best console game?


Jan 15, 2004
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I was just wondering- with all the hundreds of "best game ever" threads, what is the best console game? also, there is room for discussion of the best console, while we're at it ;)

If you can, try to stick to games that are only on one console, as multi- format games tend to suck. I cba to post a poll, as then someone would say "what about this one?" and id be like "**** i forgot!"

My fave is probally metroid prime (owns) for the GC, Metal gear: sons of liberty for the PS2, and Halo for the X-box.
streets of rage 2
desert strike
mutent leage hocky
golden eye
dead or alive 2
Definitely Goldeneye.
And I'd only play GTA games on consoles.
I don't know about best overall, but my favs for each console so far are as follows:

GC - Metroid Prime/Smash Bros/Rogue Leader

XBox - Halo (although I prefer the PC version)/Rainbow Six 3

Playstation 2 - Not really sure, I haven't got many games for it. I spent a massive amount of time on Final Fantasy X so I guess that's it.

As for which is the best actual console, I'd say that easily goes to XBox. Notice how the PS2 is adding everything the XBox had right out of the box (hard drive, online play). Not to mention the XBox Live service's ease of use, and the powerful specs of the console itself.

If we are talking about the older consoles, well there's no way I could possibly pick an overall best. But if I were making a list of best games ever, Gunstar Heroes, Super Mario Bros series, Super Mario RPG, Megaman X, Castlevania IV, Contra III, Resident Evil 2 among others would make that list.
For the Dreamcast, I have to give it to Crazy Taxi. For the N64 Ocarina of Time, the PS2 gets Gran Tourismo 3 (Vice City mehaps?), and Gamecube goes to Metroid.
While not commercially the most successful, my favorite is likely a toss-up between the Dreamcast and the Gamecube. The Dreamcast pioneered on both the hardware and software, and Gamecube just has a lot of damn good games.
Mario 64
Golden Eye
Perfect Dark
Zelda OoT
Zelda MM

N64 is still the best console!

Obviously the original Mario Kart :) Super Mario World, Yoshis Island, Super Mario 3, FF6, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger and Geoman The Warrior on the SNES. Metroid Prime is a wonderful game too. Go Nintendo \o/

Honourable mention to Halo on the XBox, REZ on DC/PS2, ICO PS2, WE7 (by far the best footy game ever) on PS2.

In a list of the top 100 games, the pc deserves few mentions :/
IMO, metroid prime owns. im playing it again (right now, literrally) and i must say it is amazing. the controls are sublime, the game feels smooth and polished, the ball phisics are amazing, the graphics are lush, the sound matches perfectly with the enviroment and the game feels a joy to play.


^^^heaven in a box. errr, cube, actually.
Xbox - Halo
PS2 - Metal Gear Solid 2
GC - Double Dash
DC - Powerstone 2 (I forgot about DC)

GTA Series
Chrono Trigger
I agree on that. Metroid Prime is one of my favorite console games ever, and imo has the best soundtrack of any of this generation of console's games. The music is godly.
Im sorry, for a moment there i thought you said "best" and "console game" in the same sentence without some sort of negative in the middle...

Oh wait. You did say that...ugh, consoles.

Vice City is the one ive played the most but i quite enjoyed Decay, the console Hl chapter.
GBA SP - Zelda: Link to the Past (ohhhh memories) and Metroid Fusion.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Im sorry, for a moment there i thought you said "best" and "console game" in the same sentence without some sort of negative in the middle...

Oh wait. You did say that...ugh, consoles.

Vice City is the one ive played the most but i quite enjoyed Decay, the console Hl chapter.

There's alot of great console games out there. I do prefer PC since one of my favorite genres is FPS and PC is easily the king in that genre. But consoles are still great
I prefer PC for my MP (I need more friends mehaps), but consoles are responsible for my, and most other peoples, virtual upbringing. To underestimate the power and fun of console games is to do yourself a great disservice.
Perfect Dark, it's based on the goldeneye engine, and pushed the n64 to its absolute limit. Very pretty game with bajillions of weapons. The pick-a-weapon-list for multiplayer was the most brilliant addition, imo.
Anyone would think the console is the foundation of humanity...

I was only joking you know, im sure consoles are great fun...i just never got into them much. I wouldnt say they were responsilbe for most peoples "virtual" upbringing. A lot of people i know in life who use computers got consoles after or at the same time as computerssuch as PC's and the like.
Dunno, in a time when the arcade has pretty much died out everyone I know first got into gaming on a console, whether it be a Genesis or an Atari. My 9 year old brother and all his friends also got into it that way to. I really do think that most kids got into gaming from their time playing with consoles.
PC = Counter-Strike
Gamecube = Resident Evil (Remake)
Xbox = Halo
Ps2 = Code Veronica X
Deamcast = Chu Chu Rocket :p
PSone = Resident Evil 2
PS1 - MGS1
PS2 - MGS2 (soon to be MGS3)

N64 - Perfect Dark
NGC - MGS: The Twin Snakes

X-BOX - Halo (since I already said MGS2)

You can guess what my favorite series is.
Toe-jam and earl
golden eye
Herzog-zwei(google of the first RTS games)
zelda:link to the past
GTA series
streetfighter series
mortal combat series
grand tourismo 2&3(and 4 soon)
grand theft auto series(including 1&2)
mario 64
desert strike
ys III
Final Fantasy 7(damn i would love to see a remake of this on one of the upcomming consoles)

im sure there are a bunch im missing
I thought MGS sucked, the first one was fun but 2 sucked hard weird, laughable story and stupid things, and the names sucked. I think Goldeneye is probably the best console game, even though I like Perfect Dark more I played Goldeneye a lot longer.
Gameboy: Metroid: Zero Mission and Zelda: A Link to the Past

N64: Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Banjo-Kazooie, Mario 64, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Diddy Kong Racing and Jet Force Gemini (best game music ever)

Others: Super Mario World, Super Mario Kart, GTA2, Super Mario Brothers 2 and 3, Command and Conquer, Space Invaders

What do you all think was the best game ending ever? I hate it when you complete a game only to be rewarded with credits. I'd say Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Gabe Newell goes Mario 64. So do I. ;)

Oh and Golden Eye is one helluva sweet game in both SP and MP - LOVE THAT GAME! :D
Man how did I forget Mario 64. Definately one of the best games (console or otherwise) of all time.
Direwolf said:
Dunno, in a time when the arcade has pretty much died out everyone I know first got into gaming on a console, whether it be a Genesis or an Atari. My 9 year old brother and all his friends also got into it that way to. I really do think that most kids got into gaming from their time playing with consoles.

Yeah, i suppose...but then again the people i know got into games as a consequence of using computers....Most of the stuff they did in the early days only involved a few choice games and the rest was other non related stuff.
Best series ever for me on the console would have to be the Silent Hill series.

Direwolf said:
Dunno, in a time when the arcade has pretty much died out everyone I know first got into gaming on a console, whether it be a Genesis or an Atari. My 9 year old brother and all his friends also got into it that way to. I really do think that most kids got into gaming from their time playing with consoles.

Oddly enough, I got into games through Wolfenstein 3d. I played it on my Aunts computer when it first came out and had tons of fun :) She also had some weird Alvin and the Chipmunks game, and some Rescue Rangers thing. I spent a lot of my youth shooting Nazis.
Well that was a LONG time ago there qckbeam. :D
I got my start on an Atari 2600. Combat baby!
Funnily enough i spent a lot of time shooting my brother's friend's house.

Shooting Nazis is a fine way to bring up children ;)
My favourite console game is Metroid Prime and like Soundwave mentioned it has one of the best soundtracks ever.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Shooting Nazis is a fine way to bring up children ;)

It gives you caracther.

I have yo say my fav console game of all time - Crazy Taxi.
The Final Fantasy series
The Sonic series
General Chaos (Sega mega drive\Genesis)
World of illusion starring Mickey mouse and Donald duck (Sega mega drive\Genesis)
and many many more ;) cant list them all
PS2: A toss-up between Timesplitters 2 and Vice City. Metal Gear 2 coming in close second.

GC: Don't have one but of the games I have Snakes, then.

XBox: Halo, even though it's better on the PC.

Overall, TS2 and Vice City.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for Nintendo 64. It blew my ****in' mind! Just like the first HL2 screenshots and E3 presentation did. I'm eagerly awaiting what will most likely be my fav game of all.
Sulkdodds said:
PS2: A toss-up between Timesplitters 2 and Vice City. Metal Gear 2 coming in close second.

GC: Don't have one but of the games I have Snakes, then.

XBox: Halo, even though it's better on the PC.

Overall, TS2 and Vice City.

im sure if you had played many X-box or GC games your answer would be very differnt ;) TS only scratches the surface of the amazing games on the GC. and btw, SSBM is beating MGS2 on
........ and Halo is much better on the XBox :)

Anyone here like footy games?? Surely someone has experienced the joy of WE7 - the best footy/sports game ever!!!
Saying Halo for XBox is better than the PC version is like saying $20 is better than $25. Halo PC has everything the XBox version has, plus the option for better control, better graphics, custom maps, online play, a new weapon, a new warthog, etc.
Halo PC doesn't have coop like the xbox does and the coop is A LOT of fun. But that still doesn't make it better then the PC version, unless you don't have a high end PC.