Best Combine technology

Which Combine Technological Developement would you want for christmas???

  • Citdael

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • Gunship Synth

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • Mortar Synth

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • Combine Elite Suit

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • Overwatch Suit

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • Dropship Synth

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pulse Rifle (the one used by the elites)

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • Thumper

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • APC (the truck like vehicle)

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • Other (like the strider or hunter)

    Votes: 5 15.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
Discuss, and by ANY synths I mean that you could control them... as in tell them what to do and stuff...
Overwatch body armour, headgear and uniform. Though it would be the earlier variant, not the current one (dark goggles, yellow undergarments, emblems etc.)

Tidbits on the armour for you:

Ted Backman:

"On the armor for the combine soldiers; I was looking at a variety of body armor, historical armor, and science fiction designs when I was working on the costume design for the combine soldier. I don't recall specifically looking at the Interceptor Body armor though."

Robin Walker:

"The main reason we changed the skins at all was precisely because they were too dark. We had too many cases of playtesters being unable to see them in low-light situations. This kind of problem is particularly tricky because of the wide range of monitors & settings that customers have, and the light level of the room they're playing in.

The unit designation was a minor fixup that we took the opportunity to do at the same time. Initially, we hoped that the symbols & numbers would be dynamic, and hence different on every soldier & squad to show that they really were a specific member of a specific unit. This feature never ended up getting in, so we changed the number into a more generic symbol that could feasibly be on every soldier. Nice job noticing the change, by the way. Most people don't really pay that close attention!"

Their dark energy/pulse technology, ie, thee pulse rifle, the pulse machineguns, the suppression device, the striders' and the gunships' secondary cannon, the power cores and of course the citadel core.
Hunter helicopter! And power cores, dark energy reactor and citadel core for study of physics.... Oh yes, and many Stalkers for manual work.
elite outfit, because depth perception and camoflage is for pansies.
Citadel - the most advanced living, breathing factory evah.
Elite's uniform is really awesome, so I'd want that. The single red lense is pretty intimidating...
So I assume they have no depth perception then:laugh:
Assuming that the monoeye isn't the "main" eye in amongst a suit filled with them. Also, the monoeye is about the size of the area of the face that two eyes would occupy. It could well be an array of multiple eyes.
I think that inside the helmet, that single lens splits into two binocular-like pieces. If you take a look at the old prowler creature concept, you'll see what I'm talking about. So they have depth perception, but it's all filtered through that mono lens.
There's no point in having a list if you include the Citadel. The Citadel can MAKE all of the other stuff. What's the point of choosing anything else?
There's no point in having a list if you include the Citadel. The Citadel can MAKE all of the other stuff. What's the point of choosing anything else?

Jes, exactly what I said.
I'd probably have one of their simulated sex machines.
There's no point in having a list if you include the Citadel. The Citadel can MAKE all of the other stuff. What's the point of choosing anything else?
I bet if you asked people what the best human technology is no one would say a factory. :p
Not if you say just a factory, yeah, but if you asked people whether the continental US is better, or whether a porno DVD is best, then I think we know what the answer would be.

The porno DVD, of course.
All that stuff MAY come out of the citadel, but it's not the coolest thing they have. It just makes cool stuff. You can't wear a citadel, but you can wear an elite suit!
Can you lord over your peons in your metal tower high above the clouds in an elite suit? Can you tear apart your citizens' flesh and convert them into mechno-slaves in your elite suit? Can you take your woman on a ride on the giant metal phallus - in an elite suit?


Don't answer the last one.
You could be wearing an elite suit while all that's going on. So yes.

Yes you could.
Can you lord over your peons in your metal tower high above the clouds in an elite suit? Can you tear apart your citizens' flesh and convert them into mechno-slaves in your elite suit? Can you take your woman on a ride on the giant metal phallus - in an elite suit?
Yes, yes and yes.
Two points.

1) Why is this poll closed already?
2) How can you put striders in the "other" catagory!?!?!?

"Which Combine Technological Developement would you want for christmas???"
All I want for Chirstmas is a giant alien metal tower of doom.
I bet if you asked people what the best human technology is no one would say a factory. :p

Well I guess we could say that citadels in general are factory complexes since a human factory is too specific.

"And just as I finish reading the thread, preparing the ultimate speech of how the citdael is the best, one post did it for me..."

Yeah, I hate when that happens, sorry dude. :|
You mean I can't vote for the stuff like the consoles, monitors, the supply stations/manhack maintenance and storage systems, the locks and stuff? ><

I LIKED their tech in the environment. It provides such a stark contrast to the 'common' architecture of suppressed Earth.
Two points.

1) Why is this poll closed already?
2) How can you put striders in the "other" catagory!?!?!?

"Which Combine Technological Developement would you want for christmas???"
All I want for Chirstmas is a giant alien metal tower of doom.

1) Because I didn't think soo many would reply

2) Because there are only ten spaces max

P.S. How many of you have read the HL 2 comic on ???
My own personal Citadel, Gunship, Strider and Combine Elite suit.

I thought a date was manditory... if there was an option for 'no date' right in front of me, I'm gonna kill something!!!
I want all of these, especially Civil Protection suit. And teh best combine technology of them all, Breen. No im kiddin, I want a combine spaceship.

PS I bet combine Elite suit was winter set costume first, but then the icy part got wiped away. But it'll be back. As you see in EP1.
No. It was not. It was the costume for the hot female "black-ops"-esque Combine Assassin, who, like you said, got wiped away. No arctic there; find your theories elsewhere.

Raising the Bar really is a great book.
ACTUALLY Both the female and male combines wore white suits because when you own an entire planet, where rebels are few, and the last military resistance was crushed about 5+ years, there's no need for camo...
If I remeber correctly, the female combine was thought of AFTER the combine elite... Femal combines were just a way to get females integrated into the story and allow for more black ops scenes/fights...
I'm almost positive you're completely wrong, but I left my RtB at a friend's house so I can't quote verbatim. Can I get a quote (for or against)?
RtB says that the Combine Assassin's helmet design ended up on the elite, not the other way round. I'm also fairly sure that the Elite wasn't in teh Leak, whereas the Assassin was.

I thought the assassins were just Black ops combine instead of being designed as a different team or group... WOW, I need RtB...