Best CS:S score

Jesus Lincoln

Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
Dont lie
My most recent best that i can remember was 26-2
Whats yours?
i usually get a 2:1 ratio. nothing special :)
34957823849756238947562398475692384 - 1

come on.. is there much point in this e-penis size-o-meter? :p
DarkSonic said:
It has nothing to do with e-penis, it's just to...oh wait...

Mine is bigger!

I'm not sure about best score ever but I usually get a 3.5:1 k/d ratio.
19 - 1 is the best I've got in CS:S so far .. Dying one more time ruins the ratio though :)
40 to 3 or something like that, I got really good with the silenced USP and the pump. 40 player server also.
a frend of mine had 200 - 10 last night... (/me loves doble grenades)

my best is somthing like 50 - 30 i die to much :(.
Vidrio said:
gotta love that team u was up against ;>

looked _real_ tough

Ahem you weren't there, Ts had a bunch of good players which left because their team was filled with noobs who couldn't properly throw a flashbang.

BigWalnutZ said:
people like you that drive me ****ing nutz...well and half ur team...all that team stacking just ruins the game, even if i am on the winning side. i always switch

Listen, I switch teams when I feel like it, it's not my duty to help noobs, I play CS to have a good time not to balance teams. What's the point of switching teams when you get flashbanged to death by your own miserable team during every single rush?...

So unless you were on that particular server at that particular time I suggest you keep your comments to yourself.

And both of you wanna more smack, give me a time and server IP and I'll school both of you on CS :)
haha i like it how people post screenies of their awesome score and expect people to be proud of it. its like "hey, if you didn't notice your team was full of good people and the other was full of shitty people"
HEY PARA. I usually play on Boomtown 2.

Someone named "Ecin" had a score of 320ish - 129ish today when I was there :E I had 22 - 11 which seems to be a usual ratio for me. Or the complete opposite.
you should just make it best CS score since they are the exact same game with a different paint job.
nerdcorerocks said:
haha i like it how people post screenies of their awesome score and expect people to be proud of it. its like "hey, if you didn't notice your team was full of good people and the other was full of shitty people"

Expect people to be proud? what sort of an idiot are you? anyway if you don't have any screenshots to share then you can get out :)

I took this one for you "TEAMS!" whiners :LOL:
I went 110/11 against 2 guys. They sucked though. My usual score is around 50/15, and that is with the TMP. :E
I usually quit after 9-2 since I have terrible FPS and I really really hate de_dust. :(
How do you take in-game screenshots? Fraps? I know there is a key, but it doesnt seem to take a shot, and if it does and i dont notice it, where does it save to?
Jesus Lincoln said:
How do you take in-game screenshots? Fraps? I know there is a key, but it doesnt seem to take a shot, and if it does and i dont notice it, where does it save to?

Bind F5 to "jpeg" and change the jpeg quality to 90 or 100 (forgot the command but type jpg in the console and you'll find it) and you can find all your screenshots in:

\Steam\SteamApps\USERNAME\counter-strike source beta\cstrike\screenshots
CB | Para said:
Ahem you weren't there, Ts had a bunch of good players which left because their team was filled with noobs who couldn't properly throw a flashbang.

Listen, I switch teams when I feel like it, it's not my duty to help noobs, I play CS to have a good time not to balance teams. What's the point of switching teams when you get flashbanged to death by your own miserable team during every single rush?...

So unless you were on that particular server at that particular time I suggest you keep your comments to yourself.

And both of you wanna more smack, give me a time and server IP and I'll school both of you on CS :)
hey, ur the one that said something like well look at the teams or something to that effect implying they sucked. just following the comment up with something that annoys me, not that u should switch every round but when 1 team has no positive ratios and the other has like 6 or 7 normally those better players help out to turn the other team around...maybe that's just the way I play and some people just don't care to keep the game goin...
BigWalnutZ said:
hey, ur the one that said something like well look at the teams or something to that effect implying they sucked. just following the comment up with something that annoys me, not that u should switch every round but when 1 team has no positive ratios and the other has like 6 or 7 normally those better players help out to turn the other team around...maybe that's just the way I play and some people just don't care to keep the game goin...

I just said "mine is bigger" in reference to the e-penis discussion. That's all, and hell yeah those Ts sucked! They couldn't stay alive for a minute in a round :LOL:

Anyway it doesn't matter, I see your point and I understand what you mean ;)

That was only using the Famas burst mode--I find that a great weapon, especially on pirensi and Dust2
best score I have ever had in CS.

then again I SUCK at cs.. and I never play it (well until recently in cs:S)
yea... highest score on their team was 10 - 32... hmm PRETTY HARD to get a good score playin against a team where the best score ration is 1:2 hehe *the trick is to switch teams right before you take the screen to make it atleast LOOK like u were tearing it up even tho u were on the losing team!**
29-4 and 35-5 are the scores I took screenshots of, so those must be my best. But I bet I've played better when I was high but was too high to notice or care.
In regular CS I think my highest was around 350-30 on some pub-nub iceworld map. Too easy.

As for Source, I've found it an easy transition for the most part, even with my below par computer. Here's two pics -- highest raw score and highest ratio

*edit* I have to shrink the dust2 one, it was too big by a couple kb. =/.