Best Boss Name Ever

what about "machine-gun-willy"

lol that is the funniest name ever. he had a willy like a machine gun.
ríomhaire said:
Gon- means reproducing
Arch is a leader.
A gonarch is a reproducing leader, that's what its name means.

Yep, and the "Gon-" stem is the same as is used in the word "Gonad". And the Gonarch is just a big bollock. Which is why I find it so funny.
<RJMC> said:
for some reazon I find The Pain as a very cool name
And he communicates with his hornets through dance! Mwah ha ha ha!
how is it nobody's mentioned The End? I find that the coolest name ever...
the Phantom Warrior from Windwaker (huge shadow thing),
and a bunch of the Legend of Zelda: OoT bosses
(Ganon, Phantom Ganon, Volvagia, Bongo Bongo,etc.)
Garland will live in history forever. Stupid time traveling, princess capturing, giant dragon transforming......*mumbles*

And I can't remember what crappy glitch infested game it was, but the boss was called

I call that awesome.
antimatter said:

the first is a homosexual in a black jump suit aka mr slave

the second is a geriatric old codger

cool names thou :P

and dont leech konami's bandwidth you sux