Benchmark and Update

Do you happen to have a picture of your old case? I might be interested in buying a new one... I'm picky though ;)
Nice system to you too Frost :thumbs:
The HL2 benchies ran here used a P4 2.8ghz 800fsb 1gb memory and I would expect the XT's not able to pull off any sizable increase in FPS from the Pro models. But you get the game voucher with it free! That is really the reason to buy an XT card. The extra performance is just extra. That performance increase would not be justified, for the price compared to a Pro, without the voucher for a lot of users.
Are you strongly looking at the 9800Pro 128mb or thinking about waiting til "Loki"?
Looking at any other game, the increase in performance and price for 9800XT (~500$) just isnt worth it. 9800 Pro 128mb (>300$) can be had for a lot lower in cost and for almost the exact same performance.
Reference 1
Reference 2

As for PSU and how many Watts a user may need, simply refer them to this link.

But I mean, you got yourself a system that can plow through HL2 better than a lot of gamers out there yet you've really expressed consern over the release of the benchmark. :borg:
Why not just wait?
I'd much rather sell the whole unit... as I said before the case I have is kinda old, I bought it for the funtionality of it, looks didn't matter back then at all.
I can't find my digital camera at the moment (my damn brother just takes it whenever he feels like it) but this is an exact picture of the case.
Originally posted by Asus
Nice system to you too Frost :thumbs:

But I mean, you got yourself a system that can plow through HL2 better than a lot of gamers out there yet you've really expressed consern over the release of the benchmark. :borg:
Why not just wait?

First thanks :) and second yeah I realize my system should run the game quite well, and I had looked at Tomshardware, Hard|OCP, and Anandtech extisively before I priced and built my new system (most was bought from, hard drives from Best Buy and Circuit City for the good rebates, and rest from other online stores)

I can wait, I just feel it would be helpful either way :) I'm not sure if I'm gonna go for the 9800XT yet either, I mean $500 is alot to spend, I am seriously considering the 9800 Pro at this point for $300 but my two biggest concerns are with the larger memory size for textures and such, and the new drivers and its built in 'overdrive' feature. Plus the free copy of HL2 is another $50 that will be spent regardless. So I'm thinking, double the memory, overdrive feature, plus free copy of HL2 vs. 9800 Pro... the price difference doesn't seem that big with the extra features. The FPS benchmarks are only about 10FPS more on the 9800XT for now but that might change with future games such as Doom III and its large textures. Either way, I'm going to wait till I hear Half-Life 2 is final to buy a card, my GeForce 4 Ti isn't too shabby for most games I play (BF1942, UT2003, SOFII, ect) And thanks for the input I can tell you know you hardware very well also :) I'm glad you kept the discussion civil as some people can get too crazy when someone disagrees or carries on a discussion like you and I have in this thread :) BTW what are your current system specs?
What's great though is that once HL2 is out and it's time to buy your gfx card or hardware, you will know what's best to get.

Athlon 2800+ (Just recently got this when they were ~200$ and have running @ 200x11 with no voltage increase. I really don't need it OCed and wouldn't not increase the voltage)
Asus nForce2-dx
2x 512MB Corsair XMS PC2700
PNY GeForce 2 TI 64MB AGP (ancient hardware beware!)
450Watt Enermax Wisper model
tdk 48x24x48 cdrw
80GB (25GB Windows XP Pro/applications partition,49.5GB partition for random files)
80GB (projects drive)
40GB (Media drive)
20x4 LCD
19" flat screen viewsonic CRT A90f
Kingwin case
Lot of it is older hardware that has been passed down from older PCs of course.
Only things I see myself buying in the next 6 months would be gfx card (next Gen. of course),harddrive for my OS/applications or projects (cough* 75gb WD raptor* cough) and a bigger mouse pad :)
I don't have any more room for extra IDE drives so I'd better start using my SATA support!
Ehh... on second thought, I'll pass on the case Frost. But thanks for postin' tha' pic anyways :D
Haha, I told you I got that case for its funtionality and not its looks :) Asus, your system should be fast for HL2 once you get that next gen graphics card too, which one are you considering? How much do you think is a good amount to spend on one? Its still up in the air for me, as I said before, I'll wait for Valve to announce its gold before I lay out my cash for something.
Originally posted by NSPIRE
Do you happen to have a picture of your old case? I might be interested in buying a new one... I'm picky though ;)

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