Best Countries to Live in

District of Columbia. You guys know that Washington DC is theoretically not part of the US right?
Is that like the theory of evolution, or the theory of your mum's fidelity?
One of them is BOGUS.
District of Columbia. You guys know that Washington DC is theoretically not part of the US right?

I lived about 30 minutes drive from DC

cheap drugs
getting weed is easier than going to McDonald's
cops don't seem to care unless you are selling it

Expensive housing
Everything is expensive (except drugs)
Ca. Na. Da.

We're laid back and friendly, our weather is nice and generally a tiny bit on the cool side (with a good amount of rain if you live in southern Ontario or either coast), you won't get a life sentence for having a bag of weed on your possession (true story: I was caught with 12 grams on me and got nothing but a warning), but at the same time, you don't have to worry about your wheels being stolen while you're sleeping.

Especially Toronto. Etobicoke region.
Australia's mother****ing awesome.
I dunno, man. The way things are going you might be better off staying in the U.S., but moving to a different state... Say, ohh, I dunno... Alaska, or Hawaii? :o

Just get away from the mainland. ;)
France is not a nice place to live anymore, way to expensive ( I mean 3.10 Euros a coke in a normal bar...) people are cold and we have to much commies and socialists that are allways on strike for X reason. Did I mention we love taxes ? You get taxed for everything in France. People here are quite closed in general and don't like foreingners. Don't ever go to Paris, its the city witch has more dick heads by Km2.

I live in two contries, France and Mexico. The later one is great, freedom is the key word of Mexico. They just have a minor violence problem latly with drug cartels that hopefully will end in a couple of years. I'm planning to finish uni in France and then come back to Mexico to set up my own company.
When my student loan comes through (hopefully) at Falmouth, I'm buying a goddamn boat and getting off of this rock.

Don't come to the UK. We're a bunch of jeb-ends over here. Go someplace else. Anywhere else.
@Antipop - Like Canada, you know our motto:

We'll take ya.
Ca. Na. Da.

We're laid back and friendly, our weather is nice and generally a tiny bit on the cool side (with a good amount of rain if you live in southern Ontario or either coast), you won't get a life sentence for having a bag of weed on your possession (true story: I was caught with 12 grams on me and got nothing but a warning), but at the same time, you don't have to worry about your wheels being stolen while you're sleeping.

Watch out for Scott though, he's a dick. :o

(Anybody who knows what that is from gets a cookie.)
Canada is probably the closest best option. I'm not sure I want to say goodbye to my family for what could be forever when I fly all the way across the world to start up.

I could drive to Canada.

I'd have to do a lot of research. I don't want to get there and find out things that are deal breakers after I'm already there.

Obviously, I'm only considering leaving America. Just a possibility.
To be honest, the way I see the states, and the way everyone talks about all the other countries, I'd say the best is either Canada or Norway/Sweden/Switzerland.
To be honest, the way I see the states, and the way everyone talks about all the other countries, I'd say the best is either Canada or Norway/Sweden/Switzerland.
or Kuwait
Got to move into Digi's house. He has room for everyone.

Canada, UK, Australia, Scandinavia, Switzerland, New Zealand.
i rather live in iceland or the uk
I'm not saying I hate america
but I was born and raised here I'm sick of it and the stupid debate...
wants me to go jump in the ocean
Buffalo, New York

Do it.

Houses are nice and dirt cheap compared to the rest of the country. I laugh whenever I see a one story contemporary cookie cutter house go for a quarter million when you can get a Victorian-era mansion around here for less.

Plus, chicken wings.
Move to Louisiana. I could use a roommate.

Wait... arnt you like 30 or something? That would be creepy... get away from me.
Japan > Sweden > Australia > Whatever hell hole you come from.
Move to Louisiana. I could use a roommate.

Wait... arnt you like 30 or something? That would be creepy... get away from me.

because men turn into perverted homosexual rapists after their 20's.
Hey weed isn't even illegal here.

Not really anyway. Shit they can do.

While this is true (I have been caught with stuff before and the police didn't even confiscate it because I said it was for personal use) I still wouldn't recommend moving here.
Britain, doesnt really matter which country. Scotland or England are the best :D
I'd have said Spain or Greece, culturally speaking. Very laid back, a lot of Greece especially they're very anti-CCTV for example.

Of course it's a sliding scale really. In Greece they're very chilled out and free of bureaucracy but it's also normal to drive around pissed out of your skull. There's also the Caribbean but then you've got crime, a business culture where nothing gets done and a joke of an economy.

South-West England is also a pretty laid back place, from what I've seen in the couple of weeks I've been living down here it's insulated from a lot of the social problems that have affected the UK because there are no large cities here and the population is still 99% English. But I shouldn't be telling you this...once everyone else discovers how great it is down here it'll become just as shit as the rest of the country. :|

It really is a completely different culture from the eternal rat race that is the south-east.
I'm off to the University of Exeter on 27th September!!!

I get to escape the eternal midlandness of being super.
Ireland, seriously. Our transport system is crap but the people are nice even if the media won't stop saying OMG RESESHUN!!1!
I'm off to the University of Exeter on 27th September!!!

I get to escape the eternal midlandness of being super.

Damn students. ;)

It's a totally different place here when uni is out. The eye candy is all good though. I'm usually in the Imperial or the Firehouse a few nights a week so I'm sure I'll see you's not a particularly big city.
South-West England is also a pretty laid back place, from what I've seen in the couple of weeks I've been living down here it's insulated from a lot of the social problems that have affected the UK because there are no large cities here and the population is still 99% English. But I shouldn't be telling you this...once everyone else discovers how great it is down here it'll become just as shit as the rest of the country. :|

HEY! HEY! Thats where I live! Badass!

EDIT: We still have chavs though :arms:
HEY! HEY! Thats where I live! Badass!

EDIT: We still have chavs though :arms:

I've seen like two chavs in Exeter and that's it, and they were more the kind of chavs you laugh at.

To me it's just a breath of fresh air down here (literally, at that). I got a 30% discount on my bike insurance when I moved here, and that's going from a private driveway in a cul-de-sac in one of the wealthist suburbs of London to parking on the street opposite the village pub, which I just happen to live next door to. :D
I reckon I could leave the bike there for a year with the keys in the ignition and it would never go missing.

Then there's the fact that there are no areas that are truly "bad" - the naff areas are more pleasant than the decent areas of London - everywhere has amazing scenery, everybody speaks English and the few immigrants there are down here actually integrate with the surrounding community rather than forming their own little ghetto.

On top of all this, the business culture is much more friendly and personal. People work 9-5, take lunch, I usually go home at 3 on Fridays and whenever I feel like if I've had a productive day. And there's noone trying to stab you in the back to advance their career.
Yet I'm getting paid more than I was in London - AND I'm renting a decent sized flat with four rooms in a lovely little village for shitty rat-infested houseshare money in London. At that, being here it's like being a million miles away from civilisation but I can get into Exeter city centre in 10 minutes.

I'm still getting used to the way random strangers say hello to me in the street, but it's cool. Everyone is a whole lot happier here, people walk around with smiles on their faces and a bounce in their step quite unlike the dour-faced, stressed out commuters desperately trying to outrun their hamster wheel in London.

The only thing that really pisses me off down here is the rain. My god, does it rain. The first week I was living here I thought I'd accidentally stepped into Blade Runner.

That aside, I have absolutely no idea why people who aren't rich choose to live in London.

Whereabouts in the SW are you?