Best Boss Name Ever

I know there's a better boss name on the tip of my brain, but since I can't think of it right now, I'm going to say Seven Force, the seven-form robot from Gunstar Heroes. Seven Force is an awesome name to have.
ummm I've been skipping cut scenes for so long I cant remember names ...or even plots

lets see ..there's the german guys in medal of honor, ooohh hitler in wolf3d ..and ..those box dudes from Robotron ...and that big ant-tiger thingy in HL2 ...what was it's name? Queen Gygantor or something?
CptStern said:
ummm I've been skipping cut scenes for so long I cant remember names ...or even plots

lets see ..there's the german guys in medal of honor, ooohh hitler in wolf3d ..and ..those box dudes from Robotron ...and that big ant-tiger thingy in HL2 ...what was it's name? Queen Gygantor or something?

Ant Lion Guard / Myrmidont.
Dr. Breen-- the mere mention of his name is terrifying! :|

ok.... what about the Icon of Sin? (boss of Doom 2 I think)
The boss from Arkanoid, "D'oh". You have to say it like Homer Simpson, too.
Breen, despite not being a boss and infact a character.

Lance Vance, for coolest Boss name ever. and shouting 'It's time for the Lance Vance Dance!' while flying a chopper... i think.

Malak. Now there's a name with ithz teef in.
i think its impossible to do a thread like this, cos everyone seems to link the boss name with the boss character and battle.

if 'Bob Page' is the coolest ever boss name I think im going to be terminally depressed for the rest of my life :P
Kefka and Le Chuck were great, but the coolest villain, with the coolest name, has to go to Shodan from System Shock :)
Sigma from Mega Man X.

Darth Nihilus from KOTOR II (too bad they wasted the actual character).

Big Boss from MGS series.

Nihilanth from Half-Life.

Xan Kriegor from Unreal Tournament.

I know there's more, but I can't recall them right now. I'd have to look through my old SNES collection.
Cyberdemon and Spider Mastermind.



Gargantua from HL.

Dr Robotnik.
Queen Pulsating, Bloated, Festering, Sweaty, Pus-Filled, Malformed, Slug-For-A-Butt
Best Boss Name Ever.
Warbie said:
Kefka and Le Chuck were great, but the coolest villain, with the coolest name, has to go to Shodan from System Shock :)

Le Chuck....what was he from? Bah! Monkey Island?
Sephiroth from Kingdom Hearts. Goddammit!!!! He was freaking hard as hell to beat. I even used a gameshark to give me infinite health and mp, and he still killed me....
I'd say... GYM LEADER EIGHT from Poke'mon.

Shens said:
Anyone who's bored by Lovecraft and goes to a HL2 forum should be shot and killed and mangled by a rusty coat hanger.
:) does the rusty coat hanger actually do the shooting part as well?
Volkov, the russian evil mastermind from No One Lives Forever.
That boss from quake, his name is phoneneticaly pronounced sh*t-on. The name of the level before that was The Gate To 'However it was spelt'

I say a game before and the bad guy in it was named Keith.

Big Boss.

Ocelot (what was his real name, that was realy cool too?)

Edit: Nihilanth, Gonarch, Myriandont cause they all have hidden meanings and they all sound cool

Gonarch - a boss whose who is an enormous testicle and is one letter short of having the word "gonad" in the name. Near unbeatable.

Chthon and Shub-Niggurath are also great names.

but if any boss had a name that could strike fear into the hearts of all who opposed him, it was:

Jeff from Double Dragon 1.
Shub-Niggurath, from Quake. Amusing that it was taken from Lovecraft's work.


-Angry Lawyer
Gon- means reproducing
Arch is a leader.
A gonarch is a reproducing leader, that's what its name means.