Best Designed Class.

Best Designed?

  • Total voters


Oct 16, 2007
Reaction score
Thought it might be interesting to see which classes people feel are the best designed. This isn't a poll about which is the most balanced, which is the most effective, or which is your favorite to play. I'm talking the art design, voice work, etc. Rate the character itself, not the way it plays in the game.

For me, it's the Pyro. I completely suck at him, and my stats page will forever show him as my least played class. However, when I do play Pyro, I think I end up laughing the most. His muffled voice conveys more emotion than any of the clearly vocal characters and his anonymity makes him interesting. Easily the best taunts in the game as well.

Sorry if this thread's been made before. Searched and didn't see anything similar
I honestly believe it to be the heavy, because he's just so incredibly funny. Nearly everything he says makes me laugh.
I think, in ways of aiming and destructive ability it would have to be the soldier, he is designed to be excellent close and long range, and with his rocket launcher, it means he can knock out sentry turrets quite easily with splash damage and without the sentry even knowing of its killer. Also he is one of the funniest classes...'Time to inform your next of kin!!' lol
Hands down the sniper. Great looks, great character and he's Australian.

"God Save the Queen!"
I voted based on the title and not the explanation, but I still think the Medic is is one of the classes with the 'best art design'. Pyro (a.k.a. Kenny) would probably have beaten it if I'd read the thread first.
I'm with the spy, its little things. The animation of the Butterfly Knife, Masks with each classes Face on, the cloud of smoke as they disappear.
Wow, hard poll 'cus they are all great characters (we need the next "Meet the..." video). I picked the Scout in the end because of how well he matches his gameplay (small and fast).
I voted Spy, just because from his sayings, to his movements, to his masks....just excellent.
Heavy is funny in every possible way. The best game character of the year.
Hmm, hard. I voted Heavy because he's incredibly funny, but all classes have a lot going for them. Like the sniper, how the dot of the laser forces you to aim away from the spot you expect enemies to come by, or the charge up time of the rifle which really changes the way sniping is done. Or the spy with his brilliant masks, amazing art design and the way you take on names from the other team. I expect this to be a pretty even poll.
The Demoman, by far. A perpetually-drunk Black Scottish cyclops with a penchant for enormous explosions is unbeatable.
Something about the Pyro...potato body, muffled voice, ambiguous gender and nationality...Brilliant!
The Pyro's "Thumbs Up" with his "Thanks" saying makes me laugh every time I see it.
The Demoman, by far. A perpetually-drunk Black Scottish cyclops with a penchant for enormous explosions is unbeatable.

Plus, the smiley on crotch is +500 on coolness meter.

Heavy is really close, I always find myself spamming the voice commands because he sounds so funny.
Demoman. They must have brainstormed how to make him as appealing as possible in order to win people over to his character and to playing the class. And it works, because Demo is one of my most played classes, even though I really suck at playing as him!

Second place goes to the Civilian. Because he's clearly getting extra time in the design phase.
They're all really ace, but I picked the Heavy because I usually play Medic and am frequently in the company of Heavies and get to see their animations more often than others. His little legs are hilarious when he's running around too.
Oooh they gonna have to glue you back together... IN HELL!!!

That just makes the game :D
I just think the Heavy is hilarious. Just the way he is simply there to have fun killing people. When I go out as a heavy and the teleporters are down, and go "OOOOH NOOOO... THIS IS BAD... VERY BAD... BAAAAD" it makes everyone laugh.
Oooh they gonna have to glue you back together... IN HELL!!!

That just makes the game :D

Cracking saying :p I had my music on, song stopped and a demo said that VERY loud, I was in stitches :bounce:
Cracking saying :p I had my music on, song stopped and a demo said that VERY loud, I was in stitches :bounce:

Pfft. Not as funny as when the Heavy mimics the sound of his gun :LOL:

I thought it was a bug the first time I heard it
It's very hard, I think all the classes have somthing genuinely cool about them, The heavy for me is fresh out of the original Doom, Shotgun, Minigun, Fists, and loads of health!, I even like the sniper because he talks to himself, some people complain about the Demomans offense, but there is just so much you can do with the damn stickies, they near enough ensure a dead SG nest, and you can fly across half a map right behind a medic/heavy, or sniper position, and go primal with your broken scrumpy bottle, its to funny.

And then I acctully read the post: When I am waiting to spawn, I always seem to spec pyro's in third-person, the whole look just seems cool to me.
Medic. Not my favourite class, but I think the most work went into him getting everything just right.
They are all perfect but the Pyro takes my vote.
I'm voting pyro.

Which isn't saying the other classes aren't extremely well designed. Valve pulled off nothing short of a miracle in having a mere silhouette convey character, fighting style, relative danger, and abilities all at once. But there are few things more difficult than giving character to a character who can't speak, but Valve still did it. And they did it extremely well.
But there are few things more difficult than giving character to a character who can't speak, but Valve still did it. And they did it extremely well.


"You don't talk much, Gordon, do you?"
Personally I would say the scout. He's sporty, which goes well with his speed, along with his weapon the baseball bat.
I'm glad they pumped his weapons up a bit since TFC, back then all he was good for was running the flag really.
My other favs are Pyro, Spy, Medic and Engineer, all are designed exellently and all provide funny moments during battles...

'OCTOBER FEST!!!!', 'ZAT, was doctor assisted homoside' and 'HA, VAT A BLOOD BAFF' lol
'I never really was on your side', 'Oops, I've made quite a mess...' and 'I got blood on my suit' ROFL
'Take it like a man shorty', 'I told you, don't touch that darn thing' and 'YEEEEEEHA!!!' :D
'*random mumbling*' :D just as funny as the rest :D

Even if all classes are designed brilliantly, these are my favourite, depsite the fact I thought the heavy would be, after watching the early trailers.
The fact that there isn't a clear winner says a lot for the quality of the game.

That said, Pyro has the best taunts.
I honestly believe it to be the heavy, because he's just so incredibly funny. Nearly everything he says makes me laugh.

"You Need Bigger Guns!" The accent just makes it twice as cute/funny

Reminds me of one Heavy I saw.
He was standing in the doorway of 2Fort, and yelled out: "I AM BULLETPRO--"

Why did he not finish the sentence? Why, because my Butterfly knife struck true.

Edit:He normally says: I AM BULLETPROOF!
The Civilian is.


Oh boy I love getting people all confused when I do that :LOL: