Best Boss Battles?


Companion Cube
Dec 28, 2005
Reaction score
Inspired by my recent playthrough of Ocarina of Time (in preperation for you know what) I thought I'd start on a thread on what you think is the best boss you have ever versed.

For me, it has to be Ganon at the end of OoT. Just when you think the ending credits are about to roll, Ganondorf rises from the ruins and turns into one hell of a badass bastard. Flames rise around the arena, the sky is black, lightning flashes and your major OMGWTFBBQ sword gets knocked out of your hands. Then the epic music starts up and you find yourself fighting against this behemoth. It's quite possibly the best battle of Good vs. Evil in a game yet.

Other favourites for me would be Breen (dialogue/execution wise), Metroid Prime (From err... Metroid Prime... most boss battles in that were aweshens) and Sephiroth.
Ohh, this one's a doozy.

Hmmmm... nothing really is standing out for me right at this second. Give me some time and I'll hammer something out from the dregged remains of my memory.
Best boss battle would be Fallout 1 for me.

This was actually the first time where I could beat the final boss without having to resort to violence. Convincing that bastard to kill himself is the best thing ever, didn't even need to fire a single bullet into him. Hardly any game makes the final boss as open as The Master.
Haha, Ganon was far too easy if you had the Big Goron sword, but it is still a good fight! One of the best... but my favourite boss fight ever would have to be... all the Metroid Prime bosses (in both 1 and 2), just because they are so... cool!
Haha, Ganon was far too easy if you had the Big Goron sword, but it is still a good fight! One of the best... but my favourite boss fight ever would have to be... all the Metroid Prime bosses (in both 1 and 2), just because they are so... cool!

Yeah, the sword definitely makes it easy, but the first time I finished it I didn't have the proper sword, only the flimsy one (though I didn't know that it could break at the time). Imagine my surprise when it broke at the most pivotal time in the whole game :P
Gannon was good, even if Gannondorf was a bit tedious. Majora in Majora's Mask is f*cking hard, not to mention annoying if you don't have the Oni mask. I still managed to finish it without dieing though :cheese:

Lava Reef Zone Act 3 - Sonic & Knuckles
Doomsday Zone - Sonic & Knuckles
The Nightmares/Shadows - Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

Can't think of anything else.
One game to rule them all...

Shadow of the Collosus
The great big boss in Serious Sam was pretty awesome. ooh, Resident Evil 4 - fighting the spider dude in the burning shed.
I love Liquid Snake with Metal Gear Rex in first MGS also The Boss in MGS3 was cool!
-All of the DMC bosses

-The End, from MGS3

-Krauser, in RE4

-And just about all of the bosses in Wind Waker.

Those are off the top of my head. I remember there being a few really cool ones from Metroid Prime too, but I can't put my finger on them.
One game to rule them all...

Shadow of the Collosus

Hell yeah..

and If I have to choose a favorite out of all them, its either the flying dragon one in the desert or the last collusus. The last one was gigantic O_O I remember falling off at the top. OOPS.
Yeap I would have to say "same"

Also, was it just me or were Organization XIII some cool motherf*ckers?

Axel is my favorite. His weapons are pretty unique (I know I know...Yuffie - but his have fire :D).

Couldn't find a good pic where they were on fire :stare:
Vladimir from Max Payne 2 (final boss fight) , pretty much any boss from Final Fantasy 7, that revolver guy from MGS 1 (it's been so long since I played that game so I don't remember his name), the 3 Tentacles in Half Life 1, and a few others I can't remember ATM.
OH YEAH! I forgot the Palmer fight in FF7.

Best. Battle. Ever.

I especially liked him getting hit by the truck :D
Psycho Mantis, Metal Gear Rex in MGS1
Linda the Lungfish in Psychonauts
I was trying to think of something other than Kingdom Hearts when I looked at this thread earlier, but I guess I'll follow suit and say Kingdom Hearts. The last battle with Xemnas is amazing.

Ace from Armored Core 3.

The fight with Gray Fox in Metal Gear Solid, if only because of the opening and closing cutscenes to that fight.

Anubis in ZoE2.
Metal Gear Solid 1- Raven fight 2 (With the Minigun).
Loads and Loads of Bosses from Armored Core. Stuff like when you get hired to test a new AC, and instead of getting money you get parts. That's pretty good.
The greatest boss battle of all time was fought here:

in the shadow of the colossus.
Possibly Mafia. Good boss battle but brilliant ending that followed. Just superb!
Pretty much any boss abttle in Legend of Zelda Wind Walker,
Though my favourite had to be Ganon... Nothing beat doing a roll, jumping up onto his back and stabbing him.

Oh, and Solidus Snake in MGS2 at the very end
Best boss battle? Half-Life 2. Because it didn't have one :).
I thought Garland from FF1 was a great boss was difficult, and I beat it with my Fighter left at 20 HP...and the last hit killed him. I was so excited.

That and FF7. Fighting Sephiroth at the end...all the hatred and angst against him boil over, and you Omnislash him to win.
If you consider the big tentacle thing (the name escapes me) in HL to be a "boss" - the Blast Pit chapter I mean - then that's one of the best.

Gears of War also has some pretty sick bosses.
Hell yeah..

and If I have to choose a favorite out of all them, its either the flying dragon one in the desert or the last collusus. The last one was gigantic O_O I remember falling off at the top. OOPS.

qft, the 16 colossi in shadow of the colossus were awesome, i liked in particular the 4th boss i think, the one atop the large structure in the lake, the setting was just so awesome, loved the artistic design. The last two bosses were cool too.

*points to sig*
Fatman - MGS2
Harrier - MGS2
Phantom part III - DMC
Nelo Angelo part I & III - DMC
Griffin part I & III - DMC

I don't particularly like any type of boss battles, frankly I think most of them suck. But these are the ones that stick out from the masses, in my opinion.

Ennui said:
If you consider the big tentacle thing (the name escapes me) in HL to be a "boss" - the Blast Pit chapter I mean - then that's one of the best.

If you consider the big tentacle thing (the name escapes me) in HL to be a "boss" - the Blast Pit chapter I mean - then that's one of the best.

What i was gonna say :naughty:
All the MGS bosses, I'd say. Well, save a few like Fatman and the final Solidus battle. (It bored me, really. Mainly the environment as it was just a rooftop.) Battles like the first Vulcan Raven battle in the tank, the Hind-D on the Comms tower (That was just AWESOME. Abseiling down the building was epic), the first and second Sniper Wolf battle (Really tense, slow fights, I thought) and then the Harrier from MGS2 because that had some awesome cinematics, what with it zooming off then sweeping down on you and Plisken circleing around in the copter above. Loved it.
One that hasn't been mentioned, I think: Ragnaros! (WoW)

First time you fight that ****er you're in awe.
