Bent IDE pins

May 15, 2003
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I bent the pins on the IDE1 slot of my parent's computer's mobo.

Is the motherboard ****ed? Or can I save it?
Well, I rememer doing that in temper :flame: , I just bent them back with some tweasers (sp) and it worked fine :D
Hehe, I remember getting a 5mm deep cut in my finger from one of those metal thingies on the plate thing covering the mobo plugs while carrying my case before building my computer... Painfull build that was :(
Ah yes... blood. Funny to see your new aluminium case with blood everywhere :) time i was trying to pry one of those old plastic motherboard riser things out of my case and my hand slipped and i cut a huge gash in my bled profusely for about 10 minutes...still have the scar...

then i went back to turn my computer on (i was in the middle of an upgrade from a 486DX-33 to a K5-133...LOL) and i tipped the tower from its side to upright, but i had forgotten to put the screw in my sound card (SB-16) which was in the bottom ISA of course bounced and touched the metal of the bottom of the case and caught on fire!!

i turned my machine off, secured the card properly, and turned it back on. it still works today in another machine, about 10 years later....LMAO. creative just don't make em like that anymore...if my audigy caught on fire, there's no way it'd still work.
LOL, that is one tough soundcard! I fried one of my audigy players and I don't know how I did it. :(
MaxiKana said:
LOL, that is one tough soundcard! I fried one of my audigy players and I don't know how I did it. :(

exactly, don't even know what you did...but the old one caught on fire and lived...oh well...i'd rather have uber fast and more delicate stuff than slow old stuff any day :)

luckily i haven't damaged one single component since then...worst problems i've had were with my current system where i had a bad ram stick to RMA and i had to return my new 19" monitor twice :\

no more fires though :X
I've almost fried my CPU three times...

Since I have my comp watercooled and I sometimes turn the pump off at night if I want to have my room really quiet.. anyway when I get home from school in the afternoon I forgot to turn my pump on. Instead I just turn my computer on and then I walk upstairs and get something to eat... then when I get back I see my comp restarting... Thats happend to me three times! but luckily my CPU diddn't fry !
This is actually the first time I've damaged anything and I've built 3 PCs and repaired 4 :)
Well theres always a first time :), oh yeah and i've also bent a pin on a 200mhz pII, but I fixed it and it still works!

And the reason the pin broke is because I used it to comb my hair.
laff...i bet it would work well as a comb, too :)

yeah...some people use static mats and all kinds of other useless crap because they're afraid of damaging components...

you really only need to follow a few simple things to avoid damaging components like...not moving your system while it's on, unplugging it before working on it, grounding yourself on the case to protect from static shocks, and making sure not to pass components between people who are not also grounded at the same potential.

if you do that, you can't really damage anything unless you drop it. or smash it somehow.
It's painful when one of the pins slips under your fingernail as your fiddling about...

Trust me! :(
GSW said:
It's painful when one of the pins slips under your fingernail as your fiddling about...

Trust me! :(

ouch!, I remember a nail goin under my nail :x, hurt like hell