined that clan ,cause i was so tired and was actually doing well at ns, woke up the next day and was like wth am i in a newb clan.
Impulse147 said:
And to think i used to be in this clan, and the clan leader is 13, and i left cause he was a dumb kid.

Impulse147 said:
I only joined that clan ,cause i was so tired and was actually doing well at ns, woke up the next day and was like wth am i in a newb clan.

You obviously have us confused with another ClanCF. What games do we play? You should know since you say you were in our clan.
roses are red
violets are blue
Im schizophrenic
and so am I.

hehe, man I want Battlefield: Vietnam already!
I like the fact that he didn't actually get harrased until after he accused Zen :)

People hide behind lawyers way too much nowadays...
nw909 said:
Me too, I can't wait to pick up a tank in meh huey.
I cant wait to shoot you outta the air as an NVA with a heat seaking rocket, scoring double frags, as you explode and drop the tank to its watery grave.

naw Im prolly gonna be the Wuss in the tank :imu:
This is CF|Barbarossa.

All I have to say is that if you people think that all Sgt.Zen has done is call people n00bs then you're naiive and gullible. The fact that he even posted this here should tip you off about his maturity level.

He deserved to be banned, as he wasnt following our rules. He wasn't banned for calling someone a nub, though he may have shortly before we banned him. He sent an insulting, vulgar and childish email to one of our clan members who had done nothing but enforce our rules.

Sgt Zen, I used to like you.
Mods, why is this thread even open?
the whole thing is in pretty bad taste, we get pissed when HLradio posts crap about us, and we in turn go to their Forums, and let them know what we think
seems the same is happening here, I take no sides.. but to let this continue is silly.
enough is enough already, case closed, move on, theres a gamin' to do and pr0n to be a watchin... err I mean gamin'!.......
Mr. Redundant said:
there are two sides to every story.

speaking of which I was really appauled at being kicked from the same server (3 times) last night while playing Desert Combat.

now you guys dont know my playstyle, but Im an honest, no BS, Team player.
Im the kinda guy who suicides to change to the "needed" class (medic/engeneer/sniper for arty) etc, Im the guy who knows all his radio commands by heart, and uses them when needed (not spam)
I start every game by saying "HI all", and end every game with "GG".
I go for a plane if I see one on the airfield, and no one is around.. ( I never camp) - and I do this because Im an excellent pilot (by my own admission, I win 9 out of 10 dogfights)

which is why its a slap in the face when I was kicked.....
the first time was on EL alamein in the beginning of the level (around 60 people on the server) I spawned near a tank and drove to the airfield to grab the MIrage (no one was alive near it) on my way over 3 guys spawned, and all ran for the Mirage... I was so close I hopped out and jumped in and one of the idiots got in the tank and drove it in front of the plane while I accelerated for take-off (I didnt see it, happened to fast)
I for some odd reason was blamed for the TK, I guess since I was accelerating.

I typed: "what the hell happened there? how did I kill them?"
-someguy: "with bullets LOL"
Me: "I didnt fire a shot though"

Take_The_Chalupa: YOU DONT AK!
Take_The_Chalupa: AND THN YOU DONT TK!
Take_The Chalupa: AND NOW U GONE K!

poof kicked
and I was enjoying that server. (was on for about 3 maps)

now to him it appeared as though I was Camping the Airfield, then Tking people who took the plane... however it was not (and never will be) the case.
however this guy did kick me again twice later (I kept ending up back on the server... I like servers with high player counts)
and he kept threatening people with "**** YOU WNT A BAN?" which leads me to believe, it was an admin's little brother, or someone powertripping, while his score was in the negatives at times (isnt that from tking?)

however I didnt hold it against him, if I dont like it, I can play on other servers.... there are tons of servers out there, and tons of assholes.
if you dont like how a games going, simply change servers. (too often do my brother and friends, sit on a server bitching and complaining, when they could just zip to another server and have a better experience)

my point is.
This thread is in very poor taste, and the reaction people had to it, was even worse.
NO ONE here is better than anyone else, this is the f'n internet on a damn Game forum.
remember there are ACTUAL people behind those nicks/aliases and nametags... no need to judge eachother.

to the Clanners: they have every right to do whatever they want on their servers... they own them.
Threatening to sue is silly, but it DOES scare away children who act big, and he said it was meant as a scare tactic.

To The Poster of this Thread: Why not move on? big deal... ok posting it here is funny that someone would do that... but then posting the guys mail (AND THOSE WHO MAILED HIM) was extreme bad taste... put yourself in someone elses shoes (how would you like it if your mail was spread around, and you got blasted with spam)
If I were a mod (as any responsible mod would) I would have *at least* edited out his e-mail, and warned you.

people need to chill.

to clarify, this post was in no way affiliated with Clan|CF I was merely refering to my experiences while playing online in DC.
yea Redundant, i have an idea on how to kill this thread, lets talk about metaphysiolgy for a while, or the calculus of video games.
How about a short discussion on the relevance of panupunitoplasty in today's society?
Go ahead. Or how about someone posts a cut-n-paste of an essay on n-dimensional physics?
Just to make this clear to a few of you. Attempting to force threads closed by driving them off topic on purpose will result in a warning and/or a ban.
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