Best and worst zombies


The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
I am sure this has been posted before.

But in order, from best to worst zombie, your favorite.

mine would have to be-

Regular zombie
Fast Zombie
Poison Zombie
Gnome (or whatever that thing from opposing force was called...)
There's hardly enough zombies to have a thread like this. Yay unnecessary threads! Zombine=#1
1. Fast Zombie- best zombie, IMO. The only enemy that ever scared me in any shape or form. I thought the AI could've used a bit more polishing though.
2. Gonome- It runs fast, it throws shit at you, and if you get in close it crushes you with its ribcage. Joy.
3. Poison Zombie- it hurls the dangerous little creatures at you, and it's got a lot of them. However, the zombie itself is not particularly threatening, being too slow.
4. Zombine- not particularly dangerous, although it is relatively fast and I kinda freaked when I saw them barreling towards me in the dark for the first time. You can just run away when they pull a grenade, or use the Gravity Gun to grab it (IIRC).
5. "Regular" Zombie- gives you a chance to practice with your crowbar by doing something else other than opening crates. The only time these are a serious threat are when they are in great numbers and you're surrounded by them. The half-zombies (ones with their legs missing) are actually more dangerous, as they strike more quickly and frequently.
you have a point.....

uh, um... then

HL2 zombie
fast zombie
Poison zombie
zombie half
opposing force grunt zombie
regular scientist HL1 zombie
security gaurd zombie

HAH! that enough bacon to stuff your face with, eh, eh?!
I personally like Zombines, becasue of their voice coming over the combine way etc, and they are more challenging then regular zombies.
Then it's probably normal zombies.

you have a point.....

uh, um... then

HL2 zombie
fast zombie
Poison zombie
zombie half
HL1 zombie

HAH! that enough bacon to stuff your face with, eh, eh?!
Fixed. Oh and it's still a stretch because calling a the HL1 zombie and the HL2 zombie two different things is like calling HL and HL:S two different things.
Fast zombie
Regular zombie
Poison zombie
SuperZombie(fast one)
Zombine(especialy with nade)
half zombie
reg zombie
fat zombie
1. Zombine. Freaky looking, great sounds and the most fun.
2. Poison Zombie. So underrated it isn't even funny. Great enemy, very creepy.
3. Standard.
4. Fast Zombie. Meh.

random letters here to avoid caps pwnt gsfdgsgfd askjflkasjlk j fj jfj jjda
This is like No. 100 What is your favorite zombie thread, but whatever...

My favorite one is the zombine of course - they are like the mix of a regular one and a fast one - not too fast and not too slow. They also sometimes attack with nades, so they become even more threatening. What is more, they are a bit tougher than the regular ones... The unpredictability of them is a really great
addition to the gameplay...
The second ones would probably be the regular ones - they are just damn funny to fight with (especially with the 357mag., shotgun and grenades combo). They are easy to deal with when encountered alone, but they become really fierce enemies, when they surround you...
I give the third place to the fast ones - overall they are great - agile, fast and also fun to deal with, but they can annoy you a lot - the stupid monkey - like noises they make, and the stupid way they attack - why the hell they hit you a few times and then scream you
fast zombie scares me, every time i spawn them in gmod 9, they own all the combine elites, soldiers, turrets everything.. (except vorts)
Half Fast Zombie

'Cause I never saw one in Episode 1. :( Hence the fear of seeing one is heightened in case I accidentally kill it.
There were some in that pitch black fight scene where you have to wait for the elevator, I know that for sure.
i didnt see any of those fast zombie halfs either

they need a vortigaunt zombie!!
I didnt play ep1 YET. So i cant tell that zombine is the best. Still SuperZombies are the best beacouse of their speed and scream.
where on earth did you hear people calling them super zombies?
Yep. For some reason, when they leap at you they pause in midair just long enough for you to let them have it the the face with the shotgun.
Yep. For some reason, when they leap at you they pause in midair just long enough for you to let them have it the the face with the shotgun.

yeah, their AI is something to be improved..... I dunno, I like the regular zombie, because its so classic
i wanna see more zombies but just the regular ones make it more realistic make them wear diffrent clothes all the regualr zombies in half life 2 wear the same clothes i tink dey should make a few others.
Yes zombie's should have diffirent clothes, not all the same. I like the fast zombies, they are scary (there screeming aswel)
yeah, their AI is something to be improved..... I dunno, I like the regular zombie, because its so classic

Yeah, and if they don't have a linear path to attack the player they just kinda stand around. They're still pretty cool though.

I just finished Episode One on hard, and I'm changing my mind about the Zombine. I think it's tied with the Fast Zombie for first place.
Beacause they have superhaedcrab on their head.
Simple Headcrab
Poison Headcrab
Super Headcrab
These r types of headcrabs i guess. Correct me if im wrong
Beacause they have superhaedcrab on their head.
Simple Headcrab
Poison Headcrab
Super Headcrab
These r types of headcrabs i guess. Correct me if im wrong

no, there are
fast headcrabs
and poison headcrabs

just because somethings fast doesn't make it super. Cheetahs are fast, but we don't call them Super Cats, now do we? ;)
No there is not. U can call them fast zombies if u want. I like to call them superzombies.
"No there is not"-?

oh, so headcrabs, fasthead crabs, and poison headcrabs don't exist in the game? Hm, I guess your right, those must have just been various kitten breeds.

You did tell me to correct you if you were wrong
i wanna see more zombies but just the regular ones make it more realistic make them wear diffrent clothes all the regualr zombies in half life 2 wear the same clothes i tink dey should make a few others.

May I remind you that all citizens wear the same clothes as well?