Best Buy Sucks .!..

Jul 28, 2004
Reaction score
Does anyone else notice that the retail store best buy is full of almost everything other than the specific item u want?
And anyone notice that same old best buy talk the employees use when u ask for an item thats not in stock? " O well well be getting a shipment in like tomorrow night so check back soon"
Or has anyone noticed that items marked as (instock instore) on are OUT OF STOCK when u arrive at the store?
example: TDK 50 pck dvd+r was on sale for 19.99,.... online it said instock, i get to the store and bestbuy has, shelves full of 50 pack : memorex , sony , Fuji , and other names but not one single 50 pack tdk. what pissed me off is , every Single Shelf with 50 pack dvds had the TDK 19.99 sticker. not one single other name "at-all" no exaggeration. Or the advertised 9800pro as instock at get to bestbuy and theres tons of 9600xt, 9600 , 9700 pro , pny , nvidia etc but no 9800 pro. AND BEST OF ALL, their self proclaimed computer "geek squad" doesnt know anything about the video cards. I stood there for 5 minutes explaining to the ( geek squad ) guy that just because a card has more mb. doesnt make it a good card or even graphically powerful. - Im just pissed at best buy but ill shop there again like an :sniper: idiot. Anyone else have any best buy gripes?
Me: "Do you sell AMD machines?"

Rep: "Intel has more gigahertz."

Me: "Bye."

Lol, ^^ best buy charges 49.99 to install a graphics card. CAN U BELIEVE THAT!? 4 9 . 9 9 . And i bet they make u wait for atleast an hour to make it look like their busy putting it in. sh*t open the case and slap it in!!!( not even 1 minute )!!!!!!!!!!!!
wbcninjaofmist said:
not even 1 minute
Ha, that's nothing. I can do it in less-than-or-equal-to 45 seconds!

Sometimes I wonder how much money you can hypothetically make by over-charging uninformed computer users for hardware installations. If you installed one video card per hour at $50 each every working day, that's... *opens Windows Calculator* $400 a day, $2000 a week, $104 000 per year. Assuming you take no holidays, but only work 40 hour weeks.
wbcninjaofmist said:
Lol, ^^ best buy charges 49.99 to install a graphics card. CAN U BELIEVE THAT!? 4 9 . 9 9 . And i bet they make u wait for atleast an hour to make it look like their busy putting it in. sh*t open the case and slap it in!!!( not even 1 minute )!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heh, Staples charges almost 100 i think.

And FYI its more than just sticking it in, you must do all the annoying driver un-installations, re-install, mess-up, un-install...etc.
I like best buy. They have better a better music selection than most places around here
I agree best buy is worst buy although not for the reasons you listed above. I do buy CDs from them from time to time though.

If it's anything like Compusa, the website inventory just takes from the total from the store inventory. So that doesn't always mean a boxed item ready to sell but it could be in returns or being sent back to the manufacture etc but it's still counted as inventory in the store. Just how it is with a lot of stores.

40$ is a lot for installing a card although Compusa now charges 30$ for one Item and 15$ for additional items. We actually did free installs up until like 2 months ago but since no one else did that why should we give it away free? Make some money off it as well. Although I can do free install for memory if the customer is buying a lot. I have to do it but I don't mind at all. ;)

Of course not everyone is expected to know everything about every product, like graphic cards, but if they are supposed to be in that area then they should know enough to get the right product for customers who may be clueless. I always get pulled out of my area to answer tech questions like this because the other guy is not sure. :\
I have more fun selling Cameras/Photo Printers/PDAs. I work at Compusa btw. :p
we charge $40 to install any drive and $20 for ram or gfx cards. but we get it done quick, letting the people know we are ripping them off. also as for the web site. alot of online stores for stores liek best buy have a seperate warehouse for their stock
Retail is tricky shit.

In my opinion, if you go into a store an expect them to tell you everything about a product without you even having a "for-sure" intent to buy, they have a right to try to sell you up the ying yang. People aren't working retail to teach you seminars on product. You are wasting time and money when you expect them to answer all your questions and then don't buy.

On the other hand, don't be an ass retailer and sell the customer tons of crap they don't need. Best buy's "total solution" is 50% on the right track. You buy a digital camera for example and you really DO need things like more memory and rechargable batteries. You DON'T need anything gold plated or accessories made to sound like they're "required".

But again, you walk into a store to buy things, don't forget that store is there to make money. They're not there to massage your feet and shower you with praise for shopping with them. They're there to make money. The world is ruthless. Buyer beware.

Also, for the thread starter:
retail sucks in my town, except for the little shops, we are one of the few companys honest about our products. and not only that but costco(a giant bulk warehouse sells everything that we have, below cost, and has a 6 month return policy no question asks. sorta hard to go against that. at least the apples geep us afloat
ha, poor bastards, im lucky i live so close to all of these nice computer stores loaded with smart reps... thank goodness for smart people working at good stores!
and thank goodness for other stores in my local neighbourhood with all my other needed possessions!
i only buy stuff from best buy if they have it cheaper in other stores like vampire masquerade, it was 39.99 when it was suppose to be 49.99 :)

and their dvd's for 14.99
shopping online == bad idea for me S&H is murder up here...
*warning: rant*

DVDs for $14.99?

Geez, you guys get them cheap.
