Benchmarking software to be released before Half-Life 2

i dont care if it is or not released to the public, the info will help me determine which card i want to buy.
Originally posted by Blud Stane
i dont care if it is or not released to the public, the info will help me determine which card i want to buy.
Old news..
Strange from a staff member :laugh:
Yeah, Gabe said something about this weeks ago. Amusingly, I think the German site stole the story from US. :)
Man I dont really care where the story came from, all I know I want to play diss game... The sooner the better, feel me? And if it takes playing a demo, F--K it I'll play the demo... You understand? But they bet not tell us there's a demo, but we the public can't play it...OOoooooooo, they better not do that sh*t! I'm tell'in yah, I'd be mad hurt;(
Its a benchmark, not a demo. So most probably you will see a combine soldier running around, and the benchmark shows you how much frames you have.
Ha ha, its the wrong game! this isnt Half-life 2, its HELP life 2, its a new sim game, where you help life to grow and live in exotic places, with many dangers. I think the developers are called Vilve...
The German site may have mangled it, cus I got the impression that the benchmarking tools weren't going to be "released" as something the public gets until the game came out: they were tools that valve would give to benchmarking sites when the time came.
Oh well no biggie, like Blud Stane said as long as the information released to the public helps decide on graphics card purchase then its fine.
I never knew this came out a long time ago. Sorry. =(

look, you made SpuD cry!
my eyes have been scorched by Nannox's version of english. i'm feelin' it!
cool, so we all should now wether our system can take HL2 in advance
haha, not public, yeah right, if it's released, it'll go public, one way or another. I hope they just release those tech-demo maps with the game, infact, I might go email Gabe.
Spud just ignore the jealous people who are trying to get one up on you. You were hired for a reason I am sure and I for one didn't know about this. Some of us work and only get the chance to read one site in regards to news on HL2 so stop being so selfish.


No need to "cry" just because a few kids waste too much of their life reading everything there is to know about hl2 and then take pleasure in saying stuff like "old news" and "posted before." In a way they are just selfishly assuming just because they have read a small or big detail before that everyone else automatically knows about it and so I personally would just ban their a$$es from the board in order that the rest of the community of hl2 can get the news without the abuse. Indeed why do they need to be here if they have read it before.

Ever heard of be nice or shut up?

I hope when the tech sites get the benchmark that they run it on all the video cards that Half-Life 2 is supposed to work on, not just the top of the line ones.

I have a 9700PRO so I'm not too worried, just that my boy's computer still only has a GeForce2 MX 400 64MB and I'm wondering how that is going to work. Don't want to fork out $200-$500 for a video card that will run it the way its supposed to be played.
geez...if you wouldn't have stopped us in '45, we would not have this Problem now...just...kidding.
Originally posted by Archangel
geez...if you wouldn't have stopped us in '45, we would not have this Problem now...just...kidding.
LOL! Das war gut!

I personally want the benchmark to be for the users. Who cares about knowing if it'll run on anand's P4 3.0 with a 256MB 9800? (<=just an example to make the point). I want to know what to expect on MY box!
the preview doen't reveal anything new, just a bunch of old facts and misinterpretations (it says that City 17 is in norther europe, even as it is known that it is a eastern european one...)
Originally posted by Archangel
geez...if you wouldn't have stopped us in '45, we would not have this Problem now...just...kidding.

good black humor. :E

Originally posted by gMANiac
LOL! Das war gut!

clever that you said it in german. only we germans may understand this. :P ;)
"DAS war gut" - "that was good" - i am not a German...:afro:
Uhm, hi. A question.

Nice place y'all have here, sorry I never noticed it before. :)

Do we have any information regarding when the HL2 benchmark will be available? I am DROOLING to get me hands on it to see what the what is with performance! :bounce:
I just gouged out my eyes with a toothbrush after seeing digitalwanderer's colored sig.
Originally posted by festivalman
I just gouged out my eyes with a toothbrush after seeing digitalwanderer's colored sig.

Hah, same here m8!

Get rid of it!
Even if the benchmark doesnt go public we can just mass spam gabe and bitch at him... not like we dont do that already...